Promoting The Gp2x Further...

Magnulus posted on Jul 16 2006 at 09:09 PM said:
No offense on Payback, but a GTA clone, however nice-looking, will only serve to prove that the GP2X isn't as good as the PSP on 3D games. It looks really good considering the hardware, but if someone unfamiliar with the GP2X sees the game, they'll think "uhh... GTA looks much more awesome than this."

that's what makes me not want to get payback, it seems good and all but i really think gp2x is capable of more, not being a programmer of course, i wouldn't know
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xinfernoofdantex posted on Jul 16 2006 at 11:13 PM said:
that's what makes me not want to get payback, it seems good and all but i really think gp2x is capable of more, not being a programmer of course, i wouldn't know

No, that wasn't really my point. It looks amazing for a system with no 3D hardware, etc, but the fact remains that it's just not as advanced-looking as GTA, which is a directly comparable game for another system. If you put Gish on the GP2X, there's nothing to compare it with, so there's less chance of prospective buyers looking at it and going "naaaahhh... I'd rather get it on that other system."
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xinfernoofdantex posted on Jul 16 2006 at 05:13 PM said:
Magnulus posted on Jul 16 2006 at 09:09 PM said:
No offense on Payback, but a GTA clone, however nice-looking, will only serve to prove that the GP2X isn't as good as the PSP on 3D games. It looks really good considering the hardware, but if someone unfamiliar with the GP2X sees the game, they'll think "uhh... GTA looks much more awesome than this."

that's what makes me not want to get payback, it seems good and all but i really think gp2x is capable of more, not being a programmer of course, i wouldn't know

.... You haven't seen the final product yet. The first 2 versions were not optimized a lot, and did not use the second core (if they do figure out if and how it's usable), and they also implemented Squidge's hack afterwards which could allow some more interesting things since it allows memory to be more efficiently used.

Demos are short for DEMONSTRATION, and always only hint at the final product.
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moz posted on Jul 16 2006 at 10:14 PM said:
i would of thought its the job of GPH to advertise

I thought Craig is the official representant of gph/gp2x outside of Korea :blink:
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I agree, investing in indie games on handheld would increase the reputation. Indie games aren't made a lot anymore and they just don't sell, but on a handheld like the gp2x?

That would just be awesome, indie games, emulators, freeware homebrew, typical media functions. xP
As people have said, I think word of mouth is among the most effective of ways that people hear about these things... on busses particularly. I wonder how much ads inside busses cost...? Probably way too much, but the number of people who've asked me about the GP2x or GP32 a while back when on one is rather impressive.

To appeal to developers... well, if I recall correctly, one of the things about the GP32 that appealed to so many was that, essentially, it was the same as an ARM developers board but about a tenth of the price (arm in a box, ram, framebuffer). If the GP2x has somewhat of the same functionality, maybe it'd be a good idea to search out anywhere where ARM are advertising their own bits of kit and look at getting ads alongside theirs. After all, they much be reaching a certain demographic with their own ads for ADS and hardware, and it'd probably be largely the same one as would be nice to attract to the GP2x. That's one thought.

The other is based on an observation about adverts in this day and age. Walk along the street one day and see how many garishly coloured ads your eyes just pass over. If you can count them. Now try to do the same with simple black-text-on-A4 crudely printed header+text ads which people have stuck in windows. If the text is the right size, those are the ones which stand out, because we're so used these days to coloured crap. What you can do with that... no idea, but it might be of use in trying to get people to visit the requisite websites from seeing something about the place.

If we're after another gadget-prone group of people, it might be worth looking into enlisting people in second/third year uni to make sure they're present at Freshers' week events and get out some fliers along with all the clubs and whatnot. Only disadvantage is printing costs (about £99 for 10000 simple small flier ads) and that you've no guarantee people won't mistake the ad for a club night somewhere.

Then... I suppose if some of the other advertising is paying off, you could organise demonstration booths in shopping centres (pricey) or airports (even more pricey - but it'd stand out from Baileys and car booths, and be relevant for people who wanted something to do on the flight).

Right... those are my thoughts, I think. Maybe I'll think of some more in due course...
A simple one with minimal cost: you used to sell the GP32 on eBay, and it seemed pretty effective for browsers in the retro categories.

For the GP2X I'd put up several auction listings each week, targeting eBay categories such as PSP, DS, Xbox, Dreamcast and Retro games (plus when they separate them into Megadrive, SNES, etc). Then anyone browsing for anything, can stumble upon it.
Quiest posted on Jul 16 2006 at 11:41 PM said:
moz posted on Jul 16 2006 at 10:14 PM said:
i would of thought its the job of GPH to advertise

I thought Craig is the official representant of gph/gp2x outside of Korea :blink:

He's the only distributor that has an exclusive contract (for UK) :)
He's as official as a representant than I am. We both try to convince GPH to do the right stuff and we both try to fix the stuff they did wrong :)

Luckily, GPH did realize the things he (and I) did lately and work together a tad better than before, so we are more official representants other distributors, but that's it ;)
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I am working on a new advert for the magazines with more screen shots, but as you say we have to be very careful re copyright.

The reason the current advert has a lot of text was I think the market which will buy the GP2X will most likely read about it, if they can't be arsed to read 10 lines of text they probably won't be able to use it ;)

I really like the 'make an advert' competition idea, that is certainly something i'm going to look into, could be great fun.

Just getting that one article on theregister took a lot of work, i'm not sure if they will review it, i could try though...

Thanks for the ideas so far... got anymore?

More ideas:

1. Create a short, 5 minute presentation about the GP2X that will show at 3 AM in one of those public access channels

2. Go to a busy place and randomly hand out pamphlets about the GP2X

3. Register in every gaming and gadget forum you can find, set your sig as a link to this site and a brief description of the GP2X, and make at least one thread in each forum with indepth information about the GP2X

4. Start an e-mail chain letter that somehow contains GP2X info and also a threatening message if they don't forward it.

5. Someone that is rich register tons and tons of domains that resemble popular gaming websites (ex., and make them forward to this site.

6. Make an obscure game in which the only way to get a code to "retrieve money" is to buy a GP2X and download a program that will give you a code, based on your GP2X id number.
JaqMs posted on Jul 16 2006 at 08:29 PM said:
More ideas:

1. Create a short, 5 minute presentation about the GP2X that will show at 3 AM in one of those public access channels
Just stop, and go away.
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Guess no one has a sense of humour here... Though my ideas are not serious and outragous, they are still feasible and all are able to promote the GP2X.
Actually, I quite like some of those ideas. They might be sneaky, but hey, for a select group of people, they'd probably work...
Even though a lot of the problems have been fixed in fw 2.0, I still think some firmware stuff should be updated before advertising the gp2x. I know that if were to review it they would be really critical of the fact that it doesnt play all the video formats that it says it does and the music player needs to be a little bit more polished (oh yea and the ebook too). I still don't know whats going to be in this upcoming firmware so that stuff might even be fixed :D
One place to NEVER advertise the GP2X is Myspace *imagines all the horrible threads of "OMG CAN THE GPX3 EMULATE XBOX!!!!!!!"*
I know that if were to review it they would be really critical of the fact that it doesnt play all the video formats that it says it does and the music player needs to be a little bit more polished (oh yea and the ebook too).
Random statement: 100% chance they would use "It can play your movies. It can play your games..." line :D

Also, how about we do a group observation on mass advertisement? We will count how many people register in one week, then all of us choose 1-3 forums to post about the GP2X in and see how many people register then.
Are there any figures out on how many units have sold so far? I was just wondering after reading this thread. It is getting a lot of exposure in some magazines out there that I think GP32 didn't. You would think that it might effect sells a little. :huh:
With the current magazine exposure in the UK it is going well so far, but it's all about keeping that exposure going, that's the hard part...