Some Questions...


Still Fresh
Jan 3, 2008
I've got some questions about what we should be able to do with a Pandora.

- Skype/VoIP possibilities:
Is it possible to have a bluetooth connection with a mobile phone connected to a 3G internet and another connection with a bluetooth earphone?
It would allow us to have the pandora in one pocket, the mobile phone on another and call/receive calls only using the earphone, anywhere and at a low cost/free.

- Bluettoth controllers:
Is it possible to use a bluetooth controller (wii, ps3, etc.) with the Angstrom?
It would allow us to plug the pandora on the TV and control it from the sofa (to play videos, games, etc), specially if it's possible to use a wii controller and a wii sensor bar (and why not use it on new games made for the Pandora). I was also thinking if it's possible to use an an external dvd/blue-ray player on the Pandora to watch movies...

- Home computer:
Can the Pandora be used as a home computer, like the Beagle Board?
I know we don't have a VGA/DVI ext like the BB, but an adaptor could solve this problem. Then if you keep your external hard disks, your screen and a usb host, you should be able to throw your PC in the bin, if you want...

Just a final question, this DLP Pico Projector should work on the Pandora out of the box, shouldn't it?

Sorry if these are silly questions or they have already been answered somewere else.
1. Yes, I'm pretty sure Bluetooth can do multiple connections at once.

2. a. Wii, probably. The PS3 is said to be some bizarre non-standard protocol that can't be used with a regular Bluetooth stack.
2. b. External DVD or Blu-Ray player? Maybe. DVD is very likely, but I'm not really sure if Pandora will have the power to decode Blu-Ray AND crunch it down to 800 by 480. The TV out is only 640 x 480 anyway, so it's not really worth it for Blu-Ray.

3. There's not really any sort of S-video to VGA adapter.
Also note that since it can't run any x86 software natively, it would be very lame as a home PC. It would only be good for browsing at low resolutions and maybe acting as a web server, though this would be a much better job for a BeagleBoard. [unless you get a USB-to-VGA adapter which is a whole other can of worms] I would just hook it up to the S-video [or use an adapter and the composite RCA in] on a TV or TV / monitor, which is what I'm using.

4. If the pico projector takes S-video or composite, then yes. Otherwise, probably not.

In fact, these have almost all been answered. I've never heard number 1 before though.
try something like Google: "blu-ray pandora" next time plzkthx.
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lulzfish said:
3. There's not really any sort of S-video to VGA adapter.
Also note that since it can't run any x86 software natively, it would be very lame as a home PC. It would only be good for browsing at low resolutions and maybe acting as a web server, though this would be a much better job for a BeagleBoard. [unless you get a USB-to-VGA adapter which is a whole other can of worms] I would just hook it up to the S-video [or use an adapter and the composite RCA in] on a TV or TV / monitor, which is what I'm using.
There is, actually, it's a bit expensive, and you're still better off getting a Beagle Board if you want anything better than 480i, but it is possible.

Anyway, there's nothing stopping you from using the Pandora or Beagle Board as a home computer, besides the fact that you can get more powerful x86-based PCs (that output higher resolutions, too) cheaper (since higher power usage is generally not an issue for a desktop). Most Linux software is available for ARM.
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One of these projectors:

With a cable like this:|240%3A1318

...and a couple of adaptors to join up to Pandora's TV out cable, is pretty close to out-of-the-box. A bit clunky, but a good cheap solution. Cheap if you don't count the projector, anyway. :P

Even better, you could just buy a second Pandora TV out cable, snip the ends off and fit a 2.5mm AV plug to suit the projector.
I have a BeagleBoard+DLP Pico projector rig at home (in preparation for the day I'll have a Pandora) an you can't use the DLP Pico projector from TI with the Pandora, out of the box, as the projector only has DVI input ..

But it sure is sexy to have a big desktop up on the ceiling to play with - loving my BB+Projector rig so much right now - so I hope there is a S-Video friendly and cheap pocket projector on the horizon. The way things are going, I won't be surprised if I can get one at Aldi or Hofer (Austrian supermarkets that often have surprisingly interesting and cheap hardware for sale in the discount aisles) ..
Your idea seems very good Gruso. I actually think that both the projector and the adaptor are useful.