Real Animal Crossing Thread

Anyone know how to fish? Give up on this one, stick the rod in someting nibbles it but thats as far as i ever get.

The other day i switched my DS without saving don't do it ;) ;)
Wifi isn't enabled yet here.

Is AC: WW worth getting even with singleplayer, it looks nice, but it never ends, so I'm afraid it will get kinda boring. e.E
I really thought i wasn't not going to like this game as the sims or harvest moon etc.. bored me after about 30 mins.

However Over the 2 weeks i have had it i find i play it between 20-30mins although occasionly an hour does pass a day just to see if anything new has happend. Its strangely addictive like that. And suits me fine as i haven't got the time ayway to play games over a long period of time, and i have yet to actually get bored of the menial tasks, which suprised me. Theres something about the quirky quaint little world of animal crossing that keeps me coming back.

Don't expect a game you will play over a long seesion but more something you will play in short balsts over a long period time.
but how does the wifi thing work? I've heard you can only play wifi with other people if you have peoples friend codes, is this correct? It's not like Mario kart that finds people right?

As for events and stuff, is that on the wifi game or single player, i mean, is all the stuff already programmed into the cart, or does it download new content via wifi, and can you even play via wifi if you don't have anybody elses friend code?
Angel posted on Dec 29 2005 at 03:24 PM said:
but how does the wifi thing work? I've heard you can only play wifi with other people if you have peoples friend codes, is this correct? It's not like Mario kart that finds people right?

As for events and stuff, is that on the wifi game or single player, i mean, is all the stuff already programmed into the cart, or does it download new content via wifi, and can you even play via wifi if you don't have anybody elses friend code?

Dunno yet to try wifi yet... will have a look when i get home tonight.

But pretty much sure its friends code only to visit each others towns as unlike mario kart it is possible to communicate with each other.
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I opened up my DS as the New Year took place. There were fireworks and Christmas lights on the pine trees! I chopped one of the pine trees down to see work would happen. Nothing. <_<
does any one know where to enter the ds' MAC address on the computer? I cant get online without it.

P.S. When ever I try to go online my computer says there is an IP address conflict with another system on the network. How do you fix this?
will post my code later. And add yours. I have already been to other villages and it is fantastic!!! I will leave my doors open tonight, so come in! If you come, and I haven't been at the ds, just leave a note on the post office board! But don't read mine...

I have been throwing bottles into the sea with my code on, and it works. Had some very weird fellas knocking around!

I love this game...

here it is...


Entered your codes, you two (come on, you others...)

My gates are open...
My code is 1847-4625-5857

Although it is still new years in my world as i missed it so have time travelled back to 2005. :P

Ill go on at 10pm GMT tonight if anyone wants to nose!
this game sounds good :D. Wheres a good place i could get it ? seems most places are out of stock. Oh im in uk so has to be somewhere that will post to here :D.
I played the Cube version for over 8 months, then got bored. Back in 2003 or whenever it came out.

Im now playing the DS one. Its really good.
I was into the gamecube version bigtime for a few months, was a lot of fun, got the wife playing too and we'd always be messing around in each others towns...

so naturally I picked up the the DS version a copy for each of us... but somehow it's not nearly as fun. For one, it is almost EXACTLY the same as the GC version only not as pretty and with a few new features. The online play is kinda hard to get into because you have to have the friend code for anyones town you want to visit. They actually took out some things that held some of the charm of the GC version, like the train station, and the little island that you could only visit by connecting a GBA. You can no longer decorate your upstairs bedroom. There's no more magic fountain giving you hints on how to make your town 'perfect'. The map is no longer divided into sections, making things harder to keep track of. You can no longer teach your neighbors to say cuss words :P :D

Just little things that I miss, and then the feeling overall of it all just being very familiar, I'm sad to say that this time I got bored of the DS version pretty quickly. After just a few weeks, I have already stopped playing it.

I would say, if you haven't played the GC version, and maybe more importantly, if you have someone else to play with (I think that is the main reason I enjoyed the GC version so much), you would enjoy this one a lot.
All you have to do is put a period in the curse like for FUCK put F.UCK

It will not work if you put it at the end of the word.

Edit: I also found a way to go online with my DS :lol:. I added all of you.

My friend code is 1417-9687-1340. My name is Adam and my towns name is hell.
okay when I mean teach them to say cuss words, I mean teach them to say cuss words!

I dunno if any of you had noticed this, but in the GC version at least, that garbly speech that all your neighbors talk in... they are actually speaking the words outloud. You can't always tell, but some words (like the word 'yes') you will actually hear them SAY yes.

well, probably the funniest moment that ever happened to me with the GC Animal Crossing... was when I taught one of my wife's neighbors to say 'bitch'. It happened to be one of those words that, when the game tried to pronounce it, you could actually tell what it was saying. It didn't get it quite right, pronouncing it 'beach', but it was very clearly spoken.

So there I am sitting in the restroom and my wife playing the game and suddenly I hear her neighbor say "blahblah, blahblah blahblahblah BEACH!"

and then my wife say "What the fuck?!?!?"

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I laughed to tears... was freakin great.

So yeah... you can still teach them to cuss, with spaces or periods or whatever, but you don't actually hear them say it anymore.

Hey I'm gonna be selling my two copies if anyone is still looking and cant find them. They are US versions. You can check my ebay feedback if you like though most 'old timers' here know me and I've sold some PSP stuff here in the past. Ebay username is bastaad525. Email me at if interested.
this game sounds good :D. Wheres a good place i could get it ? seems most places are out of stock. Oh im in uk so has to be somewhere that will post to here :D.

i got mine from took about 3 days to arrive and he marked it as a gift so i missd the import tax.
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