Pyra Donations

It took a while for mine to show up, so I was worried he didn't get it.  (but he did.)  Be patient and it will show up eventually :) .
I uhhh.... spent more on this trip than i expected to. I'm now deliberating about wether I'll be able to do the full preorder, or just the initial 200 dollars ED mentioned.

And I still haven't had time to make it to a bank to clear my CC debt.

Such is the life of a gypsy...
Keep it up people! Slowly, but surely donations are coming through :)

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Notch thinks, he has to much money, a good time to ask him for donations?  :ph34r:

The problem with getting everything is you run out of reasons to keep trying, and human interaction becomes impossible due to imbalance.
Hanging out in ibiza with a bunch of friends and partying with famous people, able to do whatever I want, and I've never felt more isolated.

He may need a open source community or so. It can make people very happy when they can help others. ;)
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What happened to the donations? With the new boards the donation widget vanished. (Or did I just not find it?)
Anyway, I have some leftover bitcoin and I won't bother to sell it, because it's not that much, so I could donate it for the pyra as well. Can you give us a bitcoin address, @EvilDragon?
Well, it's a list of over 100 users and I need to add them to the Supporter group manually myself... probably will do that next week when I'm at the hotel in Greece.

EDIT: Oh, you meant the donation widget... well donating works via my shop, I have not yet added bitcoins back to it.
The preorder has not started yet. We'll do it as soon as the prototypes are finished and working :)