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Feb 16, 2003
you see the title! It has been confirmed. He has been captured. TAKE THAT DEMOCRATS, FRANCE, GERMANY, AND RUSSIA!! (this was not meant to offend any people on the board)
Cooool But is it the Real Sadam or one of his imposters???.. hhmmmm :ph34r: :unsure:
zboy9 posted on Dec 14 2003 at 01:12 PM said:
you see the title! It has been confirmed. He has been captured. TAKE THAT DEMOCRATS, FRANCE, GERMANY, AND RUSSIA!! (this was not meant to offend any people on the board)
I think it is great news, but I hate those yeahh america is better then (list of countries) people, just chill, who gives a fuck who captured him!
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Yee, americans thinks that they must rule the world. :ph34r:
Saddam is not reason, you americans wants only cheap fuel. And why doyou think that killing many people is good ?
May be americans thinks that they are gods ? ;)
Your democratic is based on economic reasons only.
You are not only one in that world and you can not decide the future of others countries.
i seem to be the only person in the uk who doesn't have a grudge against America. people always seem 2 generalise a nation according to their government and nothing else.
Oh no. I knew that I will find such a topic in a videogame board sooner or later. I get tired reading about this pseudo-success and paroles like "Die Sadam, die!!". I hope someone drags Mr. Bush jr. to the court-martial too.
They prolly did DNA/fingerprint tests on him... (If they have any DNA/Fingerprint data from him) If not, they prolly have some other way to know...
Sorry americans, but if you could or already captured Saddam or Ben La Den that is not decided your problems. And american soldiers still die in Irak, because you try to take from Irak people Freedom !
I think it's funny to see people who don't know what they're talking about finding politics interesting :)

Anyway, great news.
Great news - about time!

To all the complaining twits..........
Why not put Sadmaad Husein back in power? Maybe then, he can mustard gas you misserable sods off the face ogf the Earth.

The world is a better place without him - just that Arse-hammer Bin Liner to find now! :lol:
Well, as an iraqi, i was very happy to see sadaam Captured.
My mum was upset cos she wanted the araabs to find him....pride :P .

But my dad says that its the greates news he's ever heard since he was born

And I agree that we tend to genralise the people to their governemnt. Its not the Americans, its the american government...

And this is nothing to make the French and russians embarrased. They didnt fight because they didn't believe their were weapons of Mass Destruction. Only wheh they werent there did the mtive become the freedom of the iraqi people.
WOOT! Finally we got him. i still dont agree with our president but at least something positive came out of all his crap.

p.s. all you europeans who r talkin shit better shut the fuck up because its not us american gamers who started the war, it was the second craziest guy on earth(saddam is first) George W. Bush
you see the title! It has been confirmed. He has been captured. TAKE THAT DEMOCRATS, FRANCE, GERMANY, AND RUSSIA!! (this was not meant to offend any people on the board)

I'm British, yet I find such an 'I told you so' attitude quite offensive. It's not some competition to see who's right, it's a WAR. I have many american friends, and have nothing against America at all, but anybody (from ANY country) who basically turns it into a parade of victory when so many people died (on all sides) should feel ashamed. Yes, it's good that he's been caught, and can now be put on trial, but lets do it with the graveness that it should be done with, not with some 'yeeha', sticking our chests out 'look at us - we've won' bravado.

Just my 2p
Maxxik do u watch the news......we succeded in making iraq people free from saddam. Now they will have there own new free goverment, but i do agree where still there because of oil(United states is still one of the richest but were also in debt like many countrys).
you see the title! It has been confirmed. He has been captured. TAKE THAT DEMOCRATS, FRANCE, GERMANY, AND RUSSIA!! (this was not meant to offend any people on the board)

I'm American, and even I found that offensive...

I think we can all agree that the capture of Sadaam Hussein is a good thing. However, his capture does not right the injustices our current government has wrought upon not just the people of Iraq, but our own people as well.

"Canisters of Mass Oil" indeed...
No, no , no. There are not any chemical weapons in Irak and americans never find them. The main reason is OIL. Look at the list of the companies that must "restore" Irak oil structure, this companies is all americans companies.
And why do you think that you can decide other countries life ? Where are Saddam chemical weapons ????????? Where are ????? I can answer - there are not any kind of chemical weapon , only OIL. Cheap fuel - this is american dream. Saddam is only reason to take Irak oil.
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