R.I.P. Robin Williams

Mine's a combination of genetic (it goes back at least 4 generations in my family) + environmental (usual stuff) factors. So I don't think it can be said to be entirely chemically based either.
This was my point from the start, nothing is perfect for every patient(Let's all agree, to disagree). The best doctors I've ever had are the ones who say flat out, I'm not GOD and I can't fix every problem and or situation through medicine. Yes, me and my staff can correct many problems through treatment, psychology, and medicine. Those Dr's who say they can repair anything or fix any problem are ignorant, lying, or have a GOD complex.

We've seen many here state their own problems and there own solutions. The medical profession is "dollar" based, and as such, anything discovered or provided must always be taken with a grain of salt. I have personally seen the marijuana benefits to friends and family who have tried EVERYTHING modern science has to offer. They have taken pills and treatments that are killing them the same as the diseases, just slower. A lot of prescribed meds are very dangerous and often cause more damage than help, with terrible side effects, and long term detriment. These are FACTS I've seen up close and personally. 

I agree that something like marijuana won't get wide acceptance due to the dollar issues behind it. Anything done with money behind it always needs to be questioned and second guessed. The medical profession makes it's money on the sick, and they would rather treat someone long term than cure anything.

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To elaborate on what I was saying. Every case of depression should be treated differently and just to look it at the base "It's all chemical" is absurd. Sure levels of certain hormones can case depression and pills can treat the levels. And in people with severe depression where they literally have no reason why they should be depressed this might be the only answer.

But on the other side of the coin, I was thinking think and thinking some more yesterday because the death of Robin Williams jostled me into doing so and looking at my bahaviour recently I've "admitted" to myself that I am in fact depressed.

I'm going to see my GP and such but my depression is entire logical and through the external factors of the fact my wife and son are all the way in Chile. This is a long-standing situation. It's something that I constantly deal with and it's something that will hopefully not be a burdem once my wife visitor visa is granted and they can spend 6 months with me.

In any case the cure for my depression will be my wife passing her English test and us finally getting the settlement visa so we can just continue our lives the way we should have been able to 4 years ago. Taking pills would alleviate the syptoms but not be an absolute answer.
Wish you and your family a soon reunion. I went through this once and know how it feels.
Heard joke once: Man goes to doctor. Says he's depressed. Says life seems harsh and cruel. Says he feels all alone in threatening world where what lies ahead is vague and uncertain.

Doctor says, "Treatment is simple. Great clown Pagliacci is in town tonight. Go and see him. That should pick you up."

Man bursts into tears. Says "But Doctor... I am Pagliacci." Good joke. Everybody laugh. Roll on snare drum. Curtains.

(by Rorschach from the Watchmen)
He always was "the sad eyed clown" for me but I never realized how extreme it really must have been.
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I know a couple of people who have such severe depressions and who are NOT able to function at all unless they take medication. When they take it, and stay on it, they behave like their normal selves again.
I think there might be some confusion here.  Normal for the people you know is quite possibly a hellish prison within their own minds if they have severe depression.  Is the "normal" you mentioned by their standard or yours?  It is good that meds work for them, but they don't work for everyone.  The process to find meds that might work is also a long and sometimes pointless process.

I often wonder if the people who can be treated so easily by a pill are really getting benefits from the medication.  Maybe they are being deluded, by themselves or others, into believing it will work.  Regardless of the mechanism, good for them if they feel it is doing something positive.  I would love to take a placebo 5 times a day for the rest of my life if I can be happy and healthy.  

Then again, it is also good business to have an incorrect diagnosis and continuous prescriptions, or an accurate diagnosis but a prescription that is useless that everyone keeps pushing. 
I know a couple of people who have such severe depressions and who are NOT able to function at all unless they take medication. When they take it, and stay on it, they behave like their normal selves again.
"to function"... your whole choice of words shows perfectly, that your normal is the problem. Humans are no robots out of some mass production.

People are different. Not everybody is made to work 40h a week or more on something he doesn't even really like,

but everybody gets the constant pressure to be like this. People are different, "normal" is bullshit.



One of the reasons:

Robin Williams Was in 'Early Stages of Parkinson's Disease,'

I guess he feared ending as a human vegetable and making his loved ones suffer for a long time.

There is always more to every story.

Oh and you guys will hate this:

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I know a couple of people who have such severe depressions and who are NOT able to function at all unless they take medication. When they take it, and stay on it, they behave like their normal selves again.
"to function"... your whole choice of words shows perfectly, that your normal is the problem. Humans are no robots out of some mass production.

People are different. Not everybody is made to work 40h a week or more on something he doesn't even really like,

but everybody gets the constant pressure to be like this. People are different, "normal" is bullshit.
Klumpen... Functional in this context is to be capable of taking care of your own life: getting out of bed, making decisions, keeping up a household and finding some activity that other people willingly pay you to do. Normal is to be able to survive and yes, "to function" within human society.

Knowing people with severe depression, I have seen what medications can do for them. Meds are not a 100% cure and not without side-effects, but they can help these people lead a normal, functional life.

I find it amusing that the concept of "normal" is offensive to you.