Qtopia For Permanent Interface?


Oct 4, 2005
I have noticed that there has already been 2 release for qtopia on the 2X which is great, but I was wondering what ppls thoughts were on making the switch to qtopia for the permanent interface?

A few questions would be:

Is qtopia themeable? (2X'ers love menu themes so it seems)
Is it usable / Will it be usable in the future?
Are applications easy to write for it?
How configureable it it?

I have been following the progress on the Xynth windowing system on 2X and I was wondering, are these similar programs or is qtopia more/less?

These are just a few questions I thought I would bring up. I know alot of interest has been made in the "Replacement Interface" threads that are around and I though that with the progress made on qtopia/Xynth that these might be good alternatives to a custom interface.

Also one thing someone mentioned before is eed (enlightenment embedded)... it looks very nice.. and smooth too. Just a thought.

NOTE: I am not trying to undermine the progress already being made on the alternate interfaces, I just thought these were some valid questions.
I've ported a bunch of the efl libraries but not eem itself. Performance was pretty average as it seemed to depend on floating point stuff a lot, and doesn't have much use for the hardware blitter as it's all for fancy alpha effects and whatnot.

Look for a new custom interface designed to be easily themable and fairly minimal in the next couple of weeks.
QTopia don't run fine for me
It start but when i press one button he start all and block the stick :(

Contiki is a Operative System...
OPIE and GPE rock, the best is GPE :D, a port of it will be really nice :)
Qtopia ran well for me. In fact, with the RNDIS setup and that, I almost got qpe-gaim downloaded and running using the built in package manager.

I was fooling around for two hours editing stuff to get it running but eventually hit a problem where ipkg and sed wouldn't get along, that and I needed wget which wasn't apparently on the system at all.

Ah well, a man can try XD
Any of you thought about the fact that these GUIs are far away from being really usable without a touchscreen/mouse/keyboard?
I would rather have qtopia as the default interface for GP2X. It just looks nicer, runs nicer, has more of a standard PDA/desktop OS feel to it, and already has tons of applications developed that could be easily ported over. We need to get the graphical glitches ironed out though. Maybe build a script (similar to the .gpe and .gpu) that just kills qtopia when running an emulator, game, etc. and then launches it again after it is done being loaded. Has anyone tried this to see what would happen?

What config file launches the current gp2x interface at boot up?
On the screenshot of Qtopia on the GP2X i have seen a clock, im guessing its not very accurate? :p
Ok, my opinion about it:
On my linux desktop I ran most common graphical environments.
Currently I am sticking on Gnome 2.12....
First of all, I am happy with any more advanced interface than the one we currently have, and I DO think that it would be smart to port something over (like Qtopia) instead of writing custom stuff, simply because we would have a much better support and a larger community (behind the project respectively).
Of course, the nicest looking-one is enlightenment, but I do not know if it's the best choice if it's using floating points all the time, the GUI should look nice but it shouldn't eat all ressources and but make it possible to run programs/services inside of it.
Qtopia and GPE seem less ressource-hungry (or cpu-hungry).

I, personally, would vote for GPE since it's using GTK+, and this means -LOTS- of possible configuration/skins. I haven't run QTopia nor GPE yet, so I do not know which system has actually got a better performance/ports...
isnt qtopia just a interface so shoudnt all the apps emu homebrew work if we just have a script that kills qtopia?

qtopia should definetly be the permanent interface once we incorporate the mplayer and tvout into it it will kick asss

will be the best and cheapest pda in the worldddddd
I ran SquidgeSnes from within Qtopia and apart from being really really slow, the effects of them both running at the same time were undesireable. Not to mention, after SSnes exits, it loads gp2xmenu back up while qtopia is still running.
sand_man: I think we will need to kill Qtopia when running a game and start it again when the game exits.

I think Qtopia has alot of possabilities and would make a great permanent interface for GP2X.

The only other option is to get someone to convert the enlightenment embedded libraries to fixed point math. Which is alot of work :( so its probably a no go.
As it looks though, qtopia is more of a mouse driven interface (I haven't tried it yet though) and to play games, i want a quick startup (cramfs) and a simple way to select the games (the current file browser).
True theoddbot, SDL could do alot of eem stuff... but eem is already written, wouldn't that be easier... i guess converting it to fixed-point maths would be more hassle than it is worth.

Hmmm ok... well qtopia was just a thought anyways. I am sure there would be ways to make it less of a mouse-driven interface and more GP2X friendly.