Scumm Games


Aug 14, 2004
Has Lucas Arts done any multigame releases?
Anyone know a cheap website to buy them in the uk?

cheers :)
the lucas art collection exist and has :
Sam & Max
Full Throttle
Day of the Tentacle (+ Maniac Mansion)
Monkey Island 1 and 2
Indiana Jones 3 and 4
(i have it in french)
While on the topic as any one got Money Island 1 to work? Day If the Tentacle worked fine, however with Money Island it is stuck at the screen wants me to enter in the answer to the question they ask from the instruction manual and there is no way to input any thing.

However, when I use the ScummVM emulator on the MAC or in windows it works fine with out having to ask me this.

Has any one else run into this issue?

I've completed it


It does work, and very well. It's a great game for train journeys! Try a different version of the game, that might help.
Vimacs posted on Apr 26 2005 at 03:33 PM said:
tattooman read the readme, search the forum :-)

ps: yes it works

Vimacs: If I was able to find this in the readme or the forum, would I be messgaing it here? If you know the answer and can help that's great, if not then being sarcastic saying serach for the answer your self doesn't really help me. Either you don't know the answer or are to lazy to post it.
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But its in the readme :unsure:
somewhere about copy protected games, will tell you how to input text to pass it by
i would help further but i dont have the readme on hand atm
so just have another read through and ull find all the answers B)

this aint a flame, just tryin help as much as i can :)
Ripped straight from the manual


R+Up/Down/Left/Right: Virtual keyboard control in and input box.


use that to input any characters, it will work just as long as u fill in teh spaces
hope you enjoy this game on ur gp B)
one of the greatest adventure games of all time
LittleJay posted on Apr 26 2005 at 05:10 PM said:
Ripped straight from the manual


R+Up/Down/Left/Right: Virtual keyboard control in and input box.


use that to input any characters, it will work just as long as u fill in teh spaces
hope you enjoy this game on ur gp B)
one of the greatest adventure games of all time

Thank you so much!!!!!! I looked through the readme and did not see any thing about the protected games but and I missed the section for the virtual keyboard. No hard feelings at all and thanks for your help. Nothing agenst you, I just get tired of people posting and saying serach the web or look at the readme etc.. :D
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but in the guys defence, it doesnt actually say about gettin past the copy protection B)
but yeah, im still pretty new to the scene, been reading these forums for years but only registered last novemeber, and not really posted much.
pretty much everything you want to know about emulators are usually in teh readme's
these devs gebnerally document everything pretty well
I can understand why people get angry when peopel ask these kinda questions, cause they been asked so many times before + answered so many times.
but dont let that put you off askin questions if you cant find the answer anywhere.

edit: hmmm, that doesnt make much sence really, ive only just woke up :blink: :unsure:
Does any one know how to get sam and max working I can get to where its ment to show the creadits but then they don't show. I've tryed using it with scumm on my pc and it works fine but not on the gp32_console . I'm using a blu+ but other games like monkey island and day of the tentical run fine with no problems.
Blimmy, the collection titles are a bit rare and pricey aren't they :blink:

Thanks for the tips though, I now know what I'm looking for. In the mean time, I think I'll get day of the tenticle B)

Just a side question: I have the Amiga version of monkey island 1. Why can't pcs' read Amiga disks? Are they physically different to pc ones? (I remember something about the disk density).
GP40 posted on May 5 2005 at 03:26 PM said:
Blimmy, the collection titles are a bit rare and pricey aren't they :blink:

Thanks for the tips though, I now know what I'm looking for. In the mean time, I think I'll get day of the tenticle B)

Just a side question: I have the Amiga version of monkey island 1. Why can't pcs' read Amiga disks? Are they physically different to pc ones? (I remember something about the disk density).

The floppy drive controller in the pc is basically crap and has difficulty reading anything other than pc formatted disks. Where as the Amiga`s floppy drive controller is much more flexable and only needs a dos driver to be written to support a certain file system/Disk type.

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I found with my old Atari ST (the Amiga 'rival' in its day ;) ) that it could read PC formatted disks, but the PC could not read a disk formatted by the ST. If you still have your Amiga you could try copying the original Monkey Island disk (with your Amiga) onto a blank PC formatted disk. Maybe that would work?
Funkmeister_Smith posted on May 5 2005 at 05:15 PM said:
I found with my old Atari ST (the Amiga 'rival' in its day ;) ) that it could read PC formatted disks, but the PC could not read a disk formatted by the ST. If you still have your Amiga you could try copying the original Monkey Island disk (with your Amiga) onto a blank PC formatted disk. Maybe that would work?
I think you need cross dos on your amiga to do that.
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DanGP posted on May 5 2005 at 06:14 PM said:
Funkmeister_Smith posted on May 5 2005 at 05:15 PM said:
I found with my old Atari ST (the Amiga 'rival' in its day ;) ) that it could read PC formatted disks, but the PC could not read a disk formatted by the ST. If you still have your Amiga you could try copying the original Monkey Island disk (with your Amiga) onto a blank PC formatted disk. Maybe that would work?
I think you need cross dos on your amiga to do that.

Comes built-in with workbench 2.1 and upwards, Or you could use messydos available on Aminet

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I have version 2.0 of the amiga OS so I didn't get cross dos with it and the disk that i have cross dos on has broke so i can't use it :( but i'll try messydos :)