Europeans: I have a question for you :)

About Stockholm, Sweden; Finding a job would probably not be that hard. Finding somewhere to live on the other hand... You'll probably be looking for a while :P
I've always thought the world of Canada, but when some foreign relatives moved here, they found a lot of trouble with 'local experience' requirements; a lot of jobs just assumed that, since you were foreign, your education or experience didn't count and they'd take someone with local experience; ie: you were starting from zero. You might've been an engineer or doctor for 10 years, but you were getting passed over for peopel with 1 year local experience, since they were 'proven'.

Seems like BS. When I've hired people, I never even considered that.. experience is experience :/
I've been hit by this in Quebec but once you get your 1st experience, it ease very quickly.Beside, tech support in Torronto shouldnt be a problem from what I know, But you probably know more than me on that :)
Yes, for Sweden, you'd want to not be in Stockholm if you want to find a good place to live :) There are other nice places in Sweden, though - Malmö's nice, for instance. The great big majority of swedes are quite fluent in English, so language wouldn't be a big problem. Tax level - High, but that does come with rather nice returns when we talk about costs for health care, child care, education, and so on. 

You might want to have a more precise idea of what kind of work you're looking for, though, if we are to be able to tell you if there's anything much available.
France isn't that bad guys.... Come on...

Here are some facts :

"English is French pronounced badly" - Clémenceau => you'll do fine if you are willing to learn French.

Good wine. => makes up for the bad weather.

Overly pessimistic people => if you don't get contaminated, you'll have room to make great things (and pay a lot of taxes :) ).

There are jobs in paris/lyon. If you have a valuable skill, you will get decent pay (a third of it will pay your undersized flat). Otherwise...

It takes less muscles to frown than to smile. You'll get rest.

If you haven't seen protests nor strikes... there are... Human warmth in the public transportation....

Take the Eurostar and pay us a visit !