Hey guys,
So I would really like to see DoomRL make an appearance on the OpenPandora. (http://doom.chaosforge.org/)
I, however, know absolutely nothing about porting a game... but I do know the mantra is "no source, no port."
The developers over there do have a stable Linux build, and I was curious if it could just be PNDified? If not, what should I ask from the developers for a successful port?
However this works, I am more than willing to do the legwork.
So I would really like to see DoomRL make an appearance on the OpenPandora. (http://doom.chaosforge.org/)
I, however, know absolutely nothing about porting a game... but I do know the mantra is "no source, no port."
The developers over there do have a stable Linux build, and I was curious if it could just be PNDified? If not, what should I ask from the developers for a successful port?
However this works, I am more than willing to do the legwork.