Questions from potential Investors


Can't Remember
Aug 30, 2010
With mass production hopefully restarting some time soon I thought it might be a good time to find out the answers to some simple questions asked by potential investors. The purpose of this thread is for potential investors to ask the questions they would like to see answered before parting with their hard earned cash / ill gotten gains.

I'll try and add questions and any answers that are forthcoming to this first post a couple of times a week to make it easier to refer to.

If you've got any general points about investing in the project then please use the other thread.

It is appreciated that it is entirely the prerogative of OPT as to whether they provide answers or not, however if you want my money then please answer the following :

Asked by Mr_Loon :

1) How much money would you like to raise from community investment?

Answer :

2) What percentage of Open Pandora Limited shares would this equate to?

Answer :

3) What are we investing in, is it just the Pandora or does Open Pandora Limited make the Icontrol Pad too?

Answer :

4) In general terms what would the money raised from community investment be used for?

Answer :

5) How do you plan to give investors a return on their investment?

Answer :
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I'm pretty sure Craig said he'd get back to us when he had more plans worked out. If he hasn't done so, I doubt he has everything worked out, and any questions we ask may have no answer, or answers that can be changed.
I'm pretty sure Craig said he'd get back to us when he had more plans worked out. If he hasn't done so, I doubt he has everything worked out, and any questions we ask may have no answer, or answers that can be changed.

Very true, but my thinking is it will be very useful to OPT to know the questions potential investors might like to ask. This can surely only help with planning such a venture.

If the answers change I'll update them accordingly in the first post.