Nihilistic Mystic
and haven't really had a negative impact on sales yet (burden of proof is on the positive claim here).
Probably true. Since this forum is related to a product I can see that being a concern that should be considered, especially as it relates to official mascots if one were proposed, which it hasn't yet*. Still, the issue isn't with sales, although if ED were concerned he would probably ask that such pictures not be posted here.
Touchy-feely consideration for others hidden here.
Some people are bothered, though, and, as has been stated repeatedly, people that might otherwise join or become active in discussions might feel threatened/belittled. When those people speak up about how they feel it is pretty rude to come back with "I am not trying to be offensive/sexist/whatever, I don't feel it is bad, there is worse stuff out there, so your feelings don't matter". Some of us care how others feel, some of us don't. We are a small community, and I like more diversity and different opinions. Why am I trying to break up all the fun? Because the people that state they are bothered by these depictions are met with hostility then dismissed. Maybe treat others as you want to be treated.
Perhaps instead of arguing about it, those that want these pics should make them and try to consider what people are bothered by (if the artist cares) and post them. Since people will be offended either way, and those that want Pyra-tan don't care, just do it and respond to or ignore those that complain.
Pic ideas hidden here.
I feel that Pyra should be a female to go back to the mythical origin of the name. Before all the arguing got silly I was going to ask if someone could make something very loosely based on the Power Suits from the Metroid series, perhaps standing in fire. Once animals and other mascots were mentioned I thought it might be interesting to have something somewhat inspired by Beastie (something red with horns and a pointy tail to be sure to offend someone
). I like that style, however something in anime/manga-style could also work. It would be cool to see a reimagining of the DragonBox "mascot" in red*. I liked some of the ideas ible had for something somewhat related to this topic, although that was probably too simplistic to be a Pyra-tan.
*Maybe EvilDragon would accept a dragon as an official Pyra mascot. I would like to see what FaeMinx comes up with for this.