Serial Porter
for now, I'm based on dante project. But I may migrate to another base one day...
Seem unlikely, it's a GameMaker game if I understand correctly, and no source are available (and even if source were available, it's not sure that it can be compiled for Pandora).I'm chancing my arm now as I don't know if it's remotely possible, but is there any chance Undertale could be converted to the Pandora?
Here a "perf top" of my latest build of doom3 on my gigahertz model (running the timedemo at a wooping 5fps)
PerfTop: 984 irqs/sec kernel:37.7% exact: 0.0% [1000Hz cycles], (all, 1 CPU)
22.06% [.] 0x23d84
19.07% [kernel] [k] __hrtimer_start_range_ns
5.15% doom-mon.arm [.] _ZN18idRenderWorldLocal26CreateLightDefInteractionsEP18idRenderLightLocal.constprop.2279
3.90% doom-mon.arm [.] R_CalcInteractionCullBits(idRenderEntityLocal const*, srfTriangles_s const*, idRenderLightLocal const*, srfCullInfo_t&)
3.87% [kernel] [k] omap3_enter_idle
2.70% [kernel] [k] __schedule
2.13% [kernel] [k] tick_nohz_restart_sched_tick
1.38% doom-mon.arm [.] idSIMD_Generic::CmpLT(unsigned char*, unsigned char, float const*, float, int)
1.25% doom-mon.arm [.] idSIMD_Generic::MinMax(idVec3&, idVec3&, idDrawVert const*, short const*, int)
1.23% [.] 0x25f00
1.09% [.] memcpy
1.04% doom-mon.arm [.] _Z30RB_GLSL_CreateDrawInteractionsPK10drawSurf_s.part.9
0.98% doom-mon.arm [.] _Z20R_RadiusCullLocalBoxRK8idBoundsPKfiPK7idPlane.part.7.lto_priv.3574
0.97% [kernel] [k] ktime_get_ts
0.87% doom-mon.arm [.] idInteraction::AddActiveInteraction()
0.84% doom-mon.arm [.] unzReadCurrentFile(void*, void*, unsigned int)
0.73% doom-mon.arm [.] R_CalcInteractionFacing(idRenderEntityLocal const*, srfTriangles_s const*, idRenderLightLocal const*, srfCullInfo_t&)
0.71% [kernel] [k] __do_softirq
0.65% [kernel] [k] __delay
0.61% doom-mon.arm [.] R_LocalPointToGlobal(float const*, idVec3 const&, idVec3&)
0.59% doom-mon.arm [.] _ZL17R_CreateLightTrisPK19idRenderEntityLocalPK14srfTriangles_sPK18idRenderLightLocalPK10idMaterialR13srfCullInfo_t.constprop.2281
Hi i found this Video on Youtube...
...maybe its Time to try MKXP again for RPGMaker XP/VX Games?
But beware i found this on the Github:
(* For the F1 menu to work correctly under Linux/X11, you need latest hg + this patch)
Hi all
@sebt3 : do you think you could update your Abiword package ( to the latest available stable version (3.0.1) ?
Cheers, Magic Sam
If it basically works, I'd suggest just releasing the PND with any mapping you find reasonable (DPAD + ABXY or DPAD + 12QW or whatever). Feedback will show whether any change is necessary. Thanks for working on this (it is a nice little game)!Finaly got 1st DROD to launch (it wasn't finding it's data...).
The game use SDL1.2 and a fixed screenres of 1024x768, so I used ompadss and it works (I had to disable doublebuffer to have the mouse).
I still have to found a correct mapping, because "Desktop" will not work (need KeyPad) and Laptop one is not pratical (look at the screenshot).
Being SDL 1, I cannot rotate the view as I initialy wanted, but maybe I can just use DPad + ABXY for diagonals. That means Diagonals will not be 100% intuitive, like (A) is in fact NorthWest and (Y) NortEast.
Any suggestion?
Yes it's a nice game. I like the gameplay...If it basically works, I'd suggest just releasing the PND with any mapping you find reasonable (DPAD + ABXY or DPAD + 12QW or whatever). Feedback will show whether any change is necessary. Thanks for working on this (it is a nice little game)!
There are still some lib that are just "lib", so x86 pre-compiled static lib, and so it's useless for us I am afraid (well, you can off course des-assemble the lib, covert that to C, and recompile them for arm). Also, that source is quite difficult to compile on modern GCC. It was meant for gcc 2.95 and many C++ things in it now just doesn't runs and need many adaptations.Anyone renember that old Project OpenUT for Unreal Tournament ????
This would be realy nice for us all
I'm pretty sure it does have software rendering... I was playing with it on the OMAP5 devboard several months back.The LinuxX86 Unreal Tournament Version do not have a Software Renderer unfortunaly.