Removing scratches from glossy plastic?


Advanced Member
Aug 24, 2011
Workington, Cumbria, UK
I've recently built a display unit for all my consoles & quite a few are not looking their best, can you guys suggest some methods/products for tackling the scratches on them, there aren't any particularly deep ones that I've noticed but there's plenty of smaller blemishes & many are looking pretty dull too.
Hmm, the traditional way is to start with sandpaper and work down till you're polishing with silk. I've polished heavy scrathes out of CD to the point where it'll play using toothpaste and a toothbrush, then just a toothbrush, then my fingers, but it's still quite misty to the eye at that point. I don't know how much work it would require after that to make it clear - it played well enough for my purposes at that point.

Some sort of laquer might also work, but I've less experience doing that. Might be better off doing that though if possible, as of course sanding it down removes any logos and legends from the surface, and might look a little weird if you sand around the logos and have to remove a lot.
In the past, I've use very fine abrasive paper used to polish fiber optic cable..
Depending on what it is that is scratched it might be cheaper or easier (and less messy) to replace the scratched plastic in question.

I like to use my things, so a bit of wear is normal.  How bad are these scratches, and what caused it?
You can also get away with some nailpolish first, to cover the deep grooves, then some toothpaste...