Port Requests


@Ptitseb i found maybe an error in your PXML in your PND.

It seem to set the Pandoras to 800 MHZ,because in the PXML is a Parameter

Clockspeed 800

I removed it and it seem to work little faster for my Testings ^_^
It is not supposed to work like that. The Overcleck setting should only apply if current clock is < the one in PXML.

If it's not the case, I have to redo most of my PXML to remove the clock setting!

Nice video too (without sound I guess, so Youtube added his own soundtrack?). The first video seems almost playable, fps-wise :)
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I recognized something about the textures when I tested beta 1.6 a few minutes ago: there are cows that have the texture of all the blocks applied and others that have the one of the squid on them ... when coming closer to one with a squid textrue, it changes to the blocks and when getting some distance to those with blocktextures will change them to squid ...

My guess is that there is something wrong with mipmaps ... can anyone confirm that? (I will do some testing with other versions as well and see if that happens with them as well)

edit: tried to reproduce ... even on the same version it didn't happen again ...
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I recognized something about the textures when I tested beta 1.6 a few minutes ago: there are cows that have the texture of all the blocks applied and others that have the one of the squid on them ... when coming closer to one with a squid textrue, it changes to the blocks and when getting some distance to those with blocktextures will change them to squid ...

My guess is that there is something wrong with mipmaps ... can anyone confirm that? (I will do some testing with other versions as well and see if that happens with them as well)

edit: tried to reproduce ... even on the same version it didn't happen again ...
Hum, ok. I have messed a bit with mipmap on glshim, because gles is very picky about them. I'll try to put en env. var to disable this and see if it makes a difference here.
Hi all,

If you are interested in Minecraft, maybe you'd like to have a look at Craft.


  • GLEW is used for managing OpenGL extensions across platforms.
  • GLFW is used for cross-platform window management.
  • lodepng is used for loading PNG textures.
  • sqlite3 is used for saving the blocks added / removed by the user.
  • tinycthread is used for cross-platform threading.
Cheers, Magic Sam
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I don't know if it's a placebo effect or not (changed version of glshim, added a few options inside glshim and remove the clock setting in the PXML), but I find this version faster than the previous one (still not enough I'm afraid).

Also, if you want to test, you can add "-dsa" and/or "-Xbatch" to the java parameter, and see if it works better/worse...

Someone care to test?



I tested a bit but i have not Time yet ;)

Maybe its little little faster,but in my very short Testing did i not rekognized it.

Will try more soon.

Many Thx again to give us this for playing/experimenting ;)

Another Question ist that the Entire Levels are not Black but they have a darkness because something with Light seem to be Wrong.

The Best SGX Driver Version i tested so far with 1.6.4 is 4.03.02 on Ghz Pandora.

I must try more Versions,maybe we find one better working.

4.10 and 4.08 and standart SGX Driver Versions had issues wit Texturing.

Tried to scale the Minecraft Window more tiny to get more Speed but it seem that the Speed itself is more CPU than GPU related.

Maybe you can solve that Light Problem that the Levels appear so dark,even when its Day.

Texturing work fine here.

You others,try SGX 4.03.02 on GHZ ;)
Ingo can you test minecraft on a server, so some of the calculations are done by it? Since the Pandora is a single core system, it could help a lot.
I tried it but when i started a Lan Game as IngoReis then cannot i Join in this Game with the same Name.
My Brother will start a Minecraft Server for me this Evening.
Good Idea because it only render then the World and need not so much cpu Power ;)

Edit:aaand report from German Forum that Optifine actual not work with this Version.
He think it depends on Glshim.
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I tried it but when i started a Lan Game as IngoReis then cannot i Join in this Game with the same Name. My Brother will start a Minecraft Server for me this Evening. Good Idea because it only render then the World and need not so much cpu Power ;) Edit:aaand report from German Forum that Optifine actual not work with this Version. He think it depends on Glshim.
I already tested Multiplayer (joined some random server from some list), but it does not look like it helps in any way ... with the newest version I still only got 1-2 fps (at 800MHz, don't know the other settings anymore). I guess it locally simulates a lot in Multiplayer too, in order to interpolate (or is extrapolate the more correct term for this?) over the information sent from the server as afaik Minecraft-Servers send those informations every few seconds instead of multiple times per second.

About Optifine: In the German Forum someone mentioned that Optifine would usually give huge performance boosts, however this seems to be mainly because it changes how the rendering works. One of the many errors I get, when I try to start the modified version is "Not using framebuffer objects because OpenGL 1.4 is not supported, ... Shaders are not available because ...". Support for those in glshim isn't planned any time soon, is it? But even if those where supported, I guess in case of the Pandora this would even slow down the rendering ...
Out of curiousity, does anybody have a copy of the POSE (PalmOS Emulator) source code? I was going to try and do a Pandora build, but I can only find a link to download the source on palmos.com - which no longer exists
Thanks, I went to that project, but it said "Palm OS Emulator binary packages for Linux" and I didn't see the source rpm.

I did find Phem too, and have a copy of that, but wanted to try the original first.

Thanks, they were in that rpm from the project site, so I have them now, just need to see if I can build them
Someone could please port Cytadela ?

It's a remake of an old game (doom style) for Amiga.... :)

Info and sources Here

some more shots here
