count zero
@ CZ: Where did I say anything inflammatory? The whole point of the search feature is to see if the question you're about to ask has already been asked, saving yourself time.
I used the serach function. Nobody did ask for porting ffVII yet. So this wouldn't have helped him.
But thats not the point.
I just wanted to ask for a little more apreciation.
As you can see, there is a discussion going on about this topic. Others are thinking about it, and maybe someone is trying to port it and tada we have a wonderful looking FFVII.
If he just did what most of this forum want him to to, look at the sticky PORTS NEED SOURCECODES post, then he wouldn't have asked his question and nobody would have thougt about it.
I realy don't get whats so bad when peoples are asking there questions and posting there good ideas. And i dont get why we can't just answer them.
What i care about is that 8o% of all topics of the last time went to "Off Topic".
But that has nothing to with this discussion here. So i will stop whining now.