Post Your Dosbox Successes Here


Internal Development
Mar 11, 2003
There are a lot of great old DOS games, and many which should run great on the Pandora.

Report your success stories on the forum, maybe even here if you've got some -- give us some ideas for what to fire up ourselves :)

I should've made videos/screenies, but was busy fiddling in the middle of the night while my baby girl slept, so was being quiet!

Eye of the Beholder series -- play great! I've shown videos before, months ago, but for completeness thought I'd mention it.

Wizardry 6 and 7 -- flawless! (And two of the best old school RPGs around.)

Warcraft 2 -- being in SVGA does slow things down quite a bit, but with some overclocking it actually plays pretty well; with a lot of actoin going on it might slow down, but you can definately play the first couple levels (I did) in the scenario :)

Dune 2 -- runs great; I've not tried it in 6mo, but at the time I was using a USB mouse and fully played a few levels.

Civilization 1 -- runs flawless

Civilization 2 (DOS, not Test of Time/etc), Advanced Civ etc -- should be playable as well, but been months and I forget .. but seem to recall the right versoins were no problem, but this was the cusp when developers were switching to Windows.

Master of Magic -- at low clock runs great, but a few 'traqnsitions' (when switching between screens) slow down, so you have to run clocked up so that its playable; I didn't complete any sessions, just fired it up and fiddled around, but looks like it'd be playable.

M.A.X. -- (Mechanized Assault and eXploration) -- great RTS-or-Turn-Based game (that Inteprlay screwed over hard); looks like it'd be hard to manage with the nubs for mouse, but plays pretty god with usb mouse ;) So with tweaking the controls should be okay.

Anyone else?

I have a question about the SD slot address in Linux. Are they persistant, the 'm6737sjsj blah blah'? They're also not easy to remember, so is there a path using the memory card name anywhere on the filesystem tree?

I only ask because booting dosbox, I was gonna mount a drive in the 'mount c /linuxpath' fashion but wasn't sure.

Once I get it going, I'll give you some feedback.
i would love to see some skyroads!

i know! why not some logo action! lets see that turtle run! (around the world)
skeezix said:
Warcraft 2 -- being in SVGA does slow things down quite a bit, but with some overclocking it actually plays pretty well; with a lot of actoin going on it might slow down, but you can definately play the first couple levels (I did) in the scenario :)

Civilization 2 (DOS, not Test of Time/etc), Advanced Civ etc -- should be playable as well, but been months and I forget .. but seem to recall the right versoins were no problem, but this was the cusp when developers were switching to Windows.
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Hey jeff, what would you recommend, playing the original warcraft II on dosbox or the wargus/stratagus engine port, which might be faster, but probably more incomplete?
Has anyone tried Megarace or Lode Runner: The Legend Returns yet?

If not, I will when my Pandora arrives (queue position 350-450 from gbax, airmail to USA)


Processor Req for Megarace: 386 / 33 MHz
Processor Req for LR:TLR: 25 Mhz

LR:TLR also had a PSX port if it won't run in dosbox .. and Megarace had a Sega CD port.
DroneB Dev said:
i would love to see some skyroads!

I had a little go on Skyroads and it looks to work just fine :)
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skeezix said:
I should've made videos/screenies, but was busy fiddling in the middle of the night while my baby girl slept, so was being quiet!
Anyone else?
Were you running at standard 500mhz clock speed, or something else?
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Little Big Adventure and Dungeon Keeper would be the ones I'd be interested in seeing tested.

Edit: A link in this thread has reminded me that I was involved in a previous discussion on this, the conclusions were Dungeon Keeper cannot be done.
ive already beat keen 4 on the pandora, working on keen 5 at the moment. Both run well between 600-700 Mhz.
Ran some alien carnage and it seems ok, biomenace works (should as its the keen galaxy engine)
Blake Stone runs at 600/700 with some of the special effects off.