Release [Port] Racer


Aug 17, 2010
Hi there,

I did a first quick port of Racer, a 2d top down car racing game.

Racer is a 2D half arcade racing game. It offers over 30 cars and 8 tracks. Players can select a car and race against computer opponents or against other human in split screen mode. It is also possible to play championship or career mode where the player buys and upgrades cars.

review: http://www.reloaded....ippo-Games/464/


Source code being partly in czech, I need some impressions/feedback on the game before putting more work in it :D

Use mouse / escape + return in menus.

DPAD to control car, escape to quit.

I found it a bit slow at 500, give feedback on better overclocking advice too, please.

EDIT: better wiht a PND :D



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Eh, don't worry too much about it; especially games that are only listed on apps.* or the gp2x boards, it's sometimes hard to find what has and hasn't been ported.

On a related note, I do believe there are three (count 'em) ports of Pingus, so that's just a delight.
unfortuinately there is still no audio i al found it runs slightly slower (only slightly, i was clocked at 600)

Alao because the buttons are curently set as up dpad for accelorator it means you cant accelorate and turn easily at the same time. F also works but is slightly uncomfortable. a change of button layout if you do an update will go down a treat.

Nice for a quick port though, potentially a few quick updates and it will be spot on :D good work
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I didn't even know that there was such a Linux Racing Game. :) Nice, I know that some people already wanted a racing game like this.

But I recommend to only put one version of this game in the Repo, the best one for example. ;)