

Still Fresh
Jun 23, 2009
It is obvious that the pandora is primarily a handheld gaming machine that is almost as powerful as a netbook. But it got me thnking though. What other uses can the pandora serve. I mean, I envision people using it as a gaming device and something to chat and check emails and do some browsing on the internet while on the move and the vibrant community will probably come out with more uses for it than what it was intended for. I have a 2 part question.

Now, the pandora is an amazing little device.. bordering on the verge of being revolutionary(which i am sure most of you will agree with me) in the sense that such a device is not available anywhere else..atleast one that appeals to an open community, with open standards and practices and potential for massive homebrew development and with it the power to do something revolutionary. I get a feeling i might not be making sense to most of you right now. But please bare with me. Im just hyper excited about the pandora. lol.

Ill tell you why I think the pandora is revolutionary so that the readers are aware of the premise on which the questions i am gonna ask, are based on.

Firstly, the pandora is good at handling games. I presume there is a huge collection of games and I suppose we can expect more from the homebrewers. Another thing going on for the pandora is that you can install an actual OS as opposed to unmodifiable firmware. And as a consequence, the pandora is a modders dream machine because it is also extremely mobile and can be discreet in certain situations if you want it to. And the battery life of 10 hours is more then substantial and in my opinion if the same people associated with the pandora 1 develop the next version of it too.. along with input from the community, I believe this little thing can go from strength to strength.

Now lets assume a scenario. Lets assume that the pandora became a big success and prolly ten thousands or a million people end up buying it. Now if you ask me, a pandora in the hands of a million people is a powerful force if you look at it from a social perspective. So, I was wondering, if something socially constructive can be done with all those pandoras out and about. No, Im not talking about a pandora only facebook or orkut or something like that. Im not even talking about social websites. They are in existence aplenty. And besides they cater to the entertainment segment. What I meant when I said "socially constructive" is if something can be done to make the world just a tad bit better?

I don't expect the pandora to solve the war in the middle east. But in the hands of many people carrying it around with them wherever they go, it stands to be reckoned as a powerful force that can be used for something socially constructive. I have a few silly ideas. Ideas that suck big time. I know. You all would say it would suck if i told you :P. I don't want to sound silly and influence your opinion in one way or the other. So I think i'd rather hear what you might or might not have in mind before i open up : )

And two.. how do we go about getting this nifty gadget in the hands of as many people as possible? It can be done. I don't have an idea. But there is a certain concept i have in mind. Please bare with me if this has already been said before, or if it seems too obvious that most of you are already thinking along these lines. Apart from the marketing gimmicks and praising the pandora to the hilt in numerous advertising campaigns and prolly abusing the media to get the word around :P, I believe the pandora needs to exhibit a certain kind of exclusivity. Meaning it should be capable of doing something or providing some service that is exclusive to the pandora. Like the itunes for instance. The intention is not to be not open. The intention is to provide something of worth, which only can be used or obtained by owning a pandora :P.

Sorry, if i sound like im having too many expectations for the pandora.. but i really think its a cool device. In the hands of enough people I believe it can be used for more than what it is actually built for.

Do you mean a revolutionay invention like the T.V or Wheel? Or revelutionary such as a new trend of pocket laptops? Or revolutionary such as the ipod where everybody has one? Btw the more excited I get about the Pandora, the more disappointed and desperate I end up. Theres only one way of finding out if its going to be a revolution and thats by shipping them. I however highly doubt it will be a revolution cause I only know a couple people who know what a gp2x is, let alone a Pandora. Maybe if it became so successful that the open Pandora team was able to make advertisements or even sell it in shops, it then might possibly become a revolution.
What I meant when I said "socially constructive" is if something can be done to make the world just a tad bit better?
People also predicted the telegraph, also a revolutionary piece of technology in its day, would make the world a better place. They thought that the wars were simply a result of misunderstandings of various kinds between nations, and that all was missing was information, and the telegraph would provide just that.
Everyone forgot that the world is what it is because the world is a self-centered, proud, barbaric world where people care about things only as far as they will provide them immediate happiness and/or glory. The world didn't and doesn't need technology to cure the evil hearts of man. The world needs a moral revolution.

Digging a little deeper, I'd like to also point out that people don't realize how much their day-to-day activities and choices influence their surroundings and their future choices. I know everyone's probably heard this several times over, but it's true: the choice to joke about something obscene shifts the mood of the environment, which could lower the bar on acceptable conversation, which then could influence how risky people get with their talk, and possibly their actions. It's a domino effect, and the only way it stops is if everyone starts making choices towards a life-style that mimics perfection as best as possible.

Anyways, I like the enthusiasm, and I think you should keep brainstorming for out-of-the-box ways of using the Pandora, but revolutionizing the way the world behaves is not going to happen through technology.

already have this idea. They attempt to get as many exclusive titles and features to get the consumers to buy their console.
The hard part is they used closed-source software, and we use open-source software. Everything we have, the Linux world has. The exclusive features come from the hardware, so they'll have to come from a combination of hardware and software (unless we get folks to write us exclusive, possibly closed-source software - good luck ;) ).
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Is 'prolly' a word now?

I'd use the term 'killer app.' rather than exclusivity, and I think this may come from the community rather than commercial software. Yes, all the console companies want exclusive titles on their hardware, but how exclusive is a specific first person shooter or platformer or racing game when there's a whole bunch of similar exclusive titles on other consoles? IMO any killer app will be original, not a fifth generation copy of something else.
To be fair there's nothing to stop somebody coding a pandora-only app. They don't HAVE to release the source.

But I don't see the OP team commissioning any project that would be pandora exclusive. Could result in a backlash from the community.

The killer app would be something that RELIES on a combination of features that only the Pandora has: perhaps something that NEEDS to be portable and NEEDS two analogue controllers to work properly. Or something that relies on portability, and WiFi and a large battery life.
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I remember BattleZone in the arcades - utiliting two joysticks on the actual arcade machine, no port or clone of it using a single joystick ever REALLY captured the game to me. The clones were fun, but only 2 seperate joysticks indipendantly controlling the two catterpillar tracks ever really felt RIGHT for driving a tank, to me.

You mean - something like that? Not BattleZone itslef, obviously, as that has been done already - but that KIND of thing, that benefits specifically from the hardware controls that only the Pandora has?
There already is something exclusive to the pandora. It's open. You can customize anything you want if you can figure out how. The community would be constantly tweaking it, releasing new themes, apps, games, tutorials, tricks, etc. It draws in developer-minded people, modders, hackers, personalizers, etc. Pretty much anybody who isn't 100% lazy minded. Mind you, there will be people who don't develop for it, but they will be active in the community making comments and requests, most likely. I think the exclusive aspect to the Pandora is the community around it, and the expectations most people have when they think open source: a warm, welcoming, helpful community with lots of fun stuff to talk about. From my experiences, open-source communities are usually awesome, albeit any talks of windows or closed source usually ruffles some feathers... The fact that there IS someone to talk to, there IS a community around it, there ARE free apps and games and the customer isn't going to be nickel and dimed everywhere they turn -- THAT is one awesome focal point. The fact that if they figure it out, they can make a game and release it without license restrictions and all that BS - is another awesome point for developers. The fact that you can earn a name for yourself by releasing things for the community is another motivation.

Here's what I feel when I think about holding a Pandora:
I picture going outside in the shade under a tree with a nice cool breeze blowing, sitting down surfing the web, chatting, listening to music, watching videos on YouTube or whatever, playing online games or single player games, just complete freedom. You could just spontaneously stand up, go outside and start walking somewhere with a Pandora in your pocket, and whenever you feel like it, you can just sit down, open the pandora and search the web for maps or whatever. You can get on the bus and listen to some music or play a game or watch a movie... I think the main aspect is the freedom you get with it.

Some people might say a netbook or whatever is the same thing but I don't know, it's just not the same. Pandora is like an actual handheld game console that can do what a laptop can do.... Which is awesome. Also, it's just the bragging factor that you probably wont see anybody else with one so you're gonna have a lot of people wanting to see it and wondering where you got it etc. (Watch out for people trying to steal it from you:))

I guess that's all I can say for now...
Monk said:
I remember BattleZone in the arcades - utiliting two joysticks on the actual arcade machine, no port or clone of it using a single joystick ever REALLY captured the game to me. The clones were fun, but only 2 seperate joysticks indipendantly controlling the two catterpillar tracks ever really felt RIGHT for driving a tank, to me.

You mean - something like that? Not BattleZone itslef, obviously, as that has been done already - but that KIND of thing, that benefits specifically from the hardware controls that only the Pandora has?

I can't wait to play some Assault with two analogs. But yeah, I know what you mean.
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Shaun. said:
Do you mean a revolutionay invention like the T.V or Wheel? Or revelutionary such as a new trend of pocket laptops? Or revolutionary such as the ipod where everybody has one? Btw the more excited I get about the Pandora, the more disappointed and desperate I end up. Theres only one way of finding out if its going to be a revolution and thats by shipping them. I however highly doubt it will be a revolution cause I only know a couple people who know what a gp2x is, let alone a Pandora. Maybe if it became so successful that the open Pandora team was able to make advertisements or even sell it in shops, it then might possibly become a revolution.

What I meant when i said revolutionary, is that the pandora has the unique distinction of having a certain set of features that other devices do not have in completeness. Meaning they may have some of its features but not all of it. For instance, the pandora is...

-Extremely Small for what it can do
-A more than sufficient 10 hour battery life
-For something classified as a handheld, it can run an OS as that can be heavily customized as opposed to unmodifiable firmware
-A keyboard
-Game controls

I can go on, but ill end with the 2 most important ones.


And a direct consequence of the 2 above mentioned features...

-freedom : )

Now i doubt you can find another device in the market that can supercede the pandora in all the aspects listed above. Im sure there are devices that are better at some but still somewhere in a small way they lack what the pandora has in its entirety and that is what makes it revolutionary... : )

I hope that answers your question. : )

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Technology is only a means to an end. Not the solution itself. Technologies like the pandora can kick start the moral revolution that one member was talking about. The pandora, is extremely versatile, that I would be disappointed if it were to be used for only what it was intended.

Okay as 'JavaJake' said, I think it would be interesting to come up with out-of-the-box ways of using the pandora instead of setting ourselves up for a revolution that may never happen. A good bet would be to implement some of those out of box ideas that might have a potential for a revolution even though it is not guranteed!
Klepto said:
Is 'prolly' a word now?

I'd use the term 'killer app.' rather than exclusivity, and I think this may come from the community rather than commercial software. Yes, all the console companies want exclusive titles on their hardware, but how exclusive is a specific first person shooter or platformer or racing game when there's a whole bunch of similar exclusive titles on other consoles? IMO any killer app will be original, not a fifth generation copy of something else.

When i was talking about exclusivity, I guess I was talking about that killer app. "Probably", the only way this killer app will come about is not by Pandora's hardware or software features alone, but from an image and inherent impression of likability for all things 'pandora' by the community. Cos, other companies, the big names, Sony, MS or nintendo can replicate the software, the hardware and the one thing that they will have a hard time replicating are the die hard fans of the open source revolution, tweekers, modders, hackers and alike. And even when those companies take the extreme step of opening up their software titles, I believe the sheer fact that certain hardware and software is in some way associated with the big names will drive away folks like some that are active on these forums.

I hope that wasn't wishful thinking. : )
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Pleng said:
The killer app would be something that RELIES on a combination of features that only the Pandora has: perhaps something that NEEDS to be portable and NEEDS two analogue controllers to work properly. Or something that relies on portability, and WiFi and a large battery life.

The killer app will have the following features as was said.

-- Necessity for portability
-- Need for 2 analogue controllers
-- Wifi
-- Large battery Life

A few I would like to add

-- Blue tooth
-- Must be able to use pandora's ability to be discreet if necessary
-- Must require the participation of a large number of folks
-- Most of all, it must be fun to use... and should give all the participants a sense of satisfaction knowing that however small their actions might be, the implications are big.
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desijays said:
The killer app will have the following features as was said.

-- Necessity for portability
-- Need for 2 analogue controllers
-- Wifi
-- Large battery Life

A few I would like to add

-- Blue tooth
-- Must be able to use pandora's ability to be discreet if necessary
-- Must require the participation of a large number of folks
-- Most of all, it must be fun to use... and should give all the participants a sense of satisfaction knowing that however small their actions might be, the implications are big.

Excuse me for quoting myself.

I think each of us can come up with an idea or a scenario where all or most of the features of the "killer app" are put to use. If you think the killer apps needs to have certain other characteristics and properties then feel free to ratify the list above and add your own.

The key like someone else on this thread said, would be to think out of the box. It would be interesting to see what ideas get thrown around and I for one, would be pleasantly surprised to see one idea being implemented all the way. The problem I think now a days is not the complexity of implementing something. Given enough time and patience, there is plenty of knowledge to go around to bring to fruition a certain idea. But the idea itself happens to be excessively elusive : (. Pursuing one that's worth the effort and one that has the power to bring about a positive change would be the challenge.
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No ideas? I thought someone would come up with something even if it was a wild one. Well, I guess this is another bugle call to all the pandora fanatics to pitch in with whatever crazy idea that you might have. Doesn't matter if it is feasible at the moment. Though it would be good if it is something out of the box : )

Consider this a bump up :P
desijays said:
No ideas? I thought someone would come up with something even if it was a wild one. Well, I guess this is another bugle call to all the pandora fanatics to pitch in with whatever crazy idea that you might have. Doesn't matter if it is feasible at the moment. Though it would be good if it is something out of the box : )

Consider this a bump up :P

It's a lonely life being a revolutionary.

You can't just say 'I think there should be a revolution. Discuss'. You need to dedicate your life to first coming up with the idea, then you have to relentlessly promote it until other people start believing. Then you need to form a committe of people who are going to make the revolution happen. Add to that you have to constantly deal with apathy from people who 'just dont get it' and all the people who grow tired of the long journey and fall by the way side (or worse, stab you in the back and try and destroy from within)...
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