Reflect the Pandoras hardware diversification in the OS


Advanced Member
Apr 2, 2009
With the new 1 Ghz Pandora on our "doorstep" (well I guess Two Months are still Two Months :P ), I thought about wether it is time to reflect the diversification of the Pandor also on the sofware side of things or not.

Altough not very likely, it could be possible that there will be software in the near future, that wont make much sense running it on a first batch pandora - maybe a quake mod which needs the bigger memory and the faster cpu/gpu because of the bigger textures.

To counteract this I thought about expanding the pxml standard with an additional property similiar to the osversion element that already exists. But I would rather see it as a recommandation than a restriction.

Practically I would like to see this implemented as a filter in the repo or the repo clients that would allow me to filter out pnds that would not run (very well) on my first batch Pandora.

Anyone with me ?
Provided it was a recommendation than a restriction that would only be a good thing for end users. Sounds like a sensible idea to me.
Good idea. Something like recommended minimum RAM, CPU freq, other hardware specs. The cpufreq is already there, so I'd just add two new fields: "amount of RAM" and "SoC version" for now - perhaps more will be needed later but for now those suffice.