We will have to impose a license on the use of the source code - this won't be Open Source - and we will be charging for that license. This means we will be keeping fairly close control over this release.
That looks like a 'No Fishing' sign to me.
There is also this from the preamble to the licence agreement:
Different platforms and languages are slightly different. If we were to allow a port to a different platform or language, this would potentially exclude us from entering this market. In addition it may put us in violation of any agreements between us and third party developers whom we had paid to generate the new versions. That said if a port is produced for a platform or language that we had not considered or were not currently involved with, then we would be happy to consider licensing the version from the developer for an agreed royalty.
Basically as I read it they are willing to let people port it, but that distribution of said port could then only be done with their permission and on a commercial basis, with them getting their cut. i.e. simply compiling it, PNDing it up and uploading it to the repo (or other method of free distribution) would be a clear breach of the licence.
- Neelix