Beta Psx4Pandora Beta

Tinnus said:
Obviously there won't be any new releases of the emulator anymore

I'm sensing some sarcasm..... :D

Please Tinnus, dont get pissed off with one or two impatient posts. We all fully appreciate everything and understand that you have NO obligations to do this, it is just really awesome that you do ;)
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As a developer of open source stuff myself I know how irritating demands for features done NOW (or yesterday) can be.

Its well worth pointing out its good manners to *request* things *politely* and stress the points you like as well as what you think are sub optimal!

When I get some mail that irks me too much I tend to just stop working on the particular project for a week or so and delete any annoying correspondence even if it did contain the odd good suggestion. At least that way even if it slows the project down I don't get completely fed up with it....

I'm convinced the majority of people have no conception of the sort of intense concentration and hard work programming and debugging often entails.

I love the fact there is *already* a working psx emu on the pandora and I for one appreciate all the hard work its taken AND going to take!
Well its also pretty easy to get very greedy when all this software is released :( I've fallen for it and whined about audacious features. For us on the sideline its pretty hard to have ideas but not have skill, you make all your wizardry seem to be there automagically. So excuse us for being impatient, I'd like to be a better beta tester but it requires skill and not the least communicative skills not everybody has.

However there are probably users here (myself included) who act on this software as already being ready and not beta's
I'm so pleased you're working on it Tinnus. Take your time, it's your spare time you're giving up.

I felt a bit bad thinking maybe that we weren't going to see the PSX emulator for some time, as there was a bit of silence from Zod on the boards about it, after an initial excited Pandora preview. However, just look what happened there, he released it and worked on it furiously for a period of time. Now it just needs time to mature.

Thanks to Tinnus and Zodttd, as well as anyone else who may have or be working on psx4pandora. It's much appreciated.
Tinnus said:
Only this stuff takes time and we might have, say, a life to attend to and occasionally interest in other things (which is part of the former), which seems to be different from some people here who probably work for free for others 24/7.
Ewww. Gross you probably like making money too :P

You, Zod, et. al. have been doing a killer good job and your work is seriously appreciated. And really considering that you're working on it at all when you're not being paid AND that you're development target is only ~600 (atm.).

Thanks a ton for your work and I know that it'll be worth the wait :D Just be sure to keep your sanity so you don't get burned out.
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EvilDragon said:
Now the Pandora is out, the system is way more complex than the other ones I mentioned (the OMAP documentation is 3000 pages long). And you expect everything to fully work after 1,5 months...?
You are right. But to be fair, we should tell the new Users that many Software is much much longer in Development than 1,5 Months. ;)
N64, PSX, Pico Drive...and many other programs are more than a year in Development for the Pandora, long before the Device itself was ready. This shouldn't be forgotten. :)
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It is really sad when you see people complaining about "FREE" software! I'm willing to say that not one person here who is complaining about this emu has given a donation to say thank you for the work that has been done, and to help insure that those involved know that their work is appreciated.

For those wondering what "pretty good" means? For me personally, it means several games that run full speed or very close without overclocking at all(with perfect sound). So to be able to play PS1 and N64 games that run damn near perfect after this unit has only been out a few months at best, is just AWESOME, and greatly appreciated by those who really know what this community is about.

I sent a donation a few weeks ago to Zod, hopefully he shares it with all of you who are involved, but if you have your own donation link, I would be more than happy to show you my support by giving you some of my hard earned cash. If you don't ever do another line of code for this project, that is fine. I would still donate to say thank you for the time you have already given.

And if for any of you who may donate in the future, don't think that means any of these guys are working for you, and that you have the right to tell them to hurry up! That's just rude! If anyone here does not like the progress being made, you are all welcome to try and do better yourselves, if not, please keep your crap comments to yourself, as it does nothing but piss off those who are doing this stuff out of kindness for the community.

I'm sure no one here works for free at there jobs, and let's just say you did work for free, would you take shit from anybody? Yeah, that's what I thought. Please treat others like you would like to be treated! It's a simple concept, but it goes along way!

jonlad1 said:
+1 for a donation link Tinnus.....

Agreed. I think with my lack of programming skills, monetarily contributing is the only way (apart from thanks and praise) I can show my appreciation.
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Tinnus said:
Thanks for being reasonable, EvilDragon and PokeParadox.

You are perfectly welcome. I've seen those lovely screenshots from years ago, and I have every faith that you can get things to that level again. Also I understand how these things take time. PandoraPanic! ended up taking a full two years to get to release state, ok so a lot of this was because the shipping dates kept slipping on Pandora itself, but developing software does take time... and sometimes your userbase just cannot appreciate how difficult is it to find that time.
Keep at it and pay no mind to the negative nellies... they just don't understand the work that is involved behind the scenes and see things like "Covert to GLES2 Renderer" as "Flick a switch and it goes fast!" ;)
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I am interested in getting GLES2 GPU acceleration running.
If I may be of any help, just say so.

I already attempted porting P.E.Op.S. GLX plugin using glesport library:
but unfortunately glesport lacks implementation of many features used by P.E.Op.S. GLX.
At least I managed GLX->EGL conversion. :)
Damn devs, just who do they think they are? I didnt pay absolutely NOTHING for GREAT software so the devs could come on seeking family time and social life. Get back to your keyboards and do some coding!

I have seen this kind of thing before: next thing theyll want is to sleep more than 5 hours and summer holidays, mark my words. We need to nip this in the bud right now!
I'm not sure why everybody got so defensive all of a sudden? I don't think anybody was complaining about lack of development (in the last few pages at least). My original statement was simply that I'll be really disappointed if PSX emulation doesn't progress to the same sort of standards we had with the great stuff on the GP32 and GP2X - because I've been looking forwards to it so much! I certainly don't expect anything on a plate, or at any time in the immediate future. I've donated to several devs over the years and I fully expect to donate to more as soon as my Pandora arrives...
Gruntfuggly said:
I'm not sure why everybody got so defensive all of a sudden?

Why do you think they're getting defensive? DaveC was going around saying the project was probably abandoned, and you were claiming that the emulator that Tinnus has been helping code for a couple of years now wasn't at a "reasonable state."

To a coder, that's kind of like saying "You suck at your job."

-God Ginrai
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I didn't claim anything? I just said I hoped it reaches a reasonable state - if it's already at a reasonable state then that's great (as I said, I can't tell yet). I didn't mention Tinnus, Zod, psx4all, etc. - I just really hope that I can play some PSX games on my Pandora at some point... I didn't get anything playing properly in Zod's GP2X emulator, so I just hope it eventually does the business on the Pandora.

DaveC simply said it looks abandoned - his post was fairly obviously just his opinion - I thought my post was pretty obviously just mine too.
Gruntfuggly said:
I didn't claim anything? I just said I hoped it reaches a reasonable state - if it's already at a reasonable state then that's great (as I said, I can't tell yet). I didn't mention Tinnus, Zod, psx4all, etc. - I just really hope that I can play some PSX games on my Pandora at some point... I didn't get anything playing properly in Zod's GP2X emulator, so I just hope it eventually does the business on the Pandora.

DaveC simply said it looks abandoned - his post was fairly obviously just his opinion - I thought my post was pretty obviously just mine too.

If I say that I want N64 to reach full speed on the Pandora, I would be implying that it currently was not at full speed. It is your implications that seem rude.

-God Ginrai
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You could be implying anything, but you're not really - you just saying to want it to reach full speed.

I didn't address my statement to any developer, I didn't mention any particular emulator and I didn't make any claim about the current state of PSX emulation.

I'm not quite sure why you've taken this so personally? Maybe you should give the devs a bit more credit for being able to cope with users wanting the best they can offer... They're obviously all talented people and they do it because they love doing it - not because anybody asks them to.
Gruntfuggly said:
You could be implying anything, but you're not really - you just saying to want it to reach full speed.

I didn't address my statement to any developer, I didn't mention any particular emulator and I didn't make any claim about the current state of PSX emulation.

I'm not quite sure why you've taken this so personally? Maybe you should give the devs a bit more credit for being able to cope with users wanting the best they can offer... They're obviously all talented people and they do it because they love doing it - not because anybody asks them to.

If someone sees what you said as a complaint, it is very likely that others may see it that way as well. I am not the one who is taking this personally, I was merely pointing out to you a couple of the reasons why people were "taking this personally."

-God Ginrai
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So you speak for the masses then? Thanks for going out of your way on behalf of everybody to point out that I'm not allowed to express my opinion...

Let's start again:

I really appreciate all the great work that the developers have put in to PSX emulation on the Pandora (although I can't tell if it's great or not because I don't have one yet). I really hope that when I get my Pandora I can play some of the games I have, but if they don't work I won't say anything in case I offend the developers. I'll be disappointed, but I'll keep it to myself to I don't ruin it for everybody else...

Is that better?