Putting Stickers On Your Pandora?


Still Fresh
Feb 13, 2010
I have some stickers that I will probably put on my pandora, but I have a question before that. Does anyone have any experience with this? What I mean is, if I decide to remove them. Can I just pull it off and use some alcohol and cotton to remove the last bits without damaging the plastic case?

I have to use them for something :P


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It depends on the adhesive, I suspect. :P Some paper-based stickers can be peeled off fairly easily and don't leave any gloop behind (don't get me started on those A4 adhesive paper sheets, though - those are a nightmare to remove). Vinyl-based ones (of the variety usually put on cars) tend to need a hairdryer for removal and might still leave some glue behind.

I'm not sure what you would use to remove any leftovers, but I have heard mention products available in some countries intended for this task. :P I've seen it mentioned with regard to removing and replacing labels on vintage video game cartridges, so I'm assuming it may be plastic-friendly.
Its going to depend on the texture of the cases and the adhesive of the sticker for how well it would stick. I wouldnt worry about removal since theres tons of products out there made for this.
I've read, but not tried, white distilled vinegar works well for removing stickers. As a bonus, the odor will also deter ants and cats from your Pandora.
I remove glue marks with a bit of oil and rub it with tissues.
Then a good old monitor cleaner to remove the oil :P
Put it on the battery cover, so you can actually take it out and clean the sticker off if you want to.

In other news, putting a Tux sticker on your Pandora will cause it to spontaneously combust!
Iv already put a sticker aside for mine, a big MAME sticker off an arcade cabinet, plan to cut it and skin the pandora

as said, the adhesive is key to how easy removal will be, but I'd think with a little effort any sticker can be cleaned/scraped off. Maybe after ages of it being on you might notice colour diference where the sticker was when you remove it, from where light affects the rest of the unit?

I got a http://www.gelaskins.com/ on my iPhone, they use some special adhesive that can be peeled off and put back on untold times, it's good stuff
I don't like to put stickers on my stuff. The corners and edges start to peel and pick up dirt, lint etc. And make your device look less and less presentable. Also, when you think about it, your first question is how to take it off. You're gonna put something on, but even before you do it, you are thinking about taking it off. That said, if you must, battery cover idea sounds the best.
I have a 4 year old daughter in my house. I HATE stickers!

So yes, I'm sure my pandora will end up with stickers on it along with marker, paint, glue, crayon, slobber, snot, random food, etc, etc

I hope it comes off easy! :lol:

edit: lol, ninja'd with exactly the kind of stickers I expect will end up on my pandora!
Why deface a Pandora with stickers?

There are only two places to put them really - on the top, covering the Pandora logo (sacrilige!) and on the bottom, where no-one will see them anyway (and where they are likely to peel off, leaving your fingers all sticky).

Bonkers :P
just a bit of personalisation i guess...?

might get the stanley out and scratch my name all over the case, some people might say it looks a bit messy, but i dont care about that and it makes for less of a target to teefs.
Same with the netbook, brand new case, scratched up heavily, looks like its an old piece of rubbish, but if someone wants to steal it they wont have many people wanting to buy it, so probably wouldnt target it.
thats the logic
I'll put the first one on my Pandora if there is space to the left or to the right of the screen... (There probably isn't.)
I use Ronsonal lighter fluid to clean my plastics, glass, and electronic contacts. It evaporates clean leaving no streaks. It works for most degreasing jobs as well. BUT it has to be a nonporous surface, not something thats been colored or letter labeled as it might strip of the details.
I keep a bottle of this stuff handy for just such occasions:


Dab a bit on a paper towel, gently rub into the adhesive, and it usually comes right off. Should work fine on Pandora's plastic, and I've never damaged anything with the stuff.