Thanks for the PrBoom port, Nice Work!
All the Orignal iWADs I own work very nicely.
I also located a compilation on UseNet entitled:
Pack of PrBoom compatible add-on wads for the GP2X
compiled by Lobo.
It includes several player made WADs ( pWADs ).
And since it was compiled for the Gp2x it already has GPEs and PNGs.
The GPEs do require some editing,
"!/bin/bash" should read "!/bin/sh" for use with the Wiz.
And the execution line should include the " -config prboom.cfg"
Such as the AlienTC original GPECODE
./prboom -iwad doom.wad -file ./pwads/alitcwad.wad -deh ./pwads/alitcp19.deh
cd /usr/gp2x/
should readCODE
./prboom -config prboom.cfg -iwad ./wads/doom.wad -file ./pwads/alitcwad.wad -deh ./pwads/alitcp19.deh > prboom.log.txt 2>&1
cd /usr/gp2x/
NOTE: I have my iWADs in a /wads/ subdirectory...
Again the pack is on UseNet, it can be located in:
NewsGroup: alt.binaries.emulators.misc
Titled: [gp2x - new] - - - doom pwad pack (2007)(lobo)(pd).zip
Ok, more to the point...
Correctly or Incorrectly, I assume Mr. Lobo compiled these wads for use on Gp2x,
And actually owned a Gp2X, and play-tested these pWADs. Which given the specifications of the Wiz,
Should mean they will play on the Wiz unit. However, <_< this is not the case.
For Example: when trying to play the BloodTC:
R_InitData: Textures Z_Malloc: Failure trying to allocate 4227860800 bytes
Z_Malloc: Failure trying to allocate 4227860800 bytes
I_SignalHandler: Exiting on signal: signal 11
I_SignalHandler: Exiting on signal: signal 11
Segmentation fault
I can't be sure, but I doubt...
Even the most heavily modified Gp2x wouldn't had 4GB of Memory, :lol:
Anyway, perhaps this package of pWADs would be a good starting point,
If the intention is continue making improvements to prBoom for the Wiz.
I have also uploaded the pack to RapidShare, I am reasonably satisfied that
The contents of the ZIP are all legal, un-pirated, public domain components.
You can grab it
Much Thanks Again Mr. Pickle,