Donations For Emulators, Vm,..


Active Member
Feb 15, 2006
~Munich, Germany
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We can no longer accept Paypal Donations

As regular ScummVM web-viewers may have noticed already, we have removed the Paypal button from our site and are no longer accepting donations. Paypal has informed us that all software capable of playing a game on a 'system it was not sold for' is in violation of their Acceptable Usage Policy.

(As a simple example of stupidity, the Paypal games AUP makes the Apple Intel Mac illegal, as the Intel Mac can via emulation run games originally designed for the PowerPC Mac - a completely incompatible hardware platform. Of course, I don't expect to see these vanishing from ebay any time soon...)

Please feel free to e-mail and express your disappointment at their policies... Which make absolutely no sense for a project like ScummVM, which is often actively assisted by the original game developers and studios. :)

We are investigating alternatives for a donation system, if any of our users have suggestions of reliable and open-source friendly systems please post in this thread.

zomfg oO
Shikaku posted on Sep 1 2006 at 11:49 AM said:
iignotus posted on Sep 1 2006 at 11:30 AM said:
The millisecond that there's a viable alternative to paypal/ebay, I'm switching, as should everyone else.

There's ALWAYS merchant accounts...
Yes but I want an alternative to eBay as well. I'm fed up with them as well.

Edit: Also, as well. As well, also, as well. As well as well as well as well as well as well as well as well as well as well as well as well as well as well as well as well as well as well as well as well as well as well as well as well as well as well as well as well as well as well as well as well as well as well as well as well as well as well as well as well as well as well as well.
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You know, I can play a game on XP, which I bought long ago for my 486... No more XP's on e-bay, I quess? :(

And would that make backward-compatible PS2's also violations? Or Xbox360's? I'm sure those aren't fully hw-emulated... And I didn't buy FF7 for PS2. :P