Port Requests

the old dos game Darklands might be quite a cool port, though i suspect their could be issues reading the in-game text on the Pandora's screen
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Need to update the game sometime. A lot has changed in the rendering code and all my changes seem obsolete :(

But well, if it runs with libGL it might be easier as I think right now.
Asteria - a 2d sandbox platformer extremely similar to the popular game terreria but with metroid looking main characters instead of traditional rpg knights and crap. Game looks like it has heavy use of physics and art style and genre would fit nicely in with the pandora. Not so much of a request as is a heads up for anyone looking for an awesome project. Not sure if xna and c# make it impossible as I know basically nothing about either.




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probably beyond the Pandora's spec but, Hotline Miami?

not even sure if the source is available
I've found a nice game http://www.secretmaryo.org/ could 'it be possble to port this game on Pandora ?

The sources here : https://github.com/FluXy/SMC

Source code is shipped in the Windows and Tarball Packages which include the Linux + Windows platform makefiles or use the version control system which is located at github. This open source software project is completely developed in C++.

Software developers can help us out by porting SMC to other platforms. The git version control system is located at github which has the latest source code. If you are programming for a school or college for training and education like a programming degree please send us back your improvements. If you create a source code or static code analysis report, please send it to us.
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