Hi all here are The Videos from me and the Beta testing Team.
I made this Thread because i am shure that many from you havent seen our
Thread in the Development Section or the German Forum.
(i think its bad that its appear only in the Development Section.
here can you see the other Thread)
Qemu on Pandora is the best Solution now for Running many Games that where written for X86.
It can Emulate a Pentium Pro Processor with SB16 and Adlib.
You can use and install Windows 3.11/MSDOS/Win95/FREEDOS(in good speed)
Windows98/SE/ME and over have Touchscreen support for the Pandora
This is much better than Dosbox
(Some systems runs good and some slower,you can Test that soon on your Pandy)
Specially Thanks to MCOBIT and his amazing Work with the Gui to make Qemu become more Userfriendly
and he did make the Pandora Qemu Wiki THHHHX MCOBIT
Some Videos are faster and some slower,but see what your Pandora can do too
Enjoy the Videos and plz Vote for us.
X-Wing, Dark forces, Skyroads, Rollecoaster Tycoon, ReactOS, Privateer, NeedForSpeed, Moonstone, Knights of Xentar, and Brutal Pawns Of Fury(loong Video)
Stunts perfeclty with Adlib(much better than Dosbox)

For the many many other videos are Links in the Atached File,because this Forum dont allow me to post them.(to many Media) :unsure:
Dont forget to Vote for our Project for the Rebirth Competition
Happy Posting
*lol* i have written the Word Competition false,can anyone repair that? *rofl*
Hi all here are The Videos from me and the Beta testing Team.
I made this Thread because i am shure that many from you havent seen our
Thread in the Development Section or the German Forum.
(i think its bad that its appear only in the Development Section.
here can you see the other Thread)
Qemu on Pandora is the best Solution now for Running many Games that where written for X86.
It can Emulate a Pentium Pro Processor with SB16 and Adlib.
You can use and install Windows 3.11/MSDOS/Win95/FREEDOS(in good speed)
Windows98/SE/ME and over have Touchscreen support for the Pandora
This is much better than Dosbox
(Some systems runs good and some slower,you can Test that soon on your Pandy)
Specially Thanks to MCOBIT and his amazing Work with the Gui to make Qemu become more Userfriendly
and he did make the Pandora Qemu Wiki THHHHX MCOBIT
Some Videos are faster and some slower,but see what your Pandora can do too
Enjoy the Videos and plz Vote for us.
X-Wing, Dark forces, Skyroads, Rollecoaster Tycoon, ReactOS, Privateer, NeedForSpeed, Moonstone, Knights of Xentar, and Brutal Pawns Of Fury(loong Video)
Stunts perfeclty with Adlib(much better than Dosbox)

For the many many other videos are Links in the Atached File,because this Forum dont allow me to post them.(to many Media) :unsure:
Dont forget to Vote for our Project for the Rebirth Competition
Happy Posting
*lol* i have written the Word Competition false,can anyone repair that? *rofl*
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