Port Requests

I got Foobillard very slowly working under Slackware. Too slow to play ;) (I think it was Mesa GL ) Thx that you are working on both ;) Btw...is there an Android Version of BillardGL? Maybe it work then with ApkEnv. Thx for Info :D
Android version? Didn't know there was one. No it's the vanilla version, based on glut that I slowly transform to GLES1 (and I hope I won't have to port it from GLUT to SDL).
I may take a look. Dependencies doesn't look to diificult to resolve. But I have to finish a few port I started..

Mainly, I have a working build of glfrontier (SDL only for now, but I can look at the GL part), but I'm not sure on what to do with it, I'm not clear on the legal status of it. Any advise?
Wasn't there a port of this on the GP2X? I could never get it working on there anyway IIRC...
I got Foobillard very slowly working under Slackware. Too slow to play ;) (I think it was Mesa GL ) Thx that you are working on both ;) Btw...is there an Android Version of BillardGL? Maybe it work then with ApkEnv. Thx for Info :D
Android version? Didn't know there was one. No it's the vanilla version, based on glut that I slowly transform to GLES1 (and I hope I won't have to port it from GLUT to SDL).
Foobillard? It's in my test suite for libGL. Worked fine with no modifications last time I checked. You might need newer system libraries (like pandebian).
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I got Foobillard very slowly working under Slackware. Too slow to play ;) (I think it was Mesa GL ) Thx that you are working on both ;) Btw...is there an Android Version of BillardGL? Maybe it work then with ApkEnv. Thx for Info :D
Android version? Didn't know there was one. No it's the vanilla version, based on glut that I slowly transform to GLES1 (and I hope I won't have to port it from GLUT to SDL).
Foobillard? It's in my test suite for libGL. Worked fine with no modifications last time I checked. You might need newer system libraries (like pandebian).
Hum, I have to check and recompile libGL I guess.
It would be nice if someone ported it to the Pandora. More information and the link to its source code can be found at http://blog.x-row.net/?p=5841 (its in Japanese though). For those who are wondering what Brynhildr is, its a server/client program that allows remote controlling of a PC with built-in audio transmission which can be downloaded by going to http://blog.x-row.net/?p=2455.
Port of the Brynhildr Viewer

It would be nice if someone ported it to the Pandora. More information and the link to its source code can be found at http://blog.x-row.net/?p=5841 (its in Japanese though). For those who are wondering what Brynhildr is, its a server/client program that allows remote controlling of a PC with built-in audio transmission which can be downloaded by going to http://blog.x-row.net/?p=2455.
There's not much to port. The source code is just the client communication protocol. The rest of the client has to be written from scratch.
Age of Empires runs with Qemu and Windows95 too ;)

But an Idea is a Howto Porting WindowsCE or WindowsMobile onto the Pandora too.

I have a little Project in the German Forum about it and it hang on Eboot insteat of UBoot to booting the System.

With WindowsCE can you easily play Age of Empires 1 ARM Version with Touchscreen then ;)

Another Thing what i heard is that you with a Compiled Wine ARM maybe can execute WindowsCE/Mobile Apps in Pandora OS.

But i did not tried it yet with Age of Empires ;)
I would humbly submit Icedove and enigmail to be ported. (Icedove is the Debian branded Thunderbird email client).

This is the most key application for me as I PGP all my emails.

Using Pandian I can install Icedove from the debian Arm repo's - the enigmail add on is only 32/64 bit compatible however by doing apt-get install enigmail within Pandian I was able to have full PGP access on Icedove on my pandora.

I'd like to see a pnd of it as a lot of emulators and games are unuseable in Pandian currently.

It's a much nicer email client than claws.

Here's the link to the debian SID repo for Icedove and all it's dependancies


And here's the debian sid repo for enigmail. As it's dependancy is Icedove it could be packaged together?

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Hiho to all Porters,a more actual and working

XBMC would be very nice

for the Pandora ;)

What mean you?
Still trying to have a working one... At least, I try from time to time (but I'm not spending much time on it).
Good to know,thx for Answer ^_^


Is there a real chance, tho get this for the Pyra?? http://www.rigsofrods.com/content/

Its an Opensource Truck and Car Simulator whit a nice physiks engine via mashes and tubes, a lot of Vehikles via Mod, like a nice Unimog 406, ..

Its opensource, and ditnt cost something, so it would bring the pyra a lot of puplicity if whe have this game..

I think there are a lot more fans of this game here in the board..
Is there a real chance, tho get this for the Pyra?? http://www.rigsofrods.com/content/

Its an Opensource Truck and Car Simulator whit a nice physiks engine via mashes and tubes, a lot of Vehikles via Mod, like a nice Unimog 406, ..

Its opensource, and ditnt cost something, so it would bring the pyra a lot of puplicity if whe have this game..

I think there are a lot more fans of this game here in the board..
It's OGRE based IIRC. So we first need a solid port. And hope it does not require OpenGL Shader...
Is there a real chance, tho get this for the Pyra?? http://www.rigsofrods.com/content/

Its an Opensource Truck and Car Simulator whit a nice physiks engine via mashes and tubes, a lot of Vehikles via Mod, like a nice Unimog 406, ..

Its opensource, and ditnt cost something, so it would bring the pyra a lot of puplicity if whe have this game..

I think there are a lot more fans of this game here in the board..
It's OGRE based IIRC. So we first need a solid port. And hope it does not require OpenGL Shader...
Recommended specs are a P4 with 2 GHz and DirectX9c compatible videocard. Might be a bit heavy.
You never know, if an experienced enough dev is interested.  Personally I've not heard of it before, though I've come across BeamNG when looking at real racing accidents on youtube and accidentally hitting a BeamNG recommendation.

It would appear that BeamNG is the commercial followup to ROR, and has taken most of the devs on board, to improve the UI and make it look prettier by adding landscapes and lots of textures, which ROR lacks.  ROR mostly throws around a lot of polygons, but doesn't seem to apply many effects other than a bit of reflection, so I don't know how well it would run on Pyra or even the Pandora, but it may not be as far off as you think.