Proper Bounty Section on new Website?

I haven't seen of heard of any developper in INdia /China or the like yet. Have you ? :)

So far, it seems Pandora is limited to these highly values currency countries - because the Pandora is expensive. It's as simple as that.

Dosen´t actually need to be from those places.

For example, the one to one value of russian ruble to dollar acording to google is 0.030698

Since I´m not russian and haven´t been there yet, I don´t know the standard life price to understand the value of 1 ruble locally.

But russians seem to me as math magicians and I have seen great stuff coming from them on a few platforms, not sure about the pandora community as I don´t know who comes from where.

Here in brazil, one real equals about 0.5 dollars or 0.3 pounds. Altough this is quite a difference, everything (life standard)costs 1/10th to less compared to foreign prices (except electronics cause of taxes), but in a way, it compensates for paying more for the tech.

A 1k pound bounty will mean 3k real. I could state that an employed professional programmer would be making about 4-8k reais per month, so 3k is some very usable value.
I haven't seen of heard of any developper in INdia /China or the like yet. Have you ? :)

So far, it seems Pandora is limited to these highly values currency countries - because the Pandora is expensive. It's as simple as that.
A 1k pound bounty will mean 3k real. I could state that an employed professional programmer would be making about 4-8k reais per month, so 3k is some very usable value.

Ok, but you did not answer my last point - the cost of getting a Pandora is 10 times more expensive for them, too. So the barrier of entry to develop on the machine is much higher, so it will be very unlikely to see developpers from these countries. That's why most of us on this forum are from reasonably developed countries. It's not random at all.

And there's the language barrier, too. Not everyone from less developed countries speak english. Even Japan is pretty much isolated in terms of software development because of the cultural/language gaps. Money does not solve everything, there needs to be whole ecosystem for development to take place.
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In that I disagree hehe :P

A Pandora may end up costing about 2x the original dollar price, still, a lot less then a standard desktop computer.

I do believe it is likely to see devs from countries all over the world should more people know a pandora exists.

´developed countries´ is no excuse. Of course we are not going to see much development coming from the indians down at the amazon jungle ^_^ .

But for example, I live in Sao Paulo, one of the biggest metropolis in the world, bigger then NY. Tech is everywhere, and so is also available in the main capitals or cities of brazilian states.

Lua script was developed here (in Rio actually), as well as what we call a hackintosh and so many other world standard things.

Language barrier is not much of a problem, my background in computers come from the 80s where every machine was english based around here, and that is the reason I went to study it.

Things like linux and so on are big enough to have local language communities in pretty much all countries.

It ends up it really depends on the individual to go for what he wants, independent of nationality.

People from Japan has done and do amazing things computer related. Most of my lightwave scripts are done by japonese guys and is available on their site for free for the lightwave community to use, it is all in japonese, but I find my ways around on using it.

India has excellent technology schools, rated pretty much one of the best in the world AFAIK.

Back on the pandora cost, it is expensive, and you can see around the forum that people in the US or EU do complain about it too, but it is really far from being an impossible thing to get, ye like a RED cinema camera, or the more 100k $ equipment (I work with cinema). It is just a matter of actually wanting it.

Money does not solve things I agree, but it is more valuable to people outside of the EUA/EU, it can help more. I believe it is ok to have the value/money there as a bounty, it works as an incentive and sure won´t cover much of the cost of the actual work involved. If people understand that "that is not actually for the money" I would be fine.

My problem on the bounty is people´s understandment of it, I think it would not be nice if people place in 50$ on a bounty and things don´t get done by whatever reason and the dev gets flamed or worse.

PS: I believe AAAA is done by a russian mate, he had it going for the caanoo on the riot competition and recently made a port to pandora I believe. I think he also developed a 3d system to about his games too and am not sure if it got released :) .

PS2: I´m an extreme fan of the MSX japonese computers, their indie shooter community and soo many more wonderfull things they do that mostly never gets ported to the rest of the world.
A Pandora may end up costing about 2x the original dollar price, still, a lot less then a standard desktop computer.

I don't know where you get your cost of a standard desktop computer, but nowadays a desktop computer is dirty cheap. You can have something for 200-300 dollars. And if you count the Raspberry Pi as a desktop computer, well the price drops even further...

But for example, I live in Sao Paulo, one of the biggest metropolis in the world, bigger then NY. Tech is everywhere, and so is also available in the main capitals or cities of brazilian states.

I don't consider Brazil to be an under-developed country :) But India is clearly behind in terms of level of life.

Lua script was developed here (in Rio actually), as well as what we call a hackintosh and so many other world standard things.

If I remember correctly from what I have read the electronics market in Brazil is very popular and active. There must be something unique about that area, because you don't see this kind of innovation/hacking spirit everywhere.

Language barrier is not much of a problem, my background in computers come from the 80s where every machine was english based around here, and that is the reason I went to study it. Things like linux and so on are big enough to have local language communities in pretty much all countries.

For latin-language speakers, English is not a problem because it shares the similar roots. For a Chinese or a Japanese person, it's much more difficult to feel comfortable with it. And Linux is not big everywhere in the world. You can see most development for Linux systems occurs in Europe and the US.

People from Japan has done and do amazing things computer related. Most of my lightwave scripts are done by japonese guys and is available on their site for free for the lightwave community to use, it is all in japonese, but I find my ways around on using it.

I do not deny that japanese people can be very talented with computers. I am just saying they do not tend to open to other markets/continents as much as they could, because of multiple barries. That is why some of the stuff made in Japan never comes out and makes it to other countries.

India has excellent technology schools, rated pretty much one of the best in the world AFAIK.

Maybe. I just haven't ever seen any single software led and developed by an indian person so far, across Linux/Windows. My perception is that Indian computer specialists tend to do a lot of outsourcing for bigger companies, but I could be totally wrong. Please educate me if you know more.

PS2: I´m an extreme fan of the MSX japonese computers, their indie shooter community and soo many more wonderfull things they do that mostly never gets ported to the rest of the world.

Did you try the MSX emulators on Pandora by the way ? :)
Oh, hehe :rolleyes: , the standard computer I meant was a 3k dollars one, usually goes ok on the image/movie/3d stuff, but yeah, there are extremely cheaper versions for the browse/text stuff. I tend to forget about it, but you are right.

The hackintosh stuff was probably about people being pissed about paying 4x the normal expensive mac prices around here. Last time I checked, apple comps in brasil are the highest prices over the world, too many publicity agencies I guess. It is bound to be changing since brasil won´t allow the international app store to flood around and also dealt with apple to build facilities around here on the ipad stuff in order to remove a bit of the taxes. Still, the high prices actually comes from apple itself, so there has been a little fights between them to let it go.

I´m not sure about here being that developed. I do live on the highly urbanized areas, but like any other country, as you move to the country side, things do get medieval.

I can´t really tell much about india as I have never been there and unfortunantly know no one from there either.

I do research their movie industry though, quite interesting one, as well as culture and a bit of the religion.

But I really can´t educate anyone about India. I just heard and read about their tech schools and the fame, so it is not a knowledge I have any grounds to hold on. I guess I sounded like I knew about it, but truth is that I don´t, apologies for that. But I still believe most countries in this world that have a political geographical acceptance also have a set of people with medium/high economical power, even if it is a small percentage. Whatever that is, these people are capable of reaching their study/work/hobby goals. I have seen some tech tutorials made by indians on a few subjects (one was a hackintosh stuff too).

I have to agree on the latin/oriental language stuff on a degree that it is easier, but not impossible. I have seen enough dragon ball, battleship yamato and many others to kind of have an idea on the memorizing level of what is going on, image helps a lot too and human feelings are pretty much the same whatever language people speak. I do collect chinese wuxia pin movies too, so somethings I can understand. Probably not exactly what it is actually meaning, but on a general level. I still believe it only depends on the person itself to break such barrier.

On the MSX emulator, I still don´t have a pandora yet. I do have a caanoo, where I run an emulator other then on my own desktop. :)

A bit off topic, I believe you have seen the live movie on space battleship yamato. That is, to this point, the last great sci-fi movie I have seen so far.

But I still really feel a price bounty won´t do harm. It has potential to be misunderstood (according to my way of thinking).