[Release] Compo4all MAME - ladder/scoreboard competition for classic arcade games :)

The answer is yes ;)
The game will give you a game over, but a regular one as the time will run out before you can reach the top.
So your score will be saved. The only thing to do in the killscreen is to get the hammer and squash as many barrels as you can.

Not that I ever saw the killscreen myself, but I read a lot about those things.
There is a turboversion of galaxian, too where I am a lot better at strangely.

Edit: A hardmode with framelimiter off and clocked to 1 GHz would be funny for old games ;)
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Can I just say once again - congratulations with this project, already it has become the main reason I turn  on my pandora.  I love the competitive urge to improve and it brings back all the fun and frustration of playing some of these games in the arcade.  

Well Done


Quick question: I got to level 3 on donkey kong just now, so am worried if I get to the 117th screen of donkey kong and I get the kill screen, will my score be counted? :D   
I actually am not sure what happens with MAME's implementation of the hi-score fudge... if it picks up on it. Answer really is .. if you quit mid-game, does your current hi-score get picked up, or lost? If picked up, I think you're safe when you take down Streve Wiebe and those guys  :)

I demand to see the kill-screen score on my desk by monday :)

Something looks up with Twin Galaxies so I wonder if they're still tracking things, or if someone just bought them out, or what ... but theres the emulated top-lists as well as thwe TG official real machine lists.. so, you know, this stuff counts; get a top score on your pandora, and then go for gold on the emulated pac lists :P

There are a lot of romhacks.. like letting you get multiple shots when normally can do just one, etc; I trust folks are't using those ;) A romhack to disable fluff-screens would be nice .. I hate waiting for the 'what level can you reach?' piled up Donkey Kongs screen, or the Ms Pac kissing screen :)

I wonder how long this can go for.. with ROT1, it was very manual, people typing in their scores on an honor system, and pickle tallying things up, and so on; without a lot of push from a few of us, it just couldn't self maintain. But with C4A being fully automated  (aside of adding new games), will it continue month after month? or will people give up after a few weeks of banging aw2ay, unless I keep adding new games?

We'll have to see. I woudl liek to keep adding games until we have a certain critical mass and good assortment.. but can't be adding them forever.


I think you can get away with getting the solid classics on there.  From time to time I get to visit Fun Spot, and out of all the games they have, I rarely find myself trying a new one.  Is that wrong to say?  I rarely spend more than a few tokens per game, unless its a game that I can challenge myself to go for the high score, if it is in reach. 

Some that I'd like to see:

Elevator Action

Jungle Hunt (King)

Mr. Do (which sounds like its already in the pipeline)

Pac Man Plus

Super Pac Man





DK 3

Dig Dug

Oddly enough, I do play a lot of DK II, Jumpman Returns at Fun Spot.  I also emailed the author a few months back on getting a port of DK II working on the Pandora, either via MAME or independently but he didn't seem interested in emulation.  I can understand his wanting to stay dedicated to uprights and collectors of boards and mod chips etc.  But I just wonder what kind of money this community would throw at a Pandora port of sorts.  /End of DK II rant
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I think you can get away with getting the solid classics on there.  From time to time I get to visit Fun Spot, and out of all the games they have, I rarely find myself trying a new one.  Is that wrong to say?  I rarely spend more than a few tokens per game, unless its a game that I can challenge myself to go for the high score, if it is in reach. 

Some that I'd like to see:

Elevator Action

Jungle Hunt (King)

Mr. Do (which sounds like its already in the pipeline)

Pac Man Plus

Super Pac Man





DK 3

Dig Dug

Oddly enough, I do play a lot of DK II, Jumpman Returns at Fun Spot.  I also emailed the author a few months back on getting a port of DK II working on the Pandora, either via MAME or independently but he didn't seem interested in emulation.  I can understand his wanting to stay dedicated to uprights and collectors of boards and mod chips etc.  But I just wonder what kind of money this community would throw at a Pandora port of sorts.  /End of DK II rant
I would love to see jumpman Returns maybe/hopefully someone will make a patch from the new MAME source for the .106 version so it can be added :)

Also I think this project is solid ... Just need to fill the intro screen with classic games, maybe have a few pages of games... maybe we can vote for the top 25/50/100 games or so.....
I think that the menu screen is a bit too high?
The bottom buttons are cut off a bit.
I demand to see the kill-screen score on my desk by monday :)

I got to level 5 last go, Monday might be pushing it though.  I keep thinking mspacman freezes up on me from time to time until I realise I have simple eaten all of the pellets and the level is over.  

PS Link what is your secret on mspacman - I have been trying and trying  and cannot crack the top 10 (because of you)  :D
If every game is able to store a global high score, and also a monthly one ( maybe even just for the previous month, and the current month ), this would allow...

- Globally tracked overall best scores

- Monthly tracked competition ( highlight X games, community can join in and play one or more of them during that time period )

- Monthly tracked personal competition ( players can choose to play a certain game in a month that isn't in the global competition, maybe even ask that previous high scorers don't take part in order to make it more competitive for gamers who are new to the game - this encourages people to play, to get that 1st/2nd/3rd place for that month )

( the above monthly tracked competitions are the same, other than having been chosen for that months compo - and possibly having an icon highlighting them )

I'm kinda lucky that 2.5 of the games I've played before are included ( Galaxian and Donkey Kong, the .5 is Space Invaders ).  For future games, I'm sure I'll be straining to get in the top 10!

It would be cool to also open up a Tips and Tricks forum for each of the competition games, where people can share how they get a high score in that particular game ( eg if Space Invaders is chosen, it's key to try to shoot the mothership with your 23'rd then 15th, 15th etc bullet to get 300 points - resets on new stage ).  Of course, players need to get the basics, but if they didn't know stuff like this, they wouldn't be able to get a really high score.

Meant to say one last thing...

- Disable dip switch settings

Playing the game as default will make sure that players are all on the same field.  Eg a player can switch Donkey Kong to have up to 6 lives instead of the default 3.


Just thought of another one ;)

- Have the submit code use a version number, so the server can choose to ignore older versions of Compo4all in case a bug is found that can be exploited.
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Added Flying Shark (Sky Shark in the US.)

Not entirely sure if the high scores work for >99,000 scores.. I need to achieve one yet to see :) But I know at least it works for 100,000, and theres a good chance it works for higher as well. If not, I need to know a score going in, and what it sees, so I can know which way to shift for the larger digits..


FWIW, this was the first arcade machine I picked up, so I'm fond of it. (But am only good on it on the real controls..)


I'll have to almost start identifying genre in another column..

Flying Shark is a progressive shooter (shmup)
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Aaaaaah, so close in galaxian. Practiced the whole evening ... :(
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Right now the server files all requests into buckets by year/month; so a submission today is in Feb/2013 bucket; a fetch og scores is also for that bucket. In the future I'll make it so the url can specify year/month to get, so you can view tables from prior months (though once we get a newer website up, you'll probably use it for all this stuff.. but it, in turn, needs these features when talking to my server to get the details. Anyway.)

What I'm thinking is ..

Any submission/request will go to the current month bucket, just like now.

ALSO any submission will go to the games all-time bucket (not yet implemented, but will have to do it soon..

Any given month, some games will be 'in compo' and the rest not (good idea, to maybe hilight the ones that are in compo, to save reading the text in banner.) Whethor or not they are in-compo doesn't need to matter to the whole scoring system at all.. its purely a function of .. at the end of a compo month, the referee can check the official tallies, disqualify Link, and then hand out awards :) (Or am I missing something.. I dont' sleep much, so entirely possible.)

Strikes me then that .. every game having a monthly bucket (and keeping all history), and an all-time bucket, should be fine.

(Technically, the all-time may not physically exist; I can just pick up all the tallies for all months and work it out on the fly. The server isn't going to work itself, someone has to make it pay!)


Aaaaaah, so close in galaxian. Practiced the whole evening ... :(
Ooooh snap!

1       MAL     Mal     12710   26-Feb-2013
2       MCO     mcobit  12670   27-Feb-2013

Thats so close as to be unfunny .. whats that, like 4 galaxians or one diver shot? :/










Ooooh snap!

1       MAL     Mal     12710   26-Feb-2013

2       MCO     mcobit  12670   27-Feb-2013

Thats so close as to be unfunny .. whats that, like 4 galaxians or one diver shot? :/
Oooo even more annoying than my first half decent galaxian score 






Kicker being the extra life is at 7000 points  :angry:


PS IMHO there should only be a small number of games available for the monthly compo. (3 seems about right -a classic and more recent and a wildcard)
Flying shark seems like a game I could really like.
Any suggestions where I can purchase a copy if I don't want to buy a whole cab?
Never played flying shark before, looks like my cup of tea, that tank with the 3 way shots is an absolute sod.

Not sure it really matters but it looks like you can start again in Flying Shark (with 0 score) from the section you died in, don't know the implication for this in terms of score chasing?

Really like the new layout of the Web score tables + the addition of in app leader boards.

Feels like I've found a new arcade full of classic games :)

Would love to see :


Mr Do

Circus Charlie

Traverse USA / Zippy Race


Black Tiger

Zoo Keeper



@ ParadisoShlee : Works fine for me without neogeo bios file? are we talking about the same version?

@ Mcobit : When you say purchase a copy do you mean an arcade board / the arcade rom or would buying any legit copy for the multitude of systems it was released for be enough to keep your conscience clear? 
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