R.I.P. Robin Williams

Man that's sad, he was a trully likeable actor, I really liked his voice acting especially in the original Aladain animation.

May he rest in peace and be made ethernal in memory.
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Oh not,not Robin Williams.....

I loved his Movies Hook,Beyond the Horizont and the 200 Year Man...

....Rest in Peace Robin Williams.

You Life now in your Films even you are Death.

Post Edited to dont Start a Disscussion about that.
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....why not Robbie Williams instead of him.
It is not nice to wish people the death just because you don't like them (or liked others with a similar name more)...
On topic:

A shame. Really a shame. Very sad.
RIP Robin Williams, so sad that someone who gave happiness to millions could not find it for himself :(


What do you mean ? The real serious types of depression are always linked to imbalances in the brain. It's not a curse or the effects of spirits or something.

There are many causes of depression, not just chemical imbalance, things like the death of a loved one, the breakdown of a relationship, contracting an incurable disease etc. can all lead to depression. All depression is serious if it makes you have genuinely suicidal thoughts.
There are many causes of depression, not just chemical imbalance, things like the death of a loved one, the breakdown of a relationship, contracting an incurable disease etc. can all lead to depression. All depression is serious if it makes you have genuinely suicidal thoughts.
Look man, read the article about the biology of depression on wikipedia.


It's not because the depression is caused by a natural event that it has no effect on your brain. If you brain does not function normally, it's chemical in the end, because everything in our body works through biochemistry whether you like it or not. We're not in the exorcists era anymore.
You know, the discussion is quite senseless if you do not define, what "chemical" means in that sense. In fact EVERYTHING is a chemical, especially the messenger substances in your brain.

E.g. if you loose someone you love, be sure: The chemicals in your brains will change. Some messenger substances will be produced more, some produced less.

And the "system" brain may get to a new stable state, which you may call depressed.
Come on guys, let's agree to disagree.

If anyone of us knew how the inner feelings or routes of the brain actually worked, we could create life, fix it, or end it at will. There are many things that are outside of human understanding. Not everything can be explained away by science, and the same holds true on the spiritual side. Life is complex, and I've had friends and family end life this same way.

I would NEVER make an assumption to know what they may or may not have been going through, or how I could have helped. I battle my own demons daily, and life is NEVER normal, It just is what it is.

Not everything can be explained away by science, and the same holds true on the spiritual side.
Then please explain why anti-depressants work, if that can't be explained by science. And why electro-shock therapy works as well. On the contrary, many aspects of depression are explained by science and we know a lot more about things work in the brain now than 20 years ago. Of course there's a long way to go still, but pretending it's all a big mystery does not reflect the state of our knowledge.
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Not everything can be explained away by science, and the same holds true on the spiritual side.
Then please explain why anti-depressants work, if that can't be explained by science. And why electro-shock therapy works as well. On the contrary, many aspects of depression are explained by science and we know a lot more about things work in the brain now than 20 years ago. Of course there's a long way to go still, but pretending it's all a big mystery does not reflect the state of our knowledge.
I never said science didn't work, or couldn't help. Robin Williams had access to I'm sure the greatest treatments money could buy, and yet here we are. Is it possible for all his trips to rehab or Dr.'s offices, that his problem was beyond fixing by current medical science?

To believe everything can be fixed through science is ignorance at best. Everything you mention has worked for many, but has also not worked for others. There is cancer and aids medications that work and help millions daily, and millions die every year who have tried everything the exact same things. I'm not going to argue with anyone here on this subject, as there is no 100% solution to anything in life. Do you know what happens after death? I don't, but I'm sure you can tell me, as science can explain everything :p

You know, the discussion is quite senseless if you do not define, what "chemical" means in that sense. In fact EVERYTHING is a chemical, especially the messenger substances in your brain.

E.g. if you loose someone you love, be sure: The chemicals in your brains will change. Some messenger substances will be produced more, some produced less.

And the "system" brain may get to a new stable state, which you may call depressed.

People thinking that a normal brain has absolutely the same chemical reactions and proportions to everything are just victims of the usual superficial arguments of the pharmaceutical/medicinal industry that tells that chemistry always is the cause and not a reaction so they can sell their "cure".

Of course nobody measures his brain chemistry every day so this delusion may stay popular for a very long time.
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Who said Robin Williams is dead? I say he has waken up from a long and terrible dream. We are the ones who are currently sleeping and dreaming and suffering the brutal life. One day we will wake up like him.

So I am happy that he has finally waken up!
Dafuq? Last friday someone at IGN forums predicted his death:


Either he killed him, he was a stalker, or this is a very creepy coinscidence.

no I don't plan to kill him you sick weirdo's, why would I kill someone I love.

Unless it was a mercy kill and he asked me to in which case I'd be honored
Who talks about someone with a known history of depression like that mere days before his death? oO
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Who said Robin Williams is dead? I say he has waken up from a long and terrible dream. We are the ones who are currently sleeping and dreaming and suffering the brutal life. One day we will wake up like him.

So I am happy that he has finally waken up!