Sequencer / Synthesizer


Still Fresh
Jun 2, 2006
If someone were to make a native synthesizer (other than the littletracker which is great but has no "true" sound creation utilities) this would be an awesome device to get sound ideas on, tinker with abstract sound and oscillators, emulate C64 audio chip or record through a USB mic to the SD card for note taking/sampling? anyone know if this is possible (specifically the microphone idea)? I would financially support development of music software, so far the stuff I've found has been mediocre and it's clear the system supports good audio capabilities. maybe you could even use midiUSB devices with a true MIDI tracker ... one can dream. I bet something like this would win that dev contest.

BTW Anyone know if there is a GB ROM for the gameboy camera? because that had an awesome easy-to-use synth/tracker embedded in it.
I've got MidiShare ported to the GP2X (part of other work I'm doing) and it can be used to easily add superlative MIDI capabilities to the GP2X .. I'm planning on releasing it as soon as I've had a fair amount of testing done on it, since its a very deep API I want to make sure everything is smooth before I make it available for developers to hack sequencers on the GP2X ..

I know of at least 3 other sound-hackers working on stuff for the synthesis side of things as well, using the second CPU, etc. I think the GP2X is on the way to becoming a viable music platform .. certainly the little piggy is a lot of fun so far, and this can only get better really .. so the answer is: stay tuned! :)
torpor, your post totally converted me to GP2X fan :)
After confirming my order (before few minutes) I hope to have GP2X pretty soon.
And hope to see your projects online soon!
Take care, and have a nice work :)
torpor, your post totally converted me to GP2X fan :)
After confirming my order (before few minutes) I hope to have GP2X pretty soon.

great! you should get yourself a USB adapter/cable next, or make one .. like I did here ..

then you'll be ready to start plugging in MIDI adapters (hint: steinberg midiman 2x2 works flawlessly..)
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will be done, for sure.
i was thinking to make some sort of "micro PC" for my needs...
but as i found this handheld device...hmmmmm, seems it can do many good things for me :)
so, i am a musician, which do not need so fancy config to travel around (as some laptop or whatever).
just a simple but usefull tool to write down my ideas on the road :)

simple sequencer

simple sampler (anyway sequencer can be used as simple sampler too, there is no need of advanced sound editing and more options - we talk about travel, not about DAW station in the pocket)

few effects just to try how it can looks....

sequencer + sampler + synth + effects + MIDI in - this combination could be nice one for live gigs (and it seems possible as i read about what gp2x can offer as hardware and app developing capabilities)

AudioIN could be nice too...hehehe, will see what SDIO will offer someday....(
(i hope to see someday gp2x as effect processor for guitar for example...horray!)
anyway i am not sure how those SDIO devices work.

what i will be glad to see is some sort of sampler + effects that i can control (trigger samples and tweak some parameters) with MIDI input.

BUT all audio production related will be very well appreciated from many people, i am sure :)
Till now NintendoDS with Nitrotracker beats GP2X in audio producing area...
Which is VERY strange indeed, taking into account that GP2X is made to support open source software (NintendoDS must be moded for this), GP2X has better hardware and much bigger possibilities for external hardware add-ons...
Also there are a lot of open source audio software which probably can somehow be ported to GP2X.
Anyway it is really strange that there is so small ammount of audio production/editing/composing apps for GT32 and GT2X (which is so new, of course).
200+200MHz, 64+64MB, 16bit/8-48KHz, <--- those MUST be used, come on! :angry:
:P :D
I'd kill for something like this.

Being able to hook up a usb synth to the gp2x and go cause some havok would be killer.
If anyone wants to port/create something like this, I'm interested in doing the graphics. I have some musician friends who would love to mess around with a GP2X tracker/synth/seq.
I was just fooling around and came up with this:


Like Saehn above, if anyone needs graphical help just ask!
C'mon this has to be viable, the trackers are nice and usable to an extent, i personally want something that i can use some of Jack Darks VST's with. :D
Wow !! Very exciting !! I was looking forward to News like that. That it would use the second Cpu and simple Plugs could be a great new direction too. I tried Milkytracker but isn´t it just using Ogg´s ? Little Piggy rules!
Has a sort of Synth function as well ! .