Release Riot Ttcc Pandora Entries

Ziz said:
sebt3 said:
Ziz said:
NOW, when you know it's rank, you begin to claim a disqualification from the contest... It's a bit late, isn't it?
to be fair I've seen some questionning about the copyright for this guitar game before the result are known
I ask some questions, too.
But did someone write a mail to the panel?

BlackCurtain said:
Ziz said:
I played the whole level ;-)
Great. What did you think about it?
I think much like foxblock. The physic is terrible: The character floats in the air and you can fall down, if you should be still on a platform. It was VERY frustrating to jump to a higher place from platform to platform and the last jump was a BIT too short and I have to begin from the begin. -_- Furthermore the enemies spawn in the character. The promised RPG part of the game wasn't there. There were character-levels and I heard it is possible to find/buy a new weapon and a better armor. I didn't find it, but nevertheless it doesn't change much. What about the magic stuff shown in a video before? And e.g. you are able to hit an enemy's sword. Most time it's just button punching. You should have make the level smaller and instead added more RPG features and magic stuff.

Instead of buying a bigger sword, e.g. a bow would be nice. Ranged combat from enemies or to enemies would help to differ the enemy-types... At the moment (except the final enemy) their are just bigger or have another sprite.

I really would like to say, that I look forward to see and play a new version with new features, but new versions seems to be commercial and I don't have a pandora or caanoo.

greetings, Ziz

Many of the RPG elements was sadly left out of the demo like e.g the Tome magic spells and the intro to the background story, due to lack of time for the competition. There will be an intro before the game starts, narrating the background of the story and events up to the arrival to the castle where the game starts. The first magic tomes will be discovered shortly after the first boss (where the demo ended). I didn't want to include this earlier on just for the sake of the competition, and ruin the experience of the final game when it's released. And finally, there is a merchant shop in the demo version in a separate room. You might have run past it in the 4th to last room before the boss. The physics and jumping have also been fixed and the hitboxes are being worked on. As I said, many RPG elements where left out of the demo, you will meet other characters later in the game that will unveil and progress the storyline bit by bit. There will also be significantly more items and bonus items and some extra added features.
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Hi everyone

I'm sorry i haven't responded here. I cannot follow every single thread on every forum, so this one has passed me by. Just to make it public. Guitar on Fire has not been disqualified because no complaint was received. Whether it infringes someones copyright i don't know. I cannot say if it is legal to build upon someone else's art, as this can be seen as. Afaik the songs are maybe 40 years old(?) and if copyright law in Brazil is the same 100+ sick years it is in USA i don't know. Point is, right now I will have a talk with the competition panel to see if we will do anything about this now.

PokeParadox said:
Blue Protoman said:
Mind uploading what you've got to the Repo? The voting is over, I'm sure it's fine now.
It's only fair to wait until the official nod from Uni! :)

According to rule no. 7 you guys can now distribute your bugfixes and updates. Later on I will ask everyone for a link to where people can find updated versions so that passers by don't download old buggy software from my site.

(naw)mcx said:
Dragons_Slayer said:
The only thing that I was wondering with GOF is if it's actually allowed to include songs like "Run to the Hills", "Highway to Hell",... That's copyrighted material, right...

Not a chance, I'd assume.
EDIT: The ingame graphics are ripped from Rock Band too! This game should get disqualified, I've sent an email to U9i about it, maybe others should too. This is not fair - they can't go around stealing music and graphics when we all have to make them our self...

I've tried to look but couldn't find any copied graphics. If GoF is using ripped graphics, could someone please present a clear case to me?

Custom Processing Unlimite said:
what happened to the list of entries? I wanted to browse it a bit and I get a blank page...

You have to click on the checkmarks for the platforms you want to see. Sorry, they should have been selected by default, but i just couldn't get that to work (and had other more urgent matters to fix).

Orion4874 said:
Definitely, this contest produced some of the most polished and professional looking homebrew I've seen on these handhelds. The forming of teams was a great idea imo. I vote Uni for resident contest coordinator! ;)

Thanks. I'm not sure what a resident contest coordinator does, but i'll take it :)

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u9i said:
I've tried to look but couldn't find any copied graphics. If GoF is using ripped graphics, could someone please present a clear case to me?

I don't know for sure but I think the backgrounds (during the guitar playing) are from one of the other guitar games (rockband or guitar hero). The buttons and notes are like these (but that's not rockband, it's something else but those in rockband look the same, although it's a bit hard to see on these small screens

Just found those as I was writing this reply... I think most of the rest is self-made...
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Well i just wanted to say why i personally voted high for RainyDay. (not saying nr. one, but im keeping my voting to myself ; )

Yes, it is only a graphics/tech demo, and yes DS is one of my PirateGames friends. But this is really a vote without too much prejudice i hope.
The attention to detail in every aspect of the game is just so high, that i expect the final game to be much more enjoyable than the demo, that i played at least a dozen times ;)

What i mean is, they could have easily rushed the game and spread out the current graphics over 2 or more levels, and it still would have been great! But instead, they kept it to it's current state, and just show the promise. While still keeping everything Open Source, i think. So once the project is finished, there will probably be community mods and/or add ons :)

Not sure about Guitars on Fire. I'm not exactly directly against that kind of copyright violation, but for a competition entry, hmmm....

Oh, Paperwars: Awesome!

I too played Rainy Day repeatedly. Every detail was perfect. The few seconds it lasted were very enjoyable.

Not sure they will read it here, but if you guys get this, here are my comments (above the absolutely amazing look and feel): The story feels kinda week and boring. The game seems so grand that the story doesn't do it justice. Of course, you might turn the rainy-thingy into something grand too, i don't know. Just sayin' :) Then there is the game mechanics. If the guy is going to be walking around with an umbrella, incorporate it into the gameplay. Fly with the wind, glide down, avoid acid rain, anything. Make the player feel "thank God I have an umbrella" because let's face it, it's not the coolest of weapons hehe.

And congratz on finishing so high. You deserve it.
Thanks Markoez :D

@u9i: Thank you :) I'm actually an artist too (but I love programming so much that I wanted to focus on it this time and let the graphics be done by someone else) that's why I make games in a different way. This game for example started with the thought "Wouldn't it look amazingly cool? A clouded sky (a few layers with a parallax scolling effect), rain falling down (+sound),..." :P So I decided to make a game around the idea of a never ending rainfall :) And with every thing/object I programming I look at it in a "graphical" way. Yesterday I added "containers" (crates, barrels, pots,...) to the game. You could just make a normal crate and a broken one so when you hit a crate the image changes, but no! I made it spawn a few separate pieces of broken wood that "fly" away in random direction and fall down out of sight (+ sound effect of course) :)

Had a similar comment about the story from someone else... We're not going to change it, I just hope it sounds boring because we just showed it as a one screen textbox...

The Game takes place in a (fantasy) world where the weather is controlled by the (good) "Weather Wizard". Everything is fine until one day the Wizard becomes ill... An evil monster bacteria has taken over the wizard's Weather Tower and it has been raining since... Someone has defeat this evil creature and cure the wizard... Who has the courage, who will save our world?
You of course! As the son of a doctor/professor, wielding your trusty umbrella you'll have to make your way to the tower, defeat the evil bacteria, cure the wizard and make an end to the rainfall!

That's the story like I told it in the "Rainy Day"-topic on the Open Pandora Boards :) Oh and maybe this image helps to make it look better :P


Oh and we already added a "puzzle element" to the game:

Thanks again ^__^
Can you really not think of a name better than "Weather Wizard"? Maybe "Master of the Clouds" would be a bit better.
You asked for a different name? Well, I asked Archibald, he came up with naming him Cirrocumulus, I agreed! Happy now? :P
Gosh, you have problems...
weather wizards sounds good to me.
But you could give him/her a name...
Willy or Wilma, the Weather Wizard :D