Pyra Release date - Make your Guess here.


November 2015 (excluding earlier pre-order dates with a voucher)
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Where can I find the prediction from ED?
I have been looking for it the past few days, as well. The last prediction I remember was that the production would start
in May, April if we were lucky. Was sometime around January, before he visited the case maufacturer.

I wouldn't predict any date, though. Just think that it'll come out this year, hopefully in late Q2 or early Q3.
It is very hard to be patient. From what I can see, infer and guess...

Right now there is one mostly known to be functioning pre-prototype (alpha) in the process of hardware validation. It needs to complete it's validation process so they know 100% of the changes needed to produce the 18 prototypes (beta). I think we can expect this to take another 2-4 weeks.

Once the prototypes start getting through hardware validation (did the changes apply properly and did they work), then I would expect pre-orders to open and the prototypes to ship to developers. The 'prototype buyers', myself included, would be at the back end of those. Since this requires a few of the prototypes to be built and tested, it probably adds 2-4 weeks before pre-orders can start.

Once pre-orders reach a critical mass, the money is then available to buy the parts needed. Those parts tend to have lead times measured in weeks to months. At the point where parts are ordered, it will still, realistically, be ~3 months.

So, by my highly unofficial musings above and gross estimates:
* 1-2 months from now pre-orders should open.
* It will probably take 2 weeks or so to reach minimums in the pre-order process. If ED does the pre-order himself, the money is ready then to purchase parts. If he does Kickstarter, the campaign will run for a month and it will take another month to collect the funds from Kickstarter.
* 3 months later parts will arrive.
* Board population has to be scheduled. So, 2-4 weeks after parts are in they should be able to get a run in.

So, shipping Pyras I estimate to be a minimum of 4 months out, maximum of 8 months.

Frankly, I hope that is too conservative of an estimate and all the pieces come together much faster.
And his pessimistic view matches my optimistic scenario.

I hope that I'm wrong on this one, but I'll be pleasantly surprised if I end up having a Pyra in my hand this year.
December 6th 2016
No. NO! I hate December 6th! So I'll guess optimisticly it's gonna be December 5th 2016 - my hope is that it'll be released before Christmas 2016, so anything before December 23rd 2016 would already make me happy. As long as it isn't December 6th.
My official date for the non-existing raffle: December 5th 2016.
Sept 6th 2016. Day I start fall classes. Would be just my luck