So it doesn't sound like anyone wants to port that quicklaunch stuff I mentioned, and the Application Finder though helpful is bulky and not suitable for my needs. It got me thinking maybe its best I tried my hand at doing it myself instead of depending on the kindness of others. I'm hoping maybe someone here can help teach a man to fish just a little bit?
The problem is I'm not sure if I'm even on the right track. Let's say I take something like dmenu, as mentioned above. Can I take the source and using gcc build it? I've compiled some stuff on my own but I think I may be in over my head. Once I've done that I imagine I have to package it as a PND?
I've been reading the "make a PND" section of the wiki and think I get the general idea; when I get the binary I compile I assemble it with the necessary ancillary files. I assume a program like this will have to run at startup, is there some mechanism on the Pandora that supports that beyond adding it to init.d?
Sorry for the newbish questions, but maybe if I wrap my head around this I won't have to bother anyone and will be more self sufficient. Learning things like this and becoming more comfortable is also one of the reasons I bought a Pandora.
I looked quickly at Albert. It's using CMake as build system, and just need Qt 5.2. It should compile easily with latest codeblocks PND, but packaging may be a bit tricky...
But you can try (not sure your knowledge, so I'll go step-by-step) :
1. Donwload codeblocks PND
2. Launch "Codeblocks Command Line", and type your sudo password
3. From here, go to a folder somewhere, in a Ext formated partition.
4. type
git clone
cd albert
mkdir build
cd build
ccmake ..
5. from here (the interactive cmake menu), select Build type and type "RelWithDebInfo"
6. select the destination folder and type "/mnt/utmp/albert"
7. type "c" to configure (should not make any error) than "g" to generate Makefile
8. type
9. wait... It should build
I'll explain the packaging later, build-it first