Prboom 2.5.0 For Wiz

Pickle you're a machine, nice job yet again! :)

Looks like the Wiz will have a very cool library of games by release day. It's quite amazing how much the GP2X paved the way in terms of polished software for both upcoming handhelds.
Alex. said:
Pickle you're a machine, nice job yet again! :)

Looks like the Wiz will have a very cool library of games by release day. It's quite amazing how much the GP2X paved the way in terms of polished software for both upcoming handhelds.
Thanks, I think ive met my quota for the year :)

The only thing is the min lib, the wiz and pandora have the power using SDL or some other tranparent library should be the way to go.
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Got both Quake 1 and Quake 2 working perfectl.... can't get this to load any of my WAD files? Does this work on the latest firmware or has it only been tested on the developper Wiz? (pre v1.0.0)?
DigitalAnvil posted on May 28 2009 at 08:15 PM) Got both Quake 1 and Quake 2 working perfectl.... can't get this to load any of my WAD files? Does this work on the latest firmware or has it only been tested on the developper Wiz? (pre v1.0.0 said:
Which version of Quake are you running? glquake or this,0,0,0,30,15


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I always had trouble getting PR Boom to work right. All I can get to work is DoomII, everything else either locks up or sends me right back to the Wiz menu (even Doom 1).

Are there any treatises, Thesises, or grad school courses offered on how to set it up to run wads?

Are there any treatises, Thesises, or grad school courses offered on how to set it up to run wads?
To get Doom 1 to run you have to rename doom.wad to doom1.wad, or edit the appropriate .gpe file. I figured it was easy enough to rename the .wad file. I cannot get plutonia to run, but I did get doom 1, doom 2, and TNT to run.

I can't get the music to work though. Is there something wrong with Timidity on the Wiz? Or is there something wrong with the way MIDI music was implemented on this version of PRBoom.
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copy the timidity.cfg file to your doom folder, in the first line add:
dir <point to timidity folder here>
dir /mnt/nand/timidity/
I'm supposed to put timidity on the nand?
nah, sd is also fine (in that case modify the line to point to the sd"].[/quote]
It worked, thanks! Doom & music, together again. :"] [/quote]Glad to see everyone helping each other out.
The plutonia wad should work, I will check mine again and see what i did.
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Are there any treatises, Thesises, or grad school courses offered on how to set it up to run wads?
I get dumped back to the wiz menu as well (for me both don't work, doom1 or doom2.). Tried renaming the file to Doom.wad, DOOM.WAD, Doom1.wad, DOOM1.WAD and doom1.wad... no such luck (I gave it a try using upper and lower case, since there was one other game that needed its filenames to be changed to lowercase to run correctly... was hoping the same work here but no such luck)
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I always had trouble getting PR Boom to work right. All I can get to work is DoomII, everything else either locks up or sends me right back to the Wiz menu (even Doom 1"].

Are there any treatises, Thesises, or grad school courses offered on how to set it up to run wads?
To get Doom 1 to run you have to rename doom.wad to doom1.wad, or edit the appropriate .gpe file. I figured it was easy enough to rename the .wad file. I cannot get plutonia to run, but I did get doom 1, doom 2, and TNT to run.

I can't get the music to work though. Is there something wrong with Timidity on the Wiz? Or is there something wrong with the way MIDI music was implemented on this version of PRBoom.[/quote]To get Plutonia to run edit the Plutonia.gpe file and change "#!/bin/bash" to "#!/bin/sh". Then Plutonia will run just fine.
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Thanks for the PrBoom port, Nice Work!

All the Orignal iWADs I own work very nicely.
I also located a compilation on UseNet entitled:

Pack of PrBoom compatible add-on wads for the GP2X
compiled by Lobo.

It includes several player made WADs ( pWADs ).
And since it was compiled for the Gp2x it already has GPEs and PNGs.
The GPEs do require some editing,
"!/bin/bash" should read "!/bin/sh" for use with the Wiz.
And the execution line should include the " -config prboom.cfg"

Such as the AlienTC original GPECODE
./prboom -iwad doom.wad -file ./pwads/alitcwad.wad -deh ./pwads/alitcp19.deh

cd /usr/gp2x/
should readCODE
./prboom -config prboom.cfg -iwad ./wads/doom.wad -file ./pwads/alitcwad.wad -deh ./pwads/alitcp19.deh > prboom.log.txt 2>&1

cd /usr/gp2x/
NOTE: I have my iWADs in a /wads/ subdirectory...

Again the pack is on UseNet, it can be located in:
NewsGroup: alt.binaries.emulators.misc
Titled: [gp2x - new] - - - doom pwad pack (2007)(lobo)(pd).zip

Ok, more to the point...
Correctly or Incorrectly, I assume Mr. Lobo compiled these wads for use on Gp2x,
And actually owned a Gp2X, and play-tested these pWADs. Which given the specifications of the Wiz,
Should mean they will play on the Wiz unit. However, <_< this is not the case.

For Example: when trying to play the BloodTC:
R_InitData: Textures Z_Malloc: Failure trying to allocate 4227860800 bytes
Z_Malloc: Failure trying to allocate 4227860800 bytes
I_SignalHandler: Exiting on signal: signal 11
I_SignalHandler: Exiting on signal: signal 11
Segmentation fault

I can't be sure, but I doubt...
Even the most heavily modified Gp2x wouldn't had 4GB of Memory, :lol:

Anyway, perhaps this package of pWADs would be a good starting point,
If the intention is continue making improvements to prBoom for the Wiz.

I have also uploaded the pack to RapidShare, I am reasonably satisfied that
The contents of the ZIP are all legal, un-pirated, public domain components.
You can grab it HERE...

Much Thanks Again Mr. Pickle,
Turns out you can set to run in 16 bpp mode.
The config file and scripts are fixed get it here
Runs great, filters turned on by default.
Pickle i love you :D

Any chance to see ZDoom ported? I want to play Strife so much :p too bad the gp2x porting was unplayable because several bugs on Strife, it was able only to run Doom well so it was a bit pointless having already PrBoom. I remember it was impossible to choose a difficulty level, it ran in Nightmare mode ignoring what you selected and it had another weird issue that i don't remember....

Oh also ZDoom supports a lot of Doom mods that PrBoom isn't able to run because most advanced features (like the ability to jump ad the engine is true 3d, larger resolution sprites and so on).

Ah talking again about this PrBoom release, it's only me or Plutonia doesn't seem to run? I got Doom 1 and 2 running, and TNT.wad, but plutonia just doesn't work
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copy the timidity.cfg file to your doom folder, in the first line add:
dir <point to timidity folder here>
dir /mnt/nand/timidity/
I tried that and it still doesn't work.

I put dir /mnt/sd/timidity/ in the Doom folder and have timidity dir in the root of the card. No music. What is the trick, is my timidity wrong maybe?

Has anyone got HacX to work?
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I put dir /mnt/sd/timidity/ in the Doom folder and have timidity dir in the root of the card. No music. What is the trick, is my timidity wrong maybe?
Get timidy from here:
Unpack the archive and put the timidity folder in the root of your SD card
Open the timidity folder and copy the timidity.cfg file and put the copy of it in your game/doom folder. Leave the original timidity.cfg in the timidity folder as is.
Open the timidity.cfg file in your game/doom folder and edit it so that the first line reads:

dir /mnt/sd/timidity/

-- leave the rest of the timidity.cfg file as is. Use a UNIX compatible text editor like Notepad ++ (free, Windows) or TextMate (non-free, Mac) or emacs from the terminal (free, Mac, Linux, cygwin on Windows) for best results editing files for use by the Wiz.

That's it, music should work in DOOM now.
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