Very close. What you want is common 70% isopropyl mixed 50/50 with distilled water (you do not want the 100% isopropyl for this job, but by-the-by it's great for cleaning CPU's - you can easily get that decanted at a chemist, they have gallons of it).I've been told a 50/50 mix of water/isopropyl alcohol works well with lCD screens.. I've never seen a mix like that sold, it's very hard to actually buy 100% isopropyl alcohol in the US, best I seen is 70%.. At work we use Sight Saver wipes I use it to wipe my screens and glasses.. It's officially at my work to clean the microscopes.
For the love of god don't use a solvent! I wouldn't even use detergent.
Most glass cleaning wipes are designed for GLASS. I'd avoid those too.