Port Requests

Just wondering if the new batch of linux retooled games from GOG (http://www.gog.com/news/gogcom_now_supports_linux) can be used to play on the Pandora.

Any idea ?
While I am not familiar with all of those games, it is 99% certain that they are written for x86 CPU architecture, meaning they can not run on ARM devices like the Pandora (unless using linuxbochs qemu+wine)...
While they are x86 games, GOG simply creates a wrapper on DOSBOX in order to get them to run on modern OS's.
Not all those games are DOS, the Flatout games are windows games (Most likely using Wine) .. Those may work with Wine+Qemu+glshim if it gets better.
This was seen on the cctalk mailing list, and I thought I'd post it over here in case anyone was interested in looking at this (or even porting to Pandora).

On Wed, Jun 25, 2014 at 9:41 AM, Dan Gahlinger <dgahling@hotmail.com> wrote:

I'd -really- like to get some people testing and finding bugsin the classic computer games i've ported.
it's really hard these days to find testers willing to play text adventures,or text based versions of trek. :(
Right now I have two such games in desperate need of testers (one moreso than the other),they can all be downloaded from http://trek7.sourceforge.net
trek7 is a classic 70's game originally on PDP then ported to vax, and now available for PC, vax, and linux.
but the one I really need tested and bugs found is the classic game "The New Castle"which is available from the same place for PC, MAC, and linux (sorry no vax version exists any more).
Although I'd really love it if someone could make trek7 network playable on pc, mac or linux again (linux is probably the most likely there) or even vax. and to me was, is and always will be the best trek game ever made (yes, far superior to ntrek).
I know the ancient fortran (and ocr issues) cause major headaches tho....
Too bad, I was looking forward to being able to play some of these games. Most notably Realms of the Haunting. I know it works with Dosbox, but the result is subpar at best (I would love for someone to prove me wrong on this one).
Hi ptitSeb !

If you have some spare time, I'd say yes, please do port a newer version of Minetest :)

And if you feel unconfortable with this, just ask eyecreate or go for "Minetest Classic", as this one has never been ported to Pandora before ;)

Cheers, Magic Sam
I got a minetest_classic compiled tonight. It's a crude version, many things are missing like fullscreen (ok, that's easy and already done), key configs, and things like that. But it runs (fps seems a bit low, but that's with default config, and I may need to recompile my Irrlicht lib also). So I may be able to put Voxelands (it's new name) on the repo in a week or two (not sure, I will be a bit busy int the comings weeks).

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An open source game by Google: VoltAir

The Fun Propulsion Labs at Google are quite proud to announce that VoltAir, a casual single and local multiplayer game, is now available on the Google Play Store and as open source software.
Looks very nice. I have looked at the dependencies. It need liquidfun (that lib looks cool too) and QT5.3.1 (that one is super heavy). I'll probably try to get that sooner or later...

Just for fun, some snapshot (that doesn't give justice to the demo, you have to see that moving) of the demo of liquidfun library (using glshim). There are some issue with the GUI that I haven't looked at yet. But the demo is nice to play with :D






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Could someone port the latest version of Jumanji, with the userscript and adblock support? The version on the repo is 2 years out of date.
iichantra has been ported (mcobit?) and is actually running pretty well on my ghz right now

tastystatic is 99% but only works on my ghz... it freezes the CC. also it's closed-source.

iirc ultimate stunts kinda starts but segfaults on glshim
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Ah yes i renember ;)

Thx for the Answers.

Maybe other Games work fine.

I will try it with the Sonic Eduke32 3D Version.

played it a bit on my PC and is very good playable.

Maybe i can bundle that 3D Sonic then into a PND when that work. ;)
Hi :)

@ Farox: You're right, Supertux Milestone 1 is already on the repo, but it's software rendered only. I doubt an OpenGL accelerated version is necessary though, as the game is already fullspeed :P

Regarding Supertux Milestone 2, it's is not on the repo yet. It has been ported some years ago by Mr Rob, but it was "just" a "simple" repackaging of the Maemo binary, and was quite slow IIRC. That one could definitely use some love...

Cheers, Magic Sam
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Hi :)

Just gave Supertux Milestone 2 (v.0.3.4) a go: it compiles easily on the Pandora with ptitSeb's Code::Blocks (don't forget to add "-liconv" to the linker flags), but all I got was a black screen... :( I also tried with Lunixbochs' glshim, but then it segfaulted... Will try again later, without OpenGL support this time.

Cheers, Sam
Hi :)

Just gave Supertux Milestone 2 (v.0.3.4) a go: it compiles easily on the Pandora with ptitSeb's Code::Blocks (don't forget to add "-liconv" to the linker flags), but all I got was a black screen... :( I also tried with Lunixbochs' glshim, but then it segfaulted... Will try again later, without OpenGL support this time.

Cheers, Sam
May be try to put a new libGL.so from minecraft or hammerwatch and try again. The one in codeblocks is very very old.
Hi :)

Just gave Supertux Milestone 2 (v.0.3.4) a go: it compiles easily on the Pandora with ptitSeb's Code::Blocks (don't forget to add "-liconv" to the linker flags), but all I got was a black screen... :( I also tried with Lunixbochs' glshim, but then it segfaulted... Will try again later, without OpenGL support this time.

Cheers, Sam
May be try to put a new libGL.so from minecraft or hammerwatch and try again. The one in codeblocks is very very old.
Maybe you can make a simply Updatescript or UpdatePND for updating the installed Codeblocks?

Then you dont need to reupload the 1GB CodeblocksPND.

Simply a little Update PND for the OpenGL stuff ;)
Hi :)

Just gave Supertux Milestone 2 (v.0.3.4) a go: it compiles easily on the Pandora with ptitSeb's Code::Blocks (don't forget to add "-liconv" to the linker flags), but all I got was a black screen... :( I also tried with Lunixbochs' glshim, but then it segfaulted... Will try again later, without OpenGL support this time.

Cheers, Sam
May be try to put a new libGL.so from minecraft or hammerwatch and try again. The one in codeblocks is very very old.
Maybe you can make a simply Updatescript or UpdatePND for updating the installed Codeblocks?

Then you dont need to reupload the 1GB CodeblocksPND.

Simply a little Update PND for the OpenGL stuff ;)
The changes between versions are to big...

Next release (on the work) will weight approx 2Go (around 1.9Go for now). Because of the updates libs / bins / compilers....