Scared that my Wifi is not working


Nov 4, 2004
I have just gotten my OpenPandora and i pretty much like everything about it so far (granted that i have not spend much time with it yet). One of the first things on my list was to connect the wifi. And i am atm VERY scared that ill have to send it back cause of faulty hardware.

I enabled the wifi, and i am able to scan for wifi networks, however i get hit with the "authentication" screen several times. And have not yet succesfully connected it.

I have tried to setup the networks manually (granted that my linux and wifi experience is limited)

I have also tried removing the authentication from my wifi router, yet after i did that the pandora did not seem to find my wifi.

I really hope for some feedack on this, perhaps a helpfull step-by-step guide?
I had the same problem, but after I restarted it worked straight away.

Restarting now and checking :)

EDIT: Didn't work it seems, but it may be because the settings aren't configured properly, are there any recommendations for which encryption type to use?`

On another note: why can i only select 4 encryption types in the connection dialog? its missing wpa etc..
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I have just gotten my OpenPandora and i pretty much like everything about it so far (granted that i have not spend much time with it yet). One of the first things on my list was to connect the wifi. And i am atm VERY scared that ill have to send it back cause of faulty hardware.

I enabled the wifi, and i am able to scan for wifi networks, however i get hit with the "authentication" screen several times. And have not yet succesfully connected it.

I have tried to setup the networks manually (granted that my linux and wifi experience is limited)

I have also tried removing the authentication from my wifi router, yet after i did that the pandora did not seem to find my wifi.

I really hope for some feedack on this, perhaps a helpfull step-by-step guide?

I had the same problem the first time , couldn't even connect to my router , after a restart it connected but then I still didn't have internet.

I'm having the same thougts about faulty hardware or something but it could be a router problem , maybe that's also the problem in your case. :huh:
post dmesg output here if you still can't get it to work

from terminal, dmesg > /media/yoursdcard/dmesg.txt



I had the same problem the first time , couldn't even connect to my router , after a restart it connected but then I still didn't have internet.

I'm having the same thougts about faulty hardware or something but it could be a router problem , maybe that's also the problem in your case.

What encryption were you using on the pandora and router to make it connect?
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If its any help ive included a screenshot of my Netgear Wifi config screen:

this is not good

[  473.104980] wl1251: rare event: 00400000

[  473.105133] wlan0: cancelling probereq poll due to a received beacon

[  476.487243] wlan0: detected beacon loss from AP - sending probe request

[  477.017059] No probe response from AP cab77ebc after 500ms, try 1

[  477.517059] No probe response from AP cab77ebc after 500ms, try 2

[  478.017089] No probe response from AP cab77ebc after 500ms, try 3

[  478.130279] wl1251: rare event: 00400000

[  478.130493] wlan0: cancelling probereq poll due to a received beacon

[  482.330017] wlan0: detected beacon loss from AP - sending probe request

let's try this

Toggle Wifi Off

from terminal: sudo killall NetworkManager

download notaz beta driver and install it from terminal: sudo opkg install wl1251-modules_1.0-r24.5_omap3-pandora.ipk

Okay, done, what do i do now?
Your wifi chip is working, this isn't a hardware issue, try turning your router protection/password/encryption off and seeing if it will connect then would be the first thing I'd do.
I would suggest iwconfig wlan0 power off

I noticed that the power save mode waits to long before transmitting, and in the end sends packets twice. It seems like powersave mode is not correctly implemented in this driver.

But it does work with wpa2 and such. Only ssh was very "laggy".
It seems that when i try to connect to my network (while having turned all encryption off) it simply times out without any output to the screen, it tries for a while then just goes back to the two black screens icon.

EDIT: Tried ardje's way but there does not seem to be any diffrence.
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post dmesg output here if you still can't get it to work

from terminal, dmesg > /media/yoursdcard/dmesg.txt



I had the same problem the first time , couldn't even connect to my router , after a restart it connected but then I still didn't have internet.

I'm having the same thougts about faulty hardware or something but it could be a router problem , maybe that's also the problem in your case.

What encryption were you using on the pandora and router to make it connect?

I used WPA encrytion , everything works on WPA these days. ;)
This looks a lot like the issues I had: unfortunately it was a hardware-issue (although it didnt look like one at the first glance) and I had to RMA it.

You could try to connect to a public WiFi hotspot or a friend's router, just to be sure, that there is nothing wrong with your router.
My experiences: I have no problem connecting to all kinds of routers, except the one at home. There it *only* works if I set it in WEP mode. Both without authentication and with WPA it will not connect. With WPA I also get asked for the password repeatedly without success. Pandora seems to have a problem with a few routers: try finding a router setting that works.

Hope this helps.
I didn't experience this myself but my home router would disconnect on many download attempts. Getting a mi-fi unit was the only solution and now I enjoy pretty decent speeds for things, though youtube/minitube is still sometimes a battle. In fact a switch to AES from TKIP encryptions made a big difference to both and the home router rarely drops connections now and the mi-fi is fast.

I realise you've tried with no encryption but give AES on WPA2-PSK a try just incase.
My experiences: I have no problem connecting to all kinds of routers, except the one at home. There it *only* works if I set it in WEP mode. Both without authentication and with WPA it will not connect. With WPA I also get asked for the password repeatedly without success. Pandora seems to have a problem with a few routers: try finding a router setting that works.

Hope this helps.

What method of authentication did you use from the pandora side? WEP 128 bit or the 40/128 Bit.. also, im confused of the diffrences between these two :P

EDIT: Also i just attempted a reflash, hope it helps =)
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I do not know if this was already mentioned, but sometimes you need a different encryption code.

Certain devices won't recognize a code that is too long, too many numbers..etc,..
What i find to be odd about this whole thing is that when i try to setup a WPA2-personal network on the pandora, (assuming its the one called "WPA & WPA2 Personal"), i get a dialog up "Network Authentication Required" it only lets me choose between these four:

- WEP 40/128 bit Passphrase

- WEP 128 bit


- Dynamic WPA

.. and im getting fairly confused about which ones are which >.<