Can we have an ask ED Questions section?


Can't Remember
Aug 30, 2010
It would make sense to me now that ED is in charge of Pandora production to have an ask ED questions section as per the ask Craig questions section.

It's appreciated that there are probably not enough hours in the day for ED at the moment but due to ED's inclination to reply to a straight question with a straight answer I think this new section would be a great addition to the forums.

It might also help if specific questions to ED were all in one place rather than scattered across the boards.
it would surely be more interesting, but ED's response are way less fun... :D
The guy's already super busy as it is, do we really want to trouble him with another area of the forum he's got to religiously check and respond to? :wacko:
It's appreciated that there are probably not enough hours in the day for ED at the moment but due to ED's inclination to reply to a straight question with a straight answer I think this new section would be a great addition to the forums.

I can see some merit to the idea. Certainly it does seem logical that if we have one for Craig we should have one for ED as well. That being said, my initial thought here was that given ED's inclination to reply to a straight question with a straight answer... is a separate section for this really needed?

- Neelix
Well, considering that ED has a tendency to answer questions everywhere already, what new feature does an "Ask EvilDragon" forum bring? :P
Well, considering that ED has a tendency to answer questions everywhere already, what new feature does an "Ask EvilDragon" forum bring? :P

You can also ask stuff that's not Pandora-related.

i.e. "What games did you play last night?" :)