Mic In/line In Jacks Connectors On Gpx2...please!

Wonder Boy

Mar 23, 2003
Viña-Rock, de donde jamás debió salir el Metal Man
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As I always say, pardon if already has treated this one subject, but...

I love to compose music and, if outside possible to do it in GPx2, this would be far better still :-)

For this one reason, I think that it would be interesting that GPH incorporated these 2 connectors (mic in / line in) in the GPX2 for entrance of audio (or, that is possible to connect a microphone or musical instrument of simple form by port EXT).

This minijacks idea + Keyboard + Good Tracker/Sequencer/Audio program = anything fANtaStIc :-)

I wonder with idea about using gpx2 to compose, recording my guitar with my voice (in addition to other things...) in the GPX2.

Un Saludo.
well as its allrady possible to connect mic's to the gp32's ain on the extport i gues they will also do it on gpx2, but who knows.
If they added everything everyone wanted this thing would be 10 lbs and $400.00.

Something like that sounds like something that only a very few would use. I wouldn't count on it.
DaveC posted on Aug 23 2005 at 12:26 PM said:
If they added everything everyone wanted this thing would be 10 lbs and $400.00.

Something like that sounds like something that only a very few would use. I wouldn't count on it.
I would use it, and GPH could additionally bill the device as a live music recorder or something, much like a RiO. I doubt they'd do it being that all the boards are probably made as it's being released in a little over 2 months, but if someone bugs them about it, you never know.
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even if mic/line in isn't included, something like the samplers for amiga could be worked out ... or maybe it will be even easier than that, based on what Vimacs is saying.

there is already a tracker in the works for gp32/gpx2 (it's core is platform independent)

it is perfect for a game system as the interface is based on the best tracker in the world ever, LSDj ... for the gameboy B)

I can just see "We have changed release date to december whilst we add a line in jack to the console" going down very well indeed :rolleyes:
If anything that sounds like a 3rd party peripheral. But with EXT ports and USB ports there's no end to things that could be developed assuming someone chose to program an application.
Julius posted on Aug 23 2005 at 03:15 PM said:
Lol at what about a portable karaoke player...

actually at it wouldn't be the first karaoke game :ph34r:

alpha2: *exactly*

what really pisses me off is that they went with buttons rather than a dial for volume control. digital volume control is the worst design choice and i see it all over the place--on keyboards, tvs, etc. anything analog--sliders, dials, knobs, etc are ALWAYS faster for adjusting the volume, and requires only one moving part rather than 2 switches ... arrRRG :angry:
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Alpha2 posted on Aug 23 2005 at 07:53 PM said:
If anything that sounds like a 3rd party peripheral. But with EXT ports and USB ports there's no end to things that could be developed assuming someone chose to program an application.

Exactly right. Any add-ons & peripherals can use the ext & usb ports. No point adding all sorts of hardware that not everyone will use.

Honestly, even if someone had a great idea that makes perfect sense - it's probably too late now to recommend hardware changes. Surely they're started final tooling for production already?

My personal concern for example, is the shape of the pad on the thumbstick. It's convex (like the Zodiac & PSP), and I think concaves are much better (like the NGPC & GP32) becaus ethey grip your thumb so it won't fall off easily. But I think it's probably too late to say anything now. Besides, it can probably be replaced easily, or modded. Or maybe it'll be just fine as it is. I'll see.
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Squidge posted on Aug 23 2005 at 07:48 PM said:
I can just see "We have changed release date to december whilst we add a line in jack to the console" going down very well indeed :rolleyes:
Why not? Never is late if the fact is good. :-)
I'm not in a hurry if finally GPH leaves a product better than better.
The patience is the wisdom of the man.
GPX2 with time is equal to GPX2 matured,
I would wait for the time that outside necessary :-)
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Wonder Boy posted on Aug 23 2005 at 09:47 PM said:
Prophet posted on Aug 23 2005 at 09:35 PM said:
Surely they're started final tooling for production already?
It is not our problem.
if they want ideas, then we give it :-)

You can't tell the cook to make sunnyside up once he's already started making scrambled. ;)
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Prophet posted on Aug 23 2005 at 09:35 PM said:
My personal concern for example, is the shape of the pad on the thumbstick. It's convex (like the Zodiac & PSP), and I think concaves are much better (like the NGPC & GP32) becaus ethey grip your thumb so it won't fall off easily. But I think it's probably too late to say anything now. Besides, it can probably be replaced easily, or modded. Or maybe it'll be just fine as it is. I'll see.

Well here your Dremel tool is your friend. I am pretty sure it can be modded. I can already think of a few mods for the GPx2.

Glass screen mod.

Adding 2 buttons below the joystick for vertical MAME games mod.

concave the joystick mod.
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That's assuming the final design hasnt already changed that part of the stick. remember up till now all we've seen of the X2 is CG renders, in that respect the XGP is a head of the game since they've actually shown physical mock-ups. The X2 could have under gone several cosmetic changes in secret by now and they just didn't show it to us because it'd mean altering renders on their site every week or something.

Edits: Seriously I shouldnt type when I've only had 3 hours sleep.