It is obvious that the pandora is primarily a handheld gaming machine that is almost as powerful as a netbook. But it got me thnking though. What other uses can the pandora serve. I mean, I envision people using it as a gaming device and something to chat and check emails and do some browsing on the internet while on the move and the vibrant community will probably come out with more uses for it than what it was intended for. I have a 2 part question.
Now, the pandora is an amazing little device.. bordering on the verge of being revolutionary(which i am sure most of you will agree with me) in the sense that such a device is not available anywhere else..atleast one that appeals to an open community, with open standards and practices and potential for massive homebrew development and with it the power to do something revolutionary. I get a feeling i might not be making sense to most of you right now. But please bare with me. Im just hyper excited about the pandora. lol.
Ill tell you why I think the pandora is revolutionary so that the readers are aware of the premise on which the questions i am gonna ask, are based on.
Firstly, the pandora is good at handling games. I presume there is a huge collection of games and I suppose we can expect more from the homebrewers. Another thing going on for the pandora is that you can install an actual OS as opposed to unmodifiable firmware. And as a consequence, the pandora is a modders dream machine because it is also extremely mobile and can be discreet in certain situations if you want it to. And the battery life of 10 hours is more then substantial and in my opinion if the same people associated with the pandora 1 develop the next version of it too.. along with input from the community, I believe this little thing can go from strength to strength.
Now lets assume a scenario. Lets assume that the pandora became a big success and prolly ten thousands or a million people end up buying it. Now if you ask me, a pandora in the hands of a million people is a powerful force if you look at it from a social perspective. So, I was wondering, if something socially constructive can be done with all those pandoras out and about. No, Im not talking about a pandora only facebook or orkut or something like that. Im not even talking about social websites. They are in existence aplenty. And besides they cater to the entertainment segment. What I meant when I said "socially constructive" is if something can be done to make the world just a tad bit better?
I don't expect the pandora to solve the war in the middle east. But in the hands of many people carrying it around with them wherever they go, it stands to be reckoned as a powerful force that can be used for something socially constructive. I have a few silly ideas. Ideas that suck big time. I know. You all would say it would suck if i told you
. I don't want to sound silly and influence your opinion in one way or the other. So I think i'd rather hear what you might or might not have in mind before i open up : )
And two.. how do we go about getting this nifty gadget in the hands of as many people as possible? It can be done. I don't have an idea. But there is a certain concept i have in mind. Please bare with me if this has already been said before, or if it seems too obvious that most of you are already thinking along these lines. Apart from the marketing gimmicks and praising the pandora to the hilt in numerous advertising campaigns and prolly abusing the media to get the word around
, I believe the pandora needs to exhibit a certain kind of exclusivity. Meaning it should be capable of doing something or providing some service that is exclusive to the pandora. Like the itunes for instance. The intention is not to be not open. The intention is to provide something of worth, which only can be used or obtained by owning a pandora
Sorry, if i sound like im having too many expectations for the pandora.. but i really think its a cool device. In the hands of enough people I believe it can be used for more than what it is actually built for.
Now, the pandora is an amazing little device.. bordering on the verge of being revolutionary(which i am sure most of you will agree with me) in the sense that such a device is not available anywhere else..atleast one that appeals to an open community, with open standards and practices and potential for massive homebrew development and with it the power to do something revolutionary. I get a feeling i might not be making sense to most of you right now. But please bare with me. Im just hyper excited about the pandora. lol.
Ill tell you why I think the pandora is revolutionary so that the readers are aware of the premise on which the questions i am gonna ask, are based on.
Firstly, the pandora is good at handling games. I presume there is a huge collection of games and I suppose we can expect more from the homebrewers. Another thing going on for the pandora is that you can install an actual OS as opposed to unmodifiable firmware. And as a consequence, the pandora is a modders dream machine because it is also extremely mobile and can be discreet in certain situations if you want it to. And the battery life of 10 hours is more then substantial and in my opinion if the same people associated with the pandora 1 develop the next version of it too.. along with input from the community, I believe this little thing can go from strength to strength.
Now lets assume a scenario. Lets assume that the pandora became a big success and prolly ten thousands or a million people end up buying it. Now if you ask me, a pandora in the hands of a million people is a powerful force if you look at it from a social perspective. So, I was wondering, if something socially constructive can be done with all those pandoras out and about. No, Im not talking about a pandora only facebook or orkut or something like that. Im not even talking about social websites. They are in existence aplenty. And besides they cater to the entertainment segment. What I meant when I said "socially constructive" is if something can be done to make the world just a tad bit better?
I don't expect the pandora to solve the war in the middle east. But in the hands of many people carrying it around with them wherever they go, it stands to be reckoned as a powerful force that can be used for something socially constructive. I have a few silly ideas. Ideas that suck big time. I know. You all would say it would suck if i told you
And two.. how do we go about getting this nifty gadget in the hands of as many people as possible? It can be done. I don't have an idea. But there is a certain concept i have in mind. Please bare with me if this has already been said before, or if it seems too obvious that most of you are already thinking along these lines. Apart from the marketing gimmicks and praising the pandora to the hilt in numerous advertising campaigns and prolly abusing the media to get the word around
Sorry, if i sound like im having too many expectations for the pandora.. but i really think its a cool device. In the hands of enough people I believe it can be used for more than what it is actually built for.