Problems With Bob


Still Fresh
Jun 29, 2006

Just got my BoB but have problems getting it to work.
I've got the old version of GP2x so I've got 2 AC-Adapters one to the GP2x and another to the BoB.

Problem, is that when I turn on the power to the BoB the screen on the Gp2X lights up garbled, powerbutton off??????

Whem I switch the powerbutton to On nothing happens , except the power led lights up , screen still garbled and --- Nothing...

Using FW 2 ....

Guess I'm doing something very stupid but can't seem to find what in the docs..

Btw, the GP2x works fine if I disconnect it from the BoB.


OK solved it myself with a bit of solder and plastic..

Now the Gp2x boots fine and the USB lights up.. :-)
Time to see if i can get Network and reiserfs going..

The Problem was me... :)

Went to the local store to find the second AC adapter , ofcorse they didn't have any adapters with the needlesized plug on the GP2x and BoB..

Eager to play with my new toy I decided to buy it anyway and solder it to the board, no problem the pads beeing huge.
Everything went fine and the LED on the BoB lit up, on to connect the GP2x and as mentioned in the first msg. the Gp2x screen lit up with the powerbutton "off" and no luck starting it up..

After some tinkering with my multimeter I figured that when you put the plug in it disconnects two pads and since I used the pads on the board with no plug they stay connected.

After some cutting I had a bit of plastic to put in to the contact instead of the plug , with that in the GP2x boot up fine and now it's on to play with storage and networking..

Guess I'm lucky not blowing the board up..

If you are going to hack away like this why didn't you just make your own BoB and save $50.

All you really needed was a TV-Out cable and a powered USB Hub, it is only 3 wires to solder (USB in/out and a ground wire), you already soldered 2 wires and hacked around with a bit of plastic.

Just me talking though, I am broke as hell, I can't afford a commercial BoB even if I did agree with their horrible bad design of said box.

Why a 12v adaptor? Why full parallel Jtag? And another crappy EXT connector? Why so big and bulky, not even well suited to being used in your media cabinet? I suppose that they will make a dock of some sort, but considering the design of this BoB I have no high hopes of anything elegant, just chintzy.

The USB and TV-Out could have very easily been integrated into the bottom and the Headphones plug, respectively; even with S-Video just using a little creativity, only one additional wire (not that it isn't a great product, just I am used to German Engineering in my cars and they always seem to add little touches of genius into everything, they are such a joy to wrench on)

And then the EXT could have been used for such things as TV-INPUT and VGA/RGB/HDTV output (all of these are supported by our main processing System On A Chip and TV-Out Chip, the input would have required a TV-In and Out chip, but why not? It can ENCODE full quality Divx and MPEG2 natively, so it could be plenty competitive as a DVR)

Just wishing a bit more planning had gone into it, or at least more options of our marvelous chip were exploited.
You have a point.. :)

But I've played enough with that stuff so I thought that it'd be nice to get everything on a card albeit a bit bulky and powerhungry.. :)
Also hopefully a real hacker might get a few bucks in support from me..

Already had a lot of fun with it, and now checking into building a few kernel modules for wifi and filesystems for some real fun..

also, rumor has it that the newer tv out cables dont have all the connections/wires needed to utilize them for a BoB