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Vimacs Nintendo fanboi's feelings are hurt, I'm sure Mark will be along soon enough to defend from this abominal thread.

LOL, that was funny as hell and so true, dumb loooking controller that looks like a remote control. I'd be happy if it could really do some of the stuff, like turn on the oven or flush the toilet, like it did in the movie.

Good find, still laughing.
Vimacs Nintendo fanboi's feelings are hurt, I'm sure Mark will be along soon enough to defend from this abominal thread.

If you're trying to suggest I'm a fanboy of any sort then you're completly wrong.

The video's funny, if you like that kind of thing.
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It's kinda funny, in a way, but the reason vimacs didn't like it as because you've got to like that kind of thing, not necessarily because he's a fanboy.
Ewg, that´s awkward...

But still a good parody of all those hyper-active tv commercials, totally hysteric and oh-so-trendy style.