Pandorawiki Faq Renewal Project

Xian Long said:
i never knew microsoft paid any attention to anything outside of making money.

i guess you only read about microsoft on digg and fsf then
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You know, I think it might be safe (and correct) to say that nothing developed by Microsoft post-DOS will run on the Pandora. No emulated consoles, no Windows (CE or otherwise), etc. Might cut down on a lot of the misinformed (or uneducated) topics.
How about answering "How powerful is the Pandora when compared to consoles and desktop computers?" with an explanation of why they're hard to compare followed by upper/lower bound type comparisons (more/less powerful than)? I've seen it asked a few times on these forums.
I think you're missing one of the key points of the whole wiki concept. You don't need to ask permission or get a consensus to add factual information. This really doesn't require discussion.

If you think something should be changed on the wiki, change it. If it's wrong or inappropriate, someone else will fix or remove it. If something is "controversial" or simply misunderstood, that's what the discussion page is for.
Being a noob to the pandora project myself id suggest to make the wiki read more easily. Ive tried using it but its to boring to nagivate :P.

Splitting long pages into more pages, much more like wikipedia.

Eg. I go to emulation page, which links to several types of emulators(eg Psx, SNES), which give information on who is making them (could link to a page abot them to see their other projects ect) , where to get, status, likelyhood of ever being userable - which the dev could maintain himself) ect.

But noone will ever have the time to do all of the wiki like this :P.
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