Psx Emu

i can only dream of all the cool rpg's that r now available on the GP32 due to this breakthrough.
if u want psone emulation get a ppc I got one and I love the thing to bits. Psone rocks hard on it :D
think about it... just because ldchen had geepee32 running on his pc, doesn't mean it was fast enough to run at true 40mhz...
As far as I understand the concept memory isn't really an issue because the PS1 was a CD based console, meaning that even on the original system games were read a chunk at a time so theoretically you could 'spool' (can't think of a better term for it) the game images off the SMC. Have faith people, remeber no-one thought Megadrive games would come as far as they have on the gp32, so who knows where this might go!
Josquius posted on Oct 31 2004 at 12:14 PM said:
This is hard to believe unless BLUs turn out to be overclockable into the 200s and someone has released a memory mod. Which I doubt.

some gp32s including BLUs can overclock to 256 and beyond

this included my gp32 :D

edit: oh and you can upgrade the ram
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Some people are alittle too geeky and a little too selfish. If you scan through this thread why aren't more people just saying "Hey that looks pretty cool. Nice one"? No, theres all the "Will it work?", "Where can I get it?" and "It'll never work" stuff coming out. What does it mean to "make it work"? Firstly it says "W.I.P" and secondly who told the person at what point they were a sucsess? Some people just like a challenge and its their hobby. Fantastic! Don't get obsessive kids! C'mon play fair now. :huh:
Well, most ppl probably don´t get that such emus are not written for fancy gaming but for the sake of the challenge coding something almost imposible. Instead they worry about fps and savestates... ;)