Port Requests

Application finder is pretty good I guess, its a little clumsy and still sometimes requires the nubs, but that's okay.

Is there some way I can activate it with a key combo?
Does that work if you're not using dwm?
I use it with i3, xfce and mate. it even works in a shell but it's kinda pointless then. you assign a hotkey to it, mod + d by default. if you press it a little bar appears instantly wherever you configure it to, and you can type away. it uses auto completion and is very neat.
Does anyone have a working build of wxLua?

If not, I think everything I need for compiling it is in Code::Blocks, but the instructions for compiling are a little odd, saying that you need to ./configure multiple times before all the dependencies will be found.

Eventually, I wanted to see if I could get ZeroBrane Studio working on the Pandora and package it into a PND. The only thing I see missing at the moment is wxLua.
Never tried that one (wxLua), but it should compile with latest Codeblocks PND.
The ZeraBrane Studio looks nice (but as always, assume that armv7l on inux mean armhf, that's bad for the Pandora).
True, but from what I could tell, the armhf support was mainly because they include armhf/x86/x86_64 builds of Lua in the source. Since we have our own build of Lua that can be pointed to in the startup script, I was hoping I could get it to run.
Just to let you know, mkxp now has support for OpenGLES.
Long story short, mkxp allows you to play Rpg Maker XP/VX games, much like EasyRPG.

You only need to set the define GLES2_HEADER for OpenGLES supprt.
I gave it a try on GCW0 but it quickly crashes after showing the titlescreen (due to crappy drivers).
It requires Ruby 2.1+ as well.
Thanks, but I was already aware of this one.
I already used it to ported "To The Moon", and it's working ok on the Pandora (look here, in my beta lair).
So it doesn't sound like anyone wants to port that quicklaunch stuff I mentioned, and the Application Finder though helpful is bulky and not suitable for my needs. It got me thinking maybe its best I tried my hand at doing it myself instead of depending on the kindness of others. I'm hoping maybe someone here can help teach a man to fish just a little bit?

The problem is I'm not sure if I'm even on the right track. Let's say I take something like dmenu, as mentioned above. Can I take the source and using gcc build it? I've compiled some stuff on my own but I think I may be in over my head. Once I've done that I imagine I have to package it as a PND?

I've been reading the "make a PND" section of the wiki and think I get the general idea; when I get the binary I compile I assemble it with the necessary ancillary files. I assume a program like this will have to run at startup, is there some mechanism on the Pandora that supports that beyond adding it to init.d?

Sorry for the newbish questions, but maybe if I wrap my head around this I won't have to bother anyone and will be more self sufficient. Learning things like this and becoming more comfortable is also one of the reasons I bought a Pandora.
So it doesn't sound like anyone wants to port that quicklaunch stuff I mentioned, and the Application Finder though helpful is bulky and not suitable for my needs. It got me thinking maybe its best I tried my hand at doing it myself instead of depending on the kindness of others. I'm hoping maybe someone here can help teach a man to fish just a little bit?

The problem is I'm not sure if I'm even on the right track. Let's say I take something like dmenu, as mentioned above. Can I take the source and using gcc build it? I've compiled some stuff on my own but I think I may be in over my head. Once I've done that I imagine I have to package it as a PND?

I've been reading the "make a PND" section of the wiki and think I get the general idea; when I get the binary I compile I assemble it with the necessary ancillary files. I assume a program like this will have to run at startup, is there some mechanism on the Pandora that supports that beyond adding it to init.d?

Sorry for the newbish questions, but maybe if I wrap my head around this I won't have to bother anyone and will be more self sufficient. Learning things like this and becoming more comfortable is also one of the reasons I bought a Pandora.
I looked quickly at Albert. It's using CMake as build system, and just need Qt 5.2. It should compile easily with latest codeblocks PND, but packaging may be a bit tricky...
But you can try (not sure your knowledge, so I'll go step-by-step) :
1. Donwload codeblocks PND
2. Launch "Codeblocks Command Line", and type your sudo password
3. From here, go to a folder somewhere, in a Ext formated partition.
4. type
git clone https://github.com/ManuelSchneid3r/albert.git
cd albert
mkdir build
cd build
ccmake ..
5. from here (the interactive cmake menu), select Build type and type "RelWithDebInfo"
6. select the destination folder and type "/mnt/utmp/albert"
7. type "c" to configure (should not make any error) than "g" to generate Makefile
8. type
9. wait... It should build

I'll explain the packaging later, build-it first :)
I seem to have gotten wxLua and ZeroBrane Studio working well. I will package it into a PND and put it up onto the repo soon.

One thing I noticed is that it currently initializes glshim when it starts. @ptitSeb, does your build of wxWidgets initialize glshim? Will this make windowed usage not possible with newer SGX drivers?

@directive0 I just glanced at the source, and it looks like you should just be able to compile dmenu as long as you have x11/xlib.h available. The PND packaging process is pretty easy too if you end up getting it running (get your screenshots, icon, pxml, executable, libs, and startup script together in a folder and invoke pnd_make.sh). The hardest part to figure out is probably the startup script and making sure you don't write to NAND. Have a look at some of ptitSeb's start scripts, as they are done really nicely and have been easy to read for me.

Not sure about the best way to start a PND on boot, but I'd bet you'd need a script that searches for the PND file and invokes pnd_run.sh if it is found.
@edgex004 : wxWidget should not be linked to glshim.
In codeblocks, there is nice tool to look at the dependancy, called, "elflibviewer", it will help you see what library as libGL as a dependancie.
Perfect, thanks. I must have linked it to wxLua somehow. Will investigate before uploading.
I looked quickly at Albert. It's using CMake as build system, and just need Qt 5.2. It should compile easily with latest codeblocks PND, but packaging may be a bit tricky...
I'll explain the packaging later, build-it first :)

I will try that and report back, thank you!
@directive0 : indeed, dmenu looks much smaller and easier to package.
The build system will probably be a bit less easiy but nothing fancy here.
To build it:
1. same first steps as before
2. type
git clone http://git.suckless.org/dmenu
cd dmenu
3. change the content of file "config.mk" with the one below (I already adapted it)
# dmenu version

# paths
PREFIX = /mnt/utmp/dmenu
MANPREFIX = ${PREFIX}/share/man

X11INC = /mnt/utmp/codeblocks/usr/include
X11LIB = /mnt/utmp/codeblocks/usr/lib

# Xinerama, comment if you don't want it
XINERAMALIBS  = -lXinerama

# freetype
FREETYPELIBS = -lfontconfig -lXft
FREETYPEINC = /mnt/utmp/codeblocks/usr/include/freetype2
# OpenBSD (uncomment)
#FREETYPEINC = ${X11INC}/freetype2

# includes and libs

# flags
CFLAGS   = -mcpu=cortex-a8 -mfpu=neon -mfloat-abi=softfp -std=c99 -pedantic -Wall -Os ${INCS} ${CPPFLAGS}

# compiler and linker
CC = cc
4. type
5. should build very quickly...

Packaging later...
Unfortunately after installing git through opkg git fails with "Fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly" when I try that clone command.. I'll try the codeblocks method next.
Maybe try one of the other clone addresses:


If you are trying to clone albert, you can also maybe try cloning without https:

git clone git://github.com/ManuelSchneid3r/albert.git

Also, you can just download the repo in a zip from your web browser and then extract it wherever you want. After that, you can "cd" into that directory and follow ptitSeb's instructions from that point foward. If you take a look around the repositories, they both have options to download a zip of the latest snapshot.

I highly recommend you try out code::blocks command line. ptitSeb made it so basically all libs and compilers are ready to go as soon as you start it. wxLua compiled in 6 hours with little fuss. Both dmenu and Albert should be much quicker.
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I already have packaged Albert as PND a few days ago, but there's a "little" problem.


You can search any program after you hit F12 or any other key you select after first start, but after you close the program launched, screen goes black after a few seconds.

Albert it's still in alpha state, but except the error mentioned above, it works fine.
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Hi, yeah I understand now the reason you guys mentioned codeblocks CLI. I'll get codeblocks and try again.

I tried the alternate git URL and it managed to clone no problem, for whatever that is worth. Will report back later.
hi i want to compile XDRP
but have ever this Error:

I tried to Google this Error and some People solved this..but i cannot get it to finish compile.
When i read the Infos right then i must add somewhere with g++ the "-ldl" but do not know where exactly.

Maybe someone of you can help me.
The User Raik asked me to compile a RDP Server for the Pandora because VNC ist too slow and i tried it but Error :(
He want to remote the Pandora Desktop ;)