Programer Challenge!


Just Photoshoppin, True, True.....
May 13, 2004
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Hi, I was looking for a new( not doom or wolvenstein) action game for my gp32( i know there are emulators) but couldn't find any ones that had people in them. so I started to think what game would be great on gp32, Devil may cry! I drew a shitty pic of what it could look like if those great programmers got involved( 15 comp).
here is my pic. you could use simple controns like R is shoot, select change weapon, L magic or tranform, a jump and b straff ( direction lock). it could be a birds eye view ( prefered ), a sides crolling a prerenderd view or any other. :D ( just a suggestion)
If anyone does take on the challenge them could they inform me with a PM.
Dont you think you should name the topic properly.

Not "Programmer Challenge" but "please please make this for me!"

Thats what it comes off as.

You know how many developers and artists it took multiple years to complete Devil May Cry? More developers and artists then the entire GP32 dev scene has total.

If you are going to ask for a remake of a game, please keep it realistic, no Devil May Cry remakes, no FFX remakes, no GTA3 remakes, we dont have enough developers that have enough time, with enough resources available, create such a grandoise project.
i only wanted a little game, not some 10 year 20 people remake. a great challenge for those who participated in the 15 day comp. i was being realistic but you seen to have taken this overboared. something along the lines of samurai deeper kyo for gameboy advanced but with the devil may cry theme. resident evil took years yet 1 man is remaken it.
Learn to code. :D I know this sentence sucks, but it's really not that hard at all. And especially for games, there are a lot of tutorials out there.

If this game is your hearts desire, create it by yourself.
kknd_cf posted on May 21 2004 at 09:07 AM said:
Akuma no Houkon posted on May 21 2004 at 02:44 PM said:
Or wait for Blue Angelo, that should satisfy your needs :)
When's that out btw?
Euro release if I remember correctly (which could be any time in the next 5 years :P)
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Akuma no Houkon posted on May 21 2004 at 04:27 PM said:
kknd_cf posted on May 21 2004 at 09:07 AM said:
Akuma no Houkon posted on May 21 2004 at 02:44 PM said:
Or wait for Blue Angelo, that should satisfy your needs :)
When's that out btw?
Euro release if I remember correctly (which could be any time in the next 5 years :P)
5 years lol , classic , with any luck i want a BLU for x-mas ,
THIS X-MAS not the one in 5 years time ;)
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