Port Request With Bounty (os Port)

I mean, the experience of using it would NOT be the same at all, if for no other reason than the simple fact that the Pandora has a resistive touch screen, and the iPhone has a capacitive touch screen.

I owned an instinct... resistive touch screen, that thing worked great for touch/drag, will not be an issue
I guess it depends on the touchscreen, then. I've had several PocketPC's, all of which had a resistive touch screen, and none of which worked well with fingers, especially when trying to do any sort of gesture. I've never used the Pandora's touch screen (or the Archos 605 since it uses the same screen, for that matter), so I guess I can't really comment on finger-usability on the Pandora.
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, so I guess I can't really comment on finger-usability on the Pandora.
hopefully this isn't the case, the last archos device I owned was total junk imo... but i'm also very picky, I was curious about this and did a simple youtube search found this


I REALLY REALLY hope this screen isn't as garbage as it looks to be, hopefully this is just a software symptom rather than a hardware limitation or else I'd be pretty upset in OP's choice in hardware in this respect, because not all resistive touch screens are this bad, the one in my car's dvd player is also resistive and it's got a very decent response time

EDIT: thought archos made my iriver, but i guess not, but it doesn't make it any less shitty
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I think Darwin is just the kernel, right?
You'd still need to get all the little libraries and GUI widgets and wodgets that the iPhone OS comprises.

Of course, some idiot could go and start a massive project to create an open-source clone of iPhone OS [like ReactOS and WINE have done], but that would be quite silly.
iphone guts (correction from before OMAP 3430) not 3530 my bad :o

iphone os

darwin os (all open and how the hackntosh project was created btw)

briefly reading into both of these, iphone os is built on darwin's openness... describes apple being a bunch of slave owners taking advantage of the openess of the project and ultimately killing it... nice read lol

if I could add my novice 2c in here, port darwin os to the panda (says it's very hardware compatible... then decrypt (read jailbreak) and throw the bulk iphone os "wodgets and crap lawl" on top of it, again not a programmer, not sure on how one would actually go apon doing this, this part would definitely not be "legal" but alot of stuff in the hardware hacking land isn't very legal now is it?

I'll try to collect as much information about this as I possibly can and help this along if someone's willing to at least look into it (more than what I've heard so far)

EDIT: add link, and clarify post a bit
I guess it depends on the touchscreen, then. I've had several PocketPC's, all of which had a resistive touch screen, and none of which worked well with fingers, especially when trying to do any sort of gesture. I've never used the Pandora's touch screen (or the Archos 605 since it uses the same screen, for that matter"], so I guess I can't really comment on finger-usability on the Pandora.
hopefully this isn't the case, the last archos device I owned was total junk imo... but i'm also very picky, I was curious about this and did a simple youtube search found this


I REALLY REALLY hope this screen isn't as garbage as it looks to be, hopefully this is just a software symptom rather than a hardware limitation or else I'd be pretty upset in OP's choice in hardware in this respect, because not all resistive touch screens are this bad, the one in my car's dvd player is also resistive and it's got a very decent response time

EDIT: thought archos made my iriver, but i guess not, but it doesn't make it any less shitty[/quote]Something is really wrong with that person's settings. He either screwed with the LCD brightness, contrast, gamma, or color brightness. And his touchscreen isn't calibrated. I have a 605, and the screen is amazing. It's also very responsive.

Edit: this http://gizmologia.com/wp-content/uploads/2...06/p1060310.JPG <- is what you should expect in terms of brightness, color, and contrast.
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Something is really wrong with that person's settings. He either screwed with the LCD brightness, contrast, gamma, or color brightness. And his touchscreen isn't calibrated. I have a 605, and the screen is amazing. It's also very responsive.

Edit: this http://gizmologia.com/wp-content/uploads/2...06/p1060310.JPG <- is what you should expect in terms of brightness, color, and contrast.
picture quality is fine, I saw some other video reviews and that part looks fine, it's just the touchscreen portion I was having a shit-fit about, esp when browsing the web as far as scrolling and the menu bars... lag city, hopefully this was just the app/os... not to dis ur mp4 player, I'm sure it's fine for what it does, but just the responceivness/refresh rate on the input (not output) looks like it was made in the 90's or something
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Something is really wrong with that person's settings. He either screwed with the LCD brightness, contrast, gamma, or color brightness. And his touchscreen isn't calibrated. I have a 605, and the screen is amazing. It's also very responsive.

Edit: this http://gizmologia.com/wp-content/uploads/2...06/p1060310.JPG <- is what you should expect in terms of brightness, color, and contrast.

Why is the sky green?
<edit> fixed quote </edit>
looks like it was made in the 90's or something
Actual LCD response time is 35 ms, I believe, for a screen refresh? there's a thread about it from a couple months ago if you care to look it up. Touchscreen input response is likely in the low ms range, I've NEVER seen a recent device where the touchscreen was at fault and not the software (regarding latency of input.) Have you?
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Ok the new Iphone that will be coming has some similarity to the Pandora... still don't see a port of the Iphone Os happening. For christ sake it's all close source and will probably be really really difficult if not impossible.

There is Android and maybe even WebOS (palm) which could be candidate. WebOS is based on linux and the Palm Pre uses the OMAP 3440. Actually Android really is pretty much a given at some point.
@rabidpoobear- I've never hacked a device with a resistive touch screen before, like threw linux on it or whatever. So I don't have any point of comparison, nor have i ripped a touch screen out of a device and threw it on another machine, so I can't say for sure either way if it's the os, proc, or controller on the screen it's self that the limitation that's causing that lag. If I remember correctly, an early video of Ed was drawing in gimp or something on the panda and it looked pretty fluid. So I'm trusting that's not the case.

@marshal- at first thought I was thinking it'd be impossible, esp after hearing from exophase (a big name to me) but really thinking about how the iphone os was made, it really might not be so improbable. I forgot about Darwin as someone mentioned. I thought apple just took certain free elements that were out there and added to them. And truthfully they did, but I didn't think they meant it in that way. They really did build on top of it.

So correct me if I'm wrong but the first step would be porting Darwin to the panda?

EDIT: found this (the team that made darwin generally x86 compatible) haven't fully read it, more for me to read than you =P (heading to work)

If you want to see what open source and free software was used in the making of Iphone OS, just go into the legal section in the settings. It lists it all in long, lawyer satisfying fashion.
If you want to see what open source and free software was used in the making of Iphone OS, just go into the legal section in the settings. It lists it all in long, lawyer satisfying fashion.
Is there a list of this Online for non iPhone/iPod Touch owners such as my self?
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Ok the new Iphone that will be coming has some similarity to the Pandora... still don't see a port of the Iphone Os happening. For christ sake it's all close source and will probably be really really difficult if not impossible.
Not the mention the obvious, why bother!

Still, rather than just commenting that the crazy train is in the station lets think about this.

Yep, OS10 is not open source and even with its relationship to Darwin I really don't see the kernel and device stack being a huge point. The simple fact is that Apple live and die with their user space interface veneer and not a scrap of that is open. Without the UI elements it's just another (decent) BSD rooted OS. I already know of 4 guys who want to work on getting *BSD up on the Pandora.

I would even question the UI but I am not a iConvert ;).

If you have to add an open source UI around the Apple BSD OS you may as well wrap it around the Linux based system that is already there ;).

which could be candidate. WebOS is based on linux and the Palm Pre uses the OMAP 3440. Actually Android really is pretty much a given at some point.
Android works, of a fashion, I only did the most crude work to see if it was easy to get going. In real terms it's trivial'ish to get going but not a good choice (IMHO) for the Pandora due to the heavy reliance on Java in the user space (and the fact it's a real 'bastard cousin' of a common Linux/Posix/GNU user space type setup).

As for WebOS, we already share a great deal. WebOS is built using Open Embedded (just like the Pandora) and while Palm have noted that there GUI elements are closed you can be very sure that any cool stuff they have done with open source bits will get fed up into mainline Open Embedded and from there trickle down to the Pandora (both directly and via the Angstrom distro).
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You like the iPhone interface with the smooth scrolling and such. No doubt this can be recreated within a linux environment on the Pandora. The only reason it doesn't exist yet is because a device like the Pandora does not exist (on the Market yet). There are few devices that have a small enough screen for the finger scrolling to feel natural, while at the same time not being a clunky netbook.
As stated by others; Porting the iPhone OS is close to impossible, and emulating it would be far too slow to be 'smooth'.