Random Insults Are Bad, Hugs Are Nice >:)

Oh, and

Ok, I've edited my original post. In a thread titled "Random insults are bad, Hugs are nice" people are calling a song I happen to enjoy "gay, offensive and Dogshite". I know it was a bit long but you could have just told me to remove it ("thebluenewt quoted it which I can't edit, so that bit's your fault). Drumaster offered peace then told someone to shutup :blink: . Nevermind. I'm far too tired.

Lovely flowers Rico. They're from canadablooms.com aren't they (I'm so clever :P ).
evil_king posted on Jul 16 2004 at 08:21 PM said:
Ok at I've edited my original post. In a thread titled "Random insults are bad, Hugs are nice" people are calling a song I happen to enjoy "gay, offensive and Dogshite". I know it was a bit long but you could have just told me to remove it ("thebluenewt quoted it which I can't edit, so that bit's your fault). Drumaster offered peace then told someone to shutup :blink: . Nevermind. I'm far too tired.

Lovely flowers Rico. They're from canadablooms.com aren't they (I'm so clever :P ).
I just said shut up to make peace and to stop talking about that because we have each other our opinion about the subject, it's useless to continue in this way, so PEACE please. ;)
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Rico posted on Jul 16 2004 at 10:32 PM said:
Just accept it. It's not like he's dissing your favourite artist or something.

evil_king: how did you know !!?!! :D
Very well said. ;)
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i personally find most lyrics are at the wrong point in such posts, but won't say (arf) they're *****
like i'd put a lyric of Amercian Head Charge - Ameri*** Evolving Into Useless Psychic Garbage (of the album The War Of Art) in here :D

but very nice to see ppl got friendly again ^^

Edit: arf²