[Poll: Firmware Request] Playstation 3 Usb Pad "nub Support"

Would PS3 controller compatability be useful?

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Mar 30, 2010

I have searched the forums and found a few requests within threads and the FAQ has this to say:

"Official PlayStation 3 controller Not required standard-A Full speed USB A To Mini B Cable via High Speed Hub Yes No This is for USB not bluetooth compatibility. Sixaxis and DualShock not tested. "

In my mind there are principly three areas where native PS3 pad support would be very useful:

- PSX emulation where multiple Shoulder pads are required
- TVOut emulation where you are sat on the sofa and want to use a normal controller
- One/No Nub units who want to try some of the software that requires analogue contols, eg Mupen.

Therefore I'd like some feedback for the firmware team. Do other people want this? Is there a plan for this on the roadmap? Ideally I'd like a configuration item on the system menu that is called "PS3 Controller mode" All Nub & D'pad & action buttons are mapped to the Six Axis. Keyboard controls remain unchanged. A USb cable is required.

In a community I feel it is important that the developers get feedback on items that are widly requested, so I use this poll to find out if I am either alone, or if others could see the benefit of such changes in Hotfix 6,7 or maybe 8.

If this is technically impossible, it would also be useful to know.

The PS3 controller is choosen as:

- It's widely available and probably already owned by a % of Pandori owners
- It has an almost identical layout to the Pandora
- It has both USB and Bluetooth with exisiting Linux developments for connection (SixLinux)


Thanks for reading my poll.

a big yes from me :-)

for me, this will come into its own when the tv cable is available - bluetooth connection would be absolutely brilliant. i don't know whether 2 controllers will be able to connected wirelessly for 2 player gaming, but that would be the icing on an already spectaculor cake. Perhaps one wireless, and one via cable, might be possible.

cheers, simon
You've missed the point, it's an open source platform, so it will surely happen, and anyone can do it (not just the official team). I don't see very many people contributing much in the way of OS level stuff yet (although there are a few, and not many units in the wild), so it may take a while (there is a big list of things to do kernel wise, probably the most important is feeding patches back into the mainline, so we get better support from other wider improvements)
I don't think I quite understand this... What about those of us who don't want or own PS3s and PS3 controllers - does this have to take up space on our systems, too? ;) (And what about adding menu entries for Wii and Xbox 360 controllers, as well? Then it covers everything that not everyone will own, and can take up space for everyone who doesn't own any of those things. :P )

Alright, seriously, joking aside, I agree with what tsh says. Also, although I can see why it would be beneficial, I still don't see why this should be an official thing.
Prometheus said:
I don't think I quite understand this... What about those of us who don't want or own PS3s and PS3 controllers - does this have to take up space on our systems, too? ;) (And what about adding menu entries for Wii and Xbox 360 controllers, as well? Then it covers everything that not everyone will own, and can take up space for everyone who doesn't own any of those things. :P )

Alright, seriously, joking aside, I agree with what tsh says. Also, although I can see why it would be beneficial, I still don't see why this should be an official thing.

Taking up space on the NAND is bloody good point, & that itself is enough to preclude it, unless we are talking a super small amount, like 16Kb.

Why do I think it deserves attention?

Because putting the "One Nub" gang to the side, I do believe this would be very useful for TV out gaming, and if the BT stack was implemented & supported on the PS3, wireless retro gaming on the TV would be good marketing for the device.

I agree though, it doesn't have to be firmware, it of course would be better suited to be a PND. But as a standalone app, do you guys still think it's not worth the bother?

Again, a BT controller and Linux machine open up lots of possibilities in remote control & robotics that could be great fun for hobbyists.

I think it's a worthwhile avenue to pursue, but don't know how much work is involved, or even if it is possible.

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CapcomSuicide said:
Because putting the "One Nub" gang to the side, I do believe this would be very useful for TV out gaming, and if the BT stack was implemented & supported on the PS3, wireless retro gaming on the TV would be good marketing for the device.
I agree with this, but personally I already have self-chosen USB controllers (and a wireless USB one on my shopping list ready for when the TV-out cables ship :D), which aren't Sony products, and aren't similar to them, either, but which would be used in the same way.

I suppose I just don't quite get the fuss over one particular product that does this task, when a lot of pre-existing products do the same (although in some cases not with Bluetooth), I guess. :P

Also there is that concern in the back of my mind about using Sony's brand names... :P

I agree though, it doesn't have to be firmware, it of course would be better suited to be a PND. But as a standalone app, do you guys still think it's not worth the bother?
I think it is - it would be even better if it covered mapping to any sort of external controller, though, I think. (Again, just thinking of the pre-existing controllers of all sorts that have just as much chance of being owned and used as PS3 ones do.)

Again, a BT controller and Linux machine open up lots of possibilities in remote control & robotics that could be great fun for hobbyists.
Why does this give me a mental image of Number 5 from Short Circuit, being controlled in this way? :lol: (Quick, someone build a replica and control it with a Pandora. What are you waiting for?!)

I think it's a worthwhile avenue to pursue, but don't know how much work is involved, or even if it is possible.
Nor do I, alas, though I'm pretty sure it should be possible in some form. I'm happy to sign up to test if anything like this shows up, though. :P
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Does this work?

Logitech have some nice controllers which pretty much mirror the PSX/2/3 layout. They're also regular HID/USB so no need for special drivers.
SteveM said:
Does this work?

Logitech have some nice controllers which pretty much mirror the PSX/2/3 layout. They're also regular HID/USB so no need for special drivers.


I'll tell you tonight! I wonder if this is a generic "Replace the pandora controls" or will be identified as a new controller, which will need developer support for each app...

Thanks for this info, I can't wait to see this this evening, I couldn't find this file on apps.open-pandora.org

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CapcomSuicide said:
SteveM said:
Does this work?

Logitech have some nice controllers which pretty much mirror the PSX/2/3 layout. They're also regular HID/USB so no need for special drivers.


I'll tell you tonight! I wonder if this is a generic "Replace the pandora controls" or will be identified as a new controller, which will need developer support for each app...

Thanks for this info, I can't wait to see this this evening, I couldn't find this file on apps.open-pandora.org


i thought the ps3 controller was HID? is it not?
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it is definitely supported by Mac OSX 10.6.

Although I am not too sure how that would be relevant to the Pandora.
rabidpoobear said:
i thought the ps3 controller was HID? is it not?

It should be, over usb.

as far as i know you need a patched bluez stack (PS3 does some weird bluetooth things i believe, so you wouldn't connect and play your neighbours game)
this should be trivial for someone who knows make files and more similar voodoo
and then the sixpair utility to tell the PS3 button on the dualschock to search for your pc not for a ps3

last time i tried was on ubuntu 9.04
then it had a menu shortcut to switch between "bleutooth" and "ps3" mode provided by some dude with a deb package

quick google => http://www.pabr.org/sixlinux/sixlinux.en.html#reqs

after playing 2 games with it i gave up, configuring controls ingame is a nightmare
every button has digital and analog mappings, you never know what the game will select
don't even try touching a button without triggering a direction sensor event

it's been hooked to a windows box since then, it has a gui and reasonable presets:D

having said that, if i had my pandora already this would be a great test for my linux voodoo.
it's been on my list of things todo sindce forever
(and yes, that ubuntu adventure was to find out how it would work on my pandora)
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i tried this with my xbox controller (pc version), it does not work.

think the driver has to do the handshake to the device because the green light on the controller just flashes rather than remain steady.

Personally I can see no reason why this should officially be in the firmware. Easily installable yes but not installed by default. Same goes for the wii controller.

I'd love to use the wiimote on Pandora with the TV-out, but the Pandora firmware should only contain the driver for HID compliant controllers and (at a pinch) for USB versions of controllers for systems that the Pandora can actually emulate.

EDIT: I think you should make another option to the poll that asks how many of the people that want the controller installed as default, actually own a PS3. I'm betting they all do ;)